how about

  • 网络怎么样;如何;怎麽样

how abouthow about

how about


初中英语短语大全 ... 76.a map of China 一张中国地图 about 怎么样 78.walk through 走过 ...


介词短语 - 豆丁网 ... keep house 管理家务,作家务 how about ... 如何,...怎样 hundreds of 数以百计,许多 ...


七年级下册英语词汇 ... 把…给人看 show sb.sth =show sth to sb …怎麽样How about….? 笔友 pen pal ...


介词短语 - 豆丁网 ... keep house 管理家务,作家务 how about ... 如何,...怎样 hundreds of 数以百计,许多 ...


人教版初一... ... 3 aren’t=are not 不是(复数形式) 10 what about=how about 关于…怎么样 2 don’t=don not 不是(动词主语 …


英语四级听力短对话常见词句 ... I'd like to but 我很愿意但是…… how about…… 做……如何 I heard about…… 我听说…… ...


四川省基础教育资... ... at all 完全,根本(用于否 How about…? 表示访问,…怎么样? What about…? 表示询问,…怎么样?…


mould show ... What about (做……)如何,怎么样? How about (做……)如何,怎么样? Shall we do ... 我们…,好吗?( …

How about coming out with us Wednesday night? We're all going to take Bill Glover out to dinner. 星期三晚上跟我们一起出去玩,怎么样?我们大家一起请比尔格洛弗出去吃晚饭。
Instead of trying to be superman or superwoman, how about easing yourself back into work or life gently? 不要试图去做超男或者超女,放松你自己慢点进入工作或者生活中,怎么样呢?
Henry David Thoreau wrote, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet, desperation. " I never want to be a part of that group. How about you? 亨利,大卫,梭罗说过“大多数的人生活很平静,甚至是绝望。”我永远不想成为他们中的一员,你呢?
How about you? Has getting away for a few days ever helped you get new perspective on your life? 你呢?离家几天有没有让你对生活有一个新的认识?
The cow said: 'That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty? ' 奶牛说,你让我活的这六十年可真不易。就二十年吧,我还给你那四十年怎么样?
Q How about will my Korean friends allow me to ask a question on your behalf? 如果韩国朋友是否同意让我代表他们来提问呢?
I'm barely back on the couch before I hear "How about this one? " and get up to do it all over again. 在我快回到躺椅上时,又听到“这幢别墅怎样”我又站起来又去看了一遍。
Let me see. How about this brown one? I think they go well with your yellow blouse. 让我看看。这条棕色的怎样?我想它与你的黄色衬衫很相配。
How about this one? Alittle bird told me it's your birthday on Saturday. Let me take you up in myplane. 这个怎么样?有只小鸟告诉我,周六是你的生日。到我飞机上庆祝吧。
Sorry, I'm late again. I'll make it up to you. Dinner is on me. How about that? 抱歉我又迟到了。我会补偿你的。晚饭我请,怎麽样?
What do you say, let me make it up to both of us, and I'll buy you lunch? Or tea. How about tea, if it's teatime? 那你怎么说,就让我来补救一下呗,我来买单我们的午饭?或者下午茶也行啊。下午茶好不?如何这时候喝茶合适的话。
Monica: OK, I tell you what, how about if I cook dinner at my place? I'll make it just like Mom. 好吧,我跟你说,在我那做顿大餐怎么样?我会做得跟妈妈的味道一样。
Well, when I get out of here, how about I take you and my new liver out for a night on the town? What do you think? 当我从这里出去,我带着你和我的新肝脏在外面共度一夜怎么样?你觉得怎么样?
Even if it wouldn't fly to give users the ability to remove the apps altogether, how about at least letting us hide them from the launcher? 即使它不会突然给予用户将这些程序完全删除的权限,至少也可以让我们不让它们启动吧?
When being asked for afterlife by his students, he said: "life even unknown, how about afterlife" . 当他的弟子问及来世时,孔子说:“未知生,焉知死,”对鬼神的态度也是“敬鬼神而远之”。
I'm afraid there's a bit of a problem. He's booked up on Thursday. How about Friday morning? 恐怕有点问题。他周四整天排满。周五上午怎么样?
How about going out for a drink or two? We have had such a tiring day. 出去喝一两杯,如何?我们已经辛苦一整天了。
S: I think I could recommend something for you. How about this one? It's neither too strong nor too ordinary. 我见意我可以向您推荐货物。这种怎么样?它不是特别刺激也不是太平常。
How about this. . . . We can make it a working lunch this afternoon, and I'll order some Chinese food for delivery. It'll be my treat. 你看这样可以吗……我们今天下午安排一个工作餐,我去订一些中餐外卖。我请客。
REPORTER: How about will my Korean friends allow me to ask a question on your behalf? 记者:我的韩国朋友允许我来代表你们提问如何呢?
Next week, I'm going to be looking at how, about ten thousand years ago, we began to transform the natural world by starting to farm. 下一周,我将继续去探索近万年前,我们是如何去将自然世界改造成农场。
How about this, beautiful flowers for beautiful ladies, and take a photo for you for free! 怎么样,买一朵啦…不如这样了,靓女买靓花,免费帮你拍张照!
Now how about we go find that lifeguard? But we have to stop at Nate's first. He has something of mine that I need. 现在我们怎么办要去找那个救生员吗?但是我们得先去Nate那里他有一些我需要的东西
How about a gift that will add to her collection, or a piece of equipment to help with her hobby? 一个符合她收集兴趣的礼物或是能帮她进行她爱好的设备怎么样?
'At the age of six I said to my mother I wanted to learn another language and she said 'alright how about Chinese? '. 在我6岁的时候,我和我的妈妈说我想学一门新语言,她说,要不,中文怎样?
How about stakes through the heart? Reflections? Photographs? Holy water? Garlic? All that traditional vampire lore. 用木桩刺穿心脏怎么样?倒映?摄相?圣水?大蒜?所有那些关于吸血鬼的民间传说怎么说?
Alice: Be sure not to put the pieces of that apple in the salad . How about those bananas ? They look nice and ripe . 注意不要把那个苹果的切片放到色拉里。那些香蕉怎么样?看起来挺不错,好像已经熟了。
If you're giving a present to someone you were at school with as a child, how about a CD of a band that was popular at the time? 如果你要送礼物给一个你儿时在学校的伙伴,那么送一张当时流行乐队的CD如何呢?
The next day when we passed that corner, I said, "Dad, how about an ice cream cone today? My treat! " 第二天,我们再次经过拐角时,我说,“爸爸,来份冰淇淋怎么样?今天我请客”
How about this movis question? What would you do if somone asked you to be in a movie? 你再看看下这个问题怎么样?当有人邀请你演电影有时候你会怎么办?