
美 [kənˈtroʊld]英 [kənˈtrəʊld]
  • adj.十分小心完成的;精心安排的;(受法律或规则)限制的;控制的
  • v.“control”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络受控制的;可控的;受操纵的

controlled unit


1.十分小心完成的;精心安排的done or arranged in a very careful way

2.(受法律或规则)限制的,控制的,管制的limited, or managed by law or by rules

3.(受某团体或用某种方式)管理的,控制的,操纵的managed by a particular group, or in a particular way

4.保持冷静的;克制的remaining calm and not getting angry or upset


所表示的动作作出控制( - controlled) 。这就使中动句所表述的语义内容归入Dik 所划分的Process (“过程”) 类。


auto presetter controlled翻译_百度知道 ... Presetter 预校正器 预调节器 controlled 受控制的,受约束的 Auto n. 自动 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Contribution 分配 Controlled 可控的 Controller 控制器 ...


电脑专业英语词汇(2) - 豆丁网 ... integrate v. 综合, 集成 740. controlled a. 受控制的, 受操纵的 741. period n. 周期 742. ...


会计词汇D ... control of interest rate 利率控制 Controlled 管制的,被控制的 controlled company 被控制公司 ...


有许多对照(controlled)研究干扰素用于慢性B型肝炎病人的报道。在这些研究中,使用不同的方案,用干扰素组和安慰剂组:病 …

The wheel's motion can be so finely controlled that the body of the car remains level regardless of what's happening at the wheel. 同时,由于车身更加平稳,驾驶员就能更好地控制车轮运动。
But China Telecom was understandably wary of any company controlled by one of its main competitors. 但可以理解的是,中国电信对任何一个被其主要竞争对手控制的企业都心存戒备。
But I didn't want you to miss out on this one, because this, well, it's called "portion-controlled meat cuts. " 但是,我想让大家看看这张图,因为……这叫做“控量切割肉”。
To allow higher flexibility, the device can be configured where the brightness can be controlled by an analog signal as well. 允许更大的灵活性,可配置的亮度可以通过模拟信号以及控制设备。
He explained that investors would not trust the bank if it were controlled by politicians. 他解释说,如果由政客管理银行,将失去投资者的信任。
The operation, he said, had been a "controlled delivery" , meaning agents had posed as traffickers to entrap the real criminals. 他说那次行动是“控制下的运毒”,即特工人员假扮成毒贩以诱捕真正的犯罪分子。
The foreign secretary was clear this was the work of a student militia controlled by elements of what he called the Iranian regime. 外长明确指出,这是一个学生民兵组织干的坏事,他们被所谓伊朗政权里的一群人控制。
The scientists sequestered 10 people in a hospital setting and controlled every bit of food they ate for 10 days to see what would happen. 科学家们将10名实验参与者在医院隔离10天,期间严格控制他们的每一顿饮食,然后对他们进行观察。
If it had taken a single direct holding, it would have controlled SAUR and Cofipex, and thus never have lost control of the 10% stake. 假使只有单次直接持股,它就会控股SAUR和Cofipex,也就不会丧失对那10%的股份控制权。
The actual appearance of this data, however, is dependent upon the value of the engine field, controlled by the select list at the top. 然而,数据的真实外观是由顶部的选择列表控制的engine字段值决定的。
Despite their different owners, the state-controlled and the private banks seem to be behaving in a remarkably similar way. 尽管他们的所有人不同,但国营和民营银行在行为表现上却似乎非常相似。
How much of the camera's behavior is controlled by the script? 镜头的运用有多少是由剧本控制的?
The bank would be owned by the public, but would raise money on capital markets and be controlled by a commercially-orientated board. 该银行将是一家公有机构,但将在资本市场融资,并由一个商业头脑的董事会控管。
ICBC was the only state-controlled Chinese bank to make an offer, which made the sellers a bit nervous. ICBC是为一家出价的中国国有银行,这让卖家有些紧张。
A bhiksu may be living in a quiet place, but all his sense-organs are not proper [controlled], his mind is dark and slow at working. 一个比丘应住在寂静之地,但是他的感觉并不对(控制的),他的心灵是黑暗的并且工作的很慢。
Even when it seems beyond the reach of any one government, electronic information can be controlled, in ways both subtle and obvious. 表面上看来电子资讯好像任何政府都管不了,其实还是可以控制,控制的手法有些隐蔽,有些则很明显。
Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. 你不可像那无知的骡马,必用嚼环辔头勒住他,不然,就不能驯服。
While it remains to be seen whether or not environmental deterioration can be controlled , the current prospects are far from encouraging . 情形恶化是否能获得节制这个问题仍然没有谜底,但今朝的前景一点儿也不乐不美观。
Could the Democrat-controlled Congress force him to it, by denying him the money to wage the war? 民主党控制的国会会通过拒绝拨款用于作战而逼他撤军吗?
I was so high I did not recognize the fire burning in her eyes; the chaos that controlled my mind. 我是如此兴奋以至于我没意识到她的眼睛里的火在燃烧,我的脑海里一片混乱。
Even as the Rail Ministry announced the policy changes, it was the subject of a rare protest in tightly controlled central Beijing. 尽管铁道部已宣布减速,但在严格管制的中央北京,该计划仍引发了人们些许抗议。
There he discovered it was more lucrative to invest the money he controlled directly than to take fees on transactions for others. 保尔森在贝尔斯登时发现,把自己所管理的资金拿来直接投资,要比收取其他人的交易费用更加赚钱。
It was a mistake, too, that I looked at her with rapture; I ought to have controlled myself, as it was my rapture frightened her. 我欢喜莫名地望着她,也是一大错误,应该克制,要不然,我的高兴会把她吓坏的。
The counter is completely controlled from an external PC with an easy-to-use, yet sophisticated software program. 该计数器完全受控于一个软件程序复杂但易于操作的外部PC。
The design of tall building is often controlled by its deformation . 高层建筑结构的设计往往由其变形所控制。
the state machinery is not always controlled in the hands of the people. Just a plaything in the hands of national politicians. 国家机器永远都不是操控在人民的手中。国家只是政客手中的玩物。
Though the parents are very willing to help their children. But the pocket money is usually controlled strictly. 虽然父母是很乐意的,但通常零花钱的数额时受到限制的。
The layout settings can be controlled for each field individually but it is very easy to set them for all fields at once. 在布局设置里可以控制每一个字段,而且很容易调整各个字段的位置。
The door at the end of the hallway opens onto a window; the amount of light in the hallway is controlled by opening and closing the door. 走廊尽头的门开向一扇窗,走廊上灯光是通过门的开启和关闭控制的。
If it's a meeting where different ideas are contributed and a decision is to be reached, its size should be controlled to save time. 如果是因为不同想法开会来做决定,可以控制规模以节省时间。