all time

  • adj.一时不闲的;专职的
  • 网络有史以来;全天候;全时工作的

all timeall time

all time


[推荐]模块四第二单元 知识点复习 ... 愿意做某事 would like to do sth. 有史以来 all time 一直 all the time ...


全天候ALL TIME)服务:在使用沁尔康系列净水器的任何时间,我们会对您的报修、意见及时响应;全方位(ALL-DIRECTIO…


... Sales have reached an all-time low. 销售量空前的低。 all time a. 全时工作的(空前的,全部时间的) all the time 一直 ...


大哥,你又错了,人家说的是Subaru,那是全时all time)四驱,不是你说的假四驱。假的四驱有时还不如单驱。


帮我翻译一段英文(有关气候) - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... perfect 完美的 all time 所有时间 very 非常 ...


谁有a night... ... (you know it) 这将使我们的夜晚(你知道的) (all time) 以记得(全天候) (love it) 这将是一个夜晚(我喜欢) ...


FA的一些基本操作。给不懂英语的朋友。_兽人吧... ... *a month 一个月内 *all time 任何时间 *art 画 ...

A frond of fin, she says, is "a translucent, tasteless bit of noodle" and shark's fin soup "one of the greatest scams of all time" . 她说,一叶鱼翅“就像是半透明的、无味道的面条一样”,而鱼翅汤是“史上最坑爹的食物之一”。
The Squadron operates a fleet of 12 helicopters, having up to 7 units ready to be operated at all time. 该中队的12架直升机设有队最多可有7个单位随时可以在任何时候运行。
Referred to as the King of Pop, he is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time, as well as one of the most influential. 杰克逊享有“流行音乐之王”的美称,被公认为迄今为止最杰出的娱乐艺人,成为最具影响力的人物之一。
I've been able to become the best swimmer of all time and I said we got here together and I thanked him. 我对他说让我们携手共进,所以我才能成为最棒的游泳选手,我很感谢他。
We have quite a bit of effort at all time looking at whether and how we should finance ourselves. 我们一直在不停努力想办法,是不是应该和如何为自己增加资本。
So how much did O'Rear get for taking what is considered one of the most famous photos of all time? 奥瑞尔费了多少劲儿才拍得被认为最出名的照片的呢?
It was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. 它是有史以来最高大的建筑物之一,因此,人们从各个国家纷纷前来参观。
Minute for minute, all time-wasting eats up the same amount of time, but employers tend not to see it like that. 各种浪费时间的行为都是一分一秒地吞噬时间,似乎没有什么区别,而雇主却不这么看。
Beethoven, one of the composers of all time, would not have produced his music without a strong independent self-esteem. 贝多芬,历史上著名的作曲家之一,如果没有足够强的独立自尊心,也不可能创作出他的乐章。
Mozart is often referred to as one of the greatest musicians of all time. 莫扎特常被称为有史以来最伟大的音乐家之一。
Are we to think, after all, that honey was expecting, I mean from all time, was awaiting, in tobacco, the truth of its relations with ashes! 毕竟,我们难道应该认为,蜂蜜一直在期待,我的意思是,它始终在烟草中等待,它跟烟灰产生关系的真理吗?
Cybercrime is at such an all-time high that the FBI has listed it as one of the top security threats. 网络犯罪处于历史最高水平以致于联邦调查局已经把它列为了最具安全威胁之一。
JOHN: I will say it differently then. You know how Jordan is one of the great basketball players of all time. 约翰:那么我换个说法。你知道乔丹是篮坛的第一把交椅吧!
The big miners are ready to cash in. Capital spending is at an all-time high. 所有的矿业巨头都在准备大手笔资本投资。
has created some of the biggest superheroes of all time, but it seems to me that he has run out of good ideas. 我知道斯丹-李(见译者注)总是创造一些最伟大的英雄,但在我看来他已经才思枯竭。
qualities of A power system is the voltage of the supply to its customers, with a constant voltage at all time being ideal. 电力系统的重要质量指标之一就是供给用户的电压,理想的是,在任何时候电压稳定不变。
dictionary with you at all time. when you see a new word, look it up. 经常使用字典和语法指南。随身携带一本小英文字典,当你看到一个新字时。
JEFF KOONS is one of the greatest sculptors of all time, say contemporary-art-market insiders, undeterred by the volatility of his prices. 当代艺术市场业内人士丝毫没有被杰夫昆斯(JEFFKOONS)作品价格的大幅波动吓倒,反而说他是有史以来最伟大的一位雕塑家。
When I say I leave you for all time, accept it as true, and let a mist of tears for one moment deepen the dark rim of your eyes. 当我说我要永远离开你的时候,就当作真话来接受它,让泪雾暂时加深你眼边的黑影。
If I had to pick one poster as the greatest of all time, it would have to be this gorgeous "Varga Girl" image from an obscure 1934 film. 如果我不得不选择一个海报作为有史以来最优秀的,它必须是这个美丽的“瓦尔加女郎”的形象从一个不为人所知的1934年电影。
For all eyes and for all time, it is an expression of the ethics of the American soldier. 无论现在还是将来,它都是美国军人道德标准的一种体现。
It has brought you to where you are today, standing at the door of opportunity to ascend and leave duality for all time. 它把你带到你今天所在的地方,站在提升和永远地抛下二元性的机会门口。
Keep a small English dictionary with you at all time. When you see a new word, look it up. 随身携带一本小英文词典,当你看到一个新词时就去查阅。
Link is often referred to as one of the most iconic video gaming characters of all time. 林克也成为了有史以来最具标志性的电视游戏人物。
In terms of talent spawned and innovations inspired, it was one of the all-time great commercial hits. 从所培养的人才和所激发的创新来看,它是有史以来最伟大的商业明星企业之一。
The most important scientific discovery of all time would seem to me to be that the Earth is so very tiny and insignificant. 好像最近以来所有的重要的科学发现都在证明我们是渺小和微不足道的。
I'm glad that TAD came out with these pants, as 100% cotton ripstop is one of my all-time favourite fabrics. 我很高兴TAD出了这款裤子,因为全棉防刮布一直是我特别喜欢的面料之一。
When considering a ranking of the greatest fantasy series of all time, the question of Harry Potter is a thorny one. 当考虑评选史上最伟大的奇幻作品时,《哈利波特》这个问题就有点棘手。
Though the border with the United States has seen the worst of the fighting, trade between the two countries is at an all-time high. 虽然墨西哥与美国的边界是暴力事件的频发地,两国间的贸易关系却一直很好。
We leapt in like gazelles in front of him, though our morale was at an all-time low. 尽管当时被他这句话弄得我们士气极低,我俩还是像瞪羚般跳上了船。