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=== Run information ===运行信息(如下)Scheme(前提,场景):weka.classifiers(weka分类标准).functions(功能).Lib(library,素材库)SVM(support vector machine矢量算法支持机) -S 0 -K 2 -D 3 -G 0.0 -R 0.0 -N 0.5 -M 40.0 -C 1.0 -E 0.0010 -P 0.1Relation(关联): Glass(玻璃)Instances实验次数: 214Attributes特征属性: 10 RI(Refractive index 折射率 ) Na 钠 Mg镁 Al铝 Si硅 K钾 Ca钙 Ba钡 Fe铁 Type类型Test mode实验模式:10-fold cross-validation(十倍交叉验证)=== Classifier model (full training set) ===分类模型(全部一整套的训练指标)LibSVM wrapper(打包的矢量机素材库), original code by Yasser EL-Manzalawy (= WLSVM)(源码由byYasser EL-Manzalawy 提供)WLSVM(wrapper library support vector machine,打包的支持矢量机的素材库)Time taken to build model:(建立模型消耗时间) 0.02 seconds(秒)=== Stratified cross-validation ===窄条交叉验证=== Summary ===实验总结Correctly Classified Instances 正确分类的次数 148 69.1589 %Incorrectly Classified Instances 错误分类的次数 66 30.8411 %Kappa statistic kappa 静止值 0.3579Mean absolute error 平均绝对错误值 0.0881Root mean squared error 根平均平方差 0.2968Relative absolute error 相关绝对错误值 60.7715 %Root relative squared error 根相对错误值 111.5949 %Total Number of Instances 总计实验次数 214 === Detailed Accuracy By Class ===分类后的详细精准度 TP Rate(TP率) FP Rate(FP率) Precision(精确值) Recal(上次结果)l F-Measure (F-测量到的参数) ROC(不太清楚这个) Area(面积) Class(分类) 0.847 0.5 0.676 0.847 0.752 0.674 build wind float 风浮点建模 0.5 0.153 0.727 0.5 0.593 0.674 build wind non-float 风非浮点建模 0 0 0 0 0 ? vehic wind float 运载工具风浮点建模 0 0 0 0 0 ? vehic wind non-float运载工具风非浮点建模 0 0 0 0 0 ? containers 容器(建模后,的小环境) 0 0 0 0 0 ? tableware(桌上的物件) 0 0 0 0 0 ? headlamps(汽车前灯)Weighted Avg.(平均权重) 0.692 0.344 0.699 0.692 0.68 0.674=== Confusion Matrix ===混合后的基底值 a b c d e f g <-- classified as分类如下 100 18 0 0 0 0 0 | a = build wind float风浮点建模 48 48 0 0 0 0 0 | b = build wind non-float风非浮点建模 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | c = vehic wind float运载工具风浮点建模vehicle=vehic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | d = vehic wind non-float运载工具风非浮点建模 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | e = containers容俱 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | f = tableware桌面物品 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | g = headlamps汽车大灯