
美 [ɡræf]英 [ɡrɑːf]
  • n.图;图表;曲线图
  • v.把…绘入图表;用胶版印刷
  • 网络图形;图像;图解


draw graph



1.图;图表;曲线图a planned drawing, consisting of a line or lines, showing how two or more sets of numbers are related to each other

The graph below the images tracks the surface elevation of Devils Lake from the late nineteenth through the early twenty-first centuries. 图像下面的图表记录了魔鬼湖在19世纪末到21世纪初的水面高度的变化轨迹。
Another problem any binding tool needs to solve is how much of an object graph to persist. 任何绑定工具都需要解决的另一个问题是一个对象图(objectgraph)能够实现多大程度的持久化。
Change summaries are contained by data graphs and are used to represent the changes that have been made to a data graph returned by the DMS. 变更摘要包含在数据图中,表示对DMS返回的数据图的修改。
With Kuratowski's theorem, there is at least a criterion to use in discussing the nonplanarity of a graph. 有了库拉图夫斯基定理,在讨论一个图的非平面性时,至少就有了一个判别准则可供使用。
Be in this accession, it is graph king encourages to me, let me go out to come loose beguilement, before that, I never had given Sichuan. 就在这个时侯,又是图王给我打气,让我出去散散心,在那之前,我从来没有出过四川。
Regions of stability in a graph (remember that system configurations can be expressed as nodes in a graph of a state machine) are explained. 图中的稳定域(记住系统配置可以表示成状态机图中的节点)在此处也进行了介绍。
In a graph, a vertex in a tree can be connected to any number of other vertices, provided that no cycles are created. 在图中,树的顶点可以连接任意数量的顶点,只要不存在环即可。
Because of those issues back then, the building of a robust social graph was more of a secondary concern at the time. 主要原因在当时,搭建一个牢固而全面的社交环境是个次要问题。
Every quantum state corresponds to one of these graphs, and every graph that obeys the rules corresponds to a quantum state. 每个量子态都对应到其中一个图,而每个合乎规则的图也对应到一个量子态。
One of the tools provided to help you analyze the results of your load tests is the graph pane in the Load Test Monitor and Analyzer. 提供了各种工具来帮助您分析负载测试的结果,负载测试监视器和分析器中的关系图窗格就是其中之一。
When using a laser pointer don't try to point with it. Instead, circle the part of the graph or drawing you want the audience to focus on. 当你使用激光教鞭时,不要用它指向某一点,而是应该在你希望观众注意到的图表或者图画周围画圈儿。
The image is still represented as a pixel matrix in memory; the graph is just a convenient framework for thinking about the algorithms. 的形象仍是代表一个像素矩阵在内存中的图仅仅是一个方便的框架思考算法。
By cross-connecting all that content with your social graph, Delver aims to deliver search results that are truly relevant to you. Delver用你的社交网络把所有的相关内容交错连接在一起,皆在为你呈现与你真正相关的搜索结果。
Maybe select a little bit of that. And bring out this graph. 要不我们挑一点东西出来,把这个图取出来。
The system is designed by means of Dijkstra algorithm and graph function so as to understand it more easily for the consumer. 系统设计采用了迪杰斯特拉算法和图形函数,以便用户更容易理解。
Solution Lite is an easy-to-use program for applying basic mathematics. It can be used for graph plotting and as scientific calculator. SolutionLite是一个简单易用地用来进行基本数学计算的程序软件,它可以用来制作曲线图或者作为科学计算器使用。
However, in another book, I found a graph showing yeast cell population growth and specific gravity plotted against time. 然而,在另一本书,我发现一个图表显示人口增长与酵母细胞比重密谋对付时间。
A closed path in a graph that does not pass through any vertex more than once and passes through at least three vertices. 图中经过三个以上顶点且经过每个顶点仅一次的一条封闭路径。
Now consistent impressive performance in the economic filed in the last decade has seen India's graph going up in the international arena. 在过去的几十年里,印度在经济领域的发展令世界瞩目。
Eg. A circuit can be considered to have a topological (or graph) view, consisting of a labeled set of nodes and a labeled set of edges. 我们可以用一种拓扑图来描述电路,它由一组带标记的节点和一组带标记的边组成。
One of the responsibilities of the SDO DataGraph is to keep track of any changes within the object graph. SDODataGraph的职责之一是跟踪对象图形中的任何更改。
Computing the crossing number of a given graph is NP-complete the crossing number of only a few families of graphs are known. 计算图的交叉数问题被证明是NP-完全问题,能确定具体交叉数的图类也比较少。
THERE was a time when economics was widely seen as a graph-strewn study of exchange rates, gross domestic product and the like. 曾经一段时间以来经济学被广泛地认为是一门充斥着各种图表去研究汇率,国内生产总值等现象的科学。
For a set of connected graphs, a spanning subgraph of a graph is called an -factor if every component of is isomorphic to a member of . 给定连通图集合,对图的生成子图,如果的每个分支都同构于集合的一个元素,则被称为的-因子。
Sometimes if it's the volume between the x, y plane and the graph of some function, you can just set it up directly as a double integral. 有时要计算的体积处于x,y平面,和某函数图象之间,则可以直接当作二重积分计算。
A typical kind of property that you might want to express, say, in a class invariant for a graph class, is that the graph has no cycles. 比如在一个图类中,你可能想要表述的典型属性是该图没有回路。这就是一个一阶谓词演算不可表述的属性。
The point at which branching of the graph occurs is called a bifurcation point and corresponds to a critical value of the load. 图上发生分叉处的点叫分支点,它相当于荷载的临界值。
Additionally common graph based algorithms like path-searches are easy to implement by traversing through the graph. 另外,基于如路径-查询(Path-Search)算法的普通图,也易于通过遍历图来实现。
And I'm going to tell you that story here in a moment. But before I do, I just want you to ponder this graph for a moment. 我稍后会在这告诉大家这个故事,不过在此之前,我只想请大家仔细想想这个图表。
It is also failing to tell you that it expects each node in the encoded graph you send it to be instrumented with a type specification. 它还未能告诉您它期望用一个类型规范对您发送给它的已编码的图中的每个节点进行检测。