
美 [kɔz]英 [kɔːz]
  • n.原因;病因;因素;事业
  • v.导致;使;引起;产生

复数:causes 过去分词:caused 现在分词:causing

cause damage,cause trouble,determine cause,cause pain,cause cancer
Common cause,main cause,good cause,major cause,primary cause
probably cause,possibly cause


Because Debbie is a beginner, she tends to read and hear lots of information about running from multiple sources, which causes confusion. 由于Debbie是一个新手,她迫切急于从很多渠道了解跑步的大量信息,这会让她感到疑惑。
Most swimmers with "swimmers' shoulder" exhibit at least one of these causes. 大多数患有“游泳肩”的运动员至少呈现这些因素其中的一种。
It is not your fault. It is the brainwashing you have been subjected to from birth that causes you to talk like this! Take rest. 这并不是你的错。这是从你们从出生开始以来就适应的洗脑,才导致你们像现在这样!休息一下吧!
It seems likely that the causes of CFS will continue to be a subject of controversy for a while yet. 似乎导致CFS的原因在短时间内将继续是争论的主题。
He gets out of the boat, but he doesn't have enough faith, he has a little faith, and his doubt causes him to start sinking. 他下了船,可是他没有足够的信,他有小信,他的疑惑使他开始下沉。
This causes the ball to accelerate slightly at the beginning of the animation, then decelerate after its first bounce. 这个促使小球在动画开始逐渐加速的,使那时减速之后小球的第一次弹跳。
Ignorance, forgetfulness, or contempt of the rights of man are the only causes of public misfortunes and of the corruption of government. 对人权的忽视,遗忘或者蔑视,是公众不幸和政府腐败的唯一原因。
He began to return to health when he was able to see into the causes of his trouble. 在他能够认清自己疾病根源后他开始恢复健康了。
Malaria causes more deaths each year in Niger among children under five years of age than any other single infection. 疟疾每年在尼日尔5岁以下儿童中比任何其它单一感染造成更多死亡。
One of the most common causes of death for a startup is running out of money. 缺钱是创业失败最常见的原因之一。
Result, crudely the cell piles up to go up in corneous layer gradually, make the cell causes the vicious circle of skin male dry once more. 结果,未成熟的细胞逐渐堆积在角质层上,使细胞再度引起肌肤乾燥的恶性循环。
The woman is left with a hole between her vagina and her bladder or rectum. This causes her to continuously leak urine or feces. 这样,该女子在阴道和膀胱或直肠间留下了一个洞,从而导致大小便失禁。
The team said the interaction between the gold nanoparticles and melamine causes a dramatic colour change in tainted milk. 研究组说当黄金纳米颗粒与污染牛奶中三聚氰胺相遇就会发生颜色变化。
If allowed to come into contact with the skin, croton oil causes blistering and painful skin irritation which can last up to three weeks. 如果这种油滴到皮肤,立马就会起泡并伴有疼痛感,这种感觉会持续三周。
This causes only those records where the customer is in one of these two cities to be included in the query. 这样可使查询中只包括这两个城市中某一个城市的客户的记录。
The large village settlement model was one of the important causes of open-field system in champion country of Medieval England. 大村庄的定居方式是中世纪英国平原开阔地带盛行敞田经营制度的重要原因。
High-speed rotating objects easy to create the illusion, the existence of hidden causes of accidents. 高速旋转的物体容易造成错觉,对事故隐患的存在。
It could be found that the setting of art education course in high normal colleges was one of the causes. 究其原因,可以发现高等师范院校美术教育专业的课程设置是造成这一问题的原因之一。
The condition, which can be caused by high blood pressure, a virus or other factors, severely weakens the heart and causes it to swell. 由于高血压病毒感染及其他因素引起的状态严重的损害了心脏并导致其增生。
All of these observations once more illustrate that intersexuality is indeed a matter of degree with a great variety of causes. 所有这些观察资料再一次阐明,中间性确确实实是一个伴随着各种各样病因的发病程度不同的问题。
Our proposal was to run a not-for-profit game, with much of the money going to good causes, but we were just beaten by the eventual winner. 我们的方案是运作一个不以营利为目的的游戏,将钱用在公益事业上,但是,最终我们没有获胜。
If a company were to give a sum of money to one of these causes, it would be difficult to choose between them. 如果有公司要提供一大笔钱给其中之一,这将很难做抉择。
The geographical and cultural separation of the company from its marketplaces causes great difficulty in communicating effectively. 地域限制和文化差距,给公司和市场的交流造成困难。
The causes of the problems in the current juvenile sex education is the lack of good value guidance to the sex concept of the youth. 当前青少年性教育存在的诸多问题归根结底在于没有对青少年的性观念做好价值引导。
The wobble causes Earth to make its closest pass by the sun in different months over the long term. 在相当长的一段时间里,摇摆使地球最近距离通过太阳的时间发生在不同的月份里。
Teaches the wind in this rigorously, in the academic atmosphere quite thick school, four years study life causes my income to be vulgar. 在这所教风严谨,学术氛围颇浓的学校中,四年的学习生活使我收益匪浅。
The CTP technology to a certain extent to be able to assist you in finding the causes of the failure, and provide solutions. 而CTp技术在相当大程度上能够帮助找到故障的原因,并提供解决方案。
A discussion concerning "will you[would] get married with a boyfriend that has no building to have no car" causes a hot argument. 一个关于“你会和一个没房没车的男朋友结婚吗”的讨论引发热议。
Yet he's ready to move on, knowing that "the causes I care about have campaign-tested technology to work with. " 然而他已经准备好了前行,他明白,“他所在意的那些已经经过了竞选活动的测试。”
Pinker convincingly demonstrates that there has been a dramatic decline in violence, and he is persuasive about the causes of that decline. Pinker令人信服地向我们展示了暴力行为大幅下降的趋势,其列出的原因也是有说服力的。