i still do

  • 网络我仍然愿意;我还要;我现在也是啊

i still doi still do

i still do


卡百利:梦(CD) - 欧美流行 - 音乐 - 京东JD.COM ... 07 Linger( 逗留) 08 I Still Do我仍然愿意) 09 Wanted( 渴望) ...


上帝是个娘们儿_以变态为名的淑女_百度空间 ... never grow old( 老不死) I Still Do我还要) Sunday( 日一天) ...


lie to me... ... -Dr. Lightman:I still do. 我现在也是啊。 -Foster:She does this to you every time. 她每次见你都这样。 ...


英文会话翻译,大学英文 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 4.还是会耶 I still do. 6.我害怕出糗 I am afraid of embarrassment. ...


X360《生化尖兵》剧情中英文对照... ... And you're nothing but a hypocrite! 你呢?你不过是个伪君子! I still do! 我仍然是这样

This question I asked him a lot of my time, but I still do not know, I just go by their own sense of understanding. 这样的问题我问过我的他很多次,可我仍然不知道,我只是按自己的感觉去理解。
I recall that school, I still do not know yet equipped to understand these children. 记得刚上学时,我还是个不懂却又装懂的小孩儿。
Lying in bed, unable to sleep, but I still do not want to get out of bed. 躺在床上,睡不着,可我依然不想起床。
I still do not know who I am. But I still. . . All I want is to see her. . . 我还是不知道我是谁,但还是…想见到她。
Now I still do not know my dad died or not dead, uncertain of one's life, tidings none. 现在我还不知道我爸死了还是没死,生死未卜,音信全无。
Eventually, I found it meaningless to do such silly things. Now, I am right, but it is so weird, and I still do not know why. 最后我才发现做这么一件没有任何意义的事情真实愚蠢极了。我知道我是对的,尽管看起来怪怪的,无可名状的原因。
B: Yes, I did. And I still do. You don't know how much I enjoy my college life. 你说的对,我如今还是想完成学业,你不知道我有多喜欢现在的学校生活。
But I still do not dare with mine both eyes to come to see you, touches you with mine hand, does not dare with mine mind to love you. 而我依然不敢用我的双眼来看你,用我的手触摸你,更不敢用我的心灵来爱你。
I have been enlightened on such a common wisdom that client is client while friend is friend, though I still do not go out to work. 我很早就明白了一个道理,虽然我还没出去工作,那就是客户归客户,朋友归朋友。
Clever clever we always avoid this problem, I still do not know, is a matter for regret, or a self-congratulation. 聪明的我们总是巧妙的回避这样的问题,我始终不知道这样做,是一件遗憾的事,还是一件庆幸的事。
Pick up the phone, which has hundreds of phone numbers, but I still do not know who calls to. 拿起手机,里面有着几百人的电话号码,可我始终不知道打给谁。
I still do not want to understand why those of domestic brands on the floor when he could not care exaggerated ? 我至今还是想不明白,为什么那些国内地板品牌,当他夸大其词时可以毫不在意?
But even though, I still do not get bored with it. When I was reading, I often dream of the feeling from living in such an isolated island. 即便如此,我还是不会感觉腻,因为在看这本小说的同时,我常常会幻想着:“如果我是他,生活在那一个孤岛,我的感觉会是什么?”
Smiled and said good-bye, watching their backs in the corridor stretching and eventually disappears, I still do not blink. 微笑着说再见,看着她们的背影在走廊拉长直至最后不见,我始终不眨眼。
I always had the desire to be an actor. And I still do. 过去我一直希望做演员,到了如今还是一样。
But I really can guarantee, after passing through the vicissitudes, I still do not regret the now choice? 但我真的能保证,经过沧桑后,我依然不后悔当今放弃梦想的抉择吗?
I still do not know but I am sure it will come at the correct time. 我并不清楚,但我确信它终将在正确的时间到来。
I still do not know if you can see what I mean, do you really do not understand me? 我还是不清楚你是否能明白我的意思,难道你真的不懂我吗?
I still do not know What is the name of the girl, from where she is so inconspicuous ah! 我至今都不知道那个女孩叫什么名称,来自哪里,她是那么不起眼啊!
Thank you 98168! Sorry, till now I still do not know to address you as Bro or Sis? 谢谢98168!不好意思,到现在我还不知道应该称呼你大哥呢还是大姐?
Back in 2001 I thought of myself as a pragmatist, and I still do. 回到2001年,我当时认为自己是个实干的人,现在我也这么看。
I still do lots of sketches, but the lettering tends to get really developed and fine tuned on the computer. 我还是做了很多的草图,但文字往往得到真正发展和优良的计算机上调整。
I still do not see any reason why a country can devote its resources on weapon of mass destruction while its people are starving to death. 我想就回应我之前意见的两篇未署名电邮发表看法。我仍然看不出为什麽一个国家当人民正在饿死时却花费资源发展大规模删杀伤性武器。
I started keeping mine such a long time ago that I still do it on paper, using scissors and double-stick tape to paste up charts. 我在很早以前,把交易日记写在纸上,用剪刀剪下来并和图表贴在一起。
I've told you that I truly respect you and I still do. 我告诉过你,我真的尊敬你,并且继续这样做。
John looks like a good make. I still do not trust him even though. 约翰看起来诗歌好人。即便如此,我还是不信任他。
Now I still do not know what a blooming Narcissus looks like. 现在,我仍然不知道水仙花开花的样子。
Finally, I still do not believe very much quality comes out of China. The article mentioned tainted milk and shoddy school buildings. 最后,我仍然不太相信中国质量,该文提到了毒牛奶,学校建筑豆腐渣工程,还有砌墙偷工减料。
For Mr. Greenspan ( "I still do not understand exactly how it happened" ), this is a moment of intellectual anxiety. 对于格林斯潘来说(“我到现在也不明白这是怎样发生的”),这是一个在思想上感到焦虑的时刻。
Today, I still do business internationally. And AS my rich dad encouraged me to do, I keep seeking the emerging nations. 直到今天,我仍然在做国际贸易,就像富爸爸鼓励我去做那样,我一直在寻找新兴国家的商机。