
美 [lɔŋ]英 [lɒŋ]
  • adj.(长度或距离)长的;(询问或谈论长度或距离)长;长时间的;长久的
  • n.(服装的)长尺寸;长裤;【语】长母音;长音节
  • adv.长期地;长久地;(在某一时间或事件之前或以后)很久地
  • v.(尤指对看似不会很快发生的事)渴望
  • 网络更长的;更长久;较长的

比较级:longer 最高级:longest 第三人称单数:longs 现在分词:longing 过去式:longed

long way,long period,long journey,long hair,long walk
long gone



1.(长度或距离)长的measuring or covering a great length or distance, or a greater length or distance than usual

2.(询问或谈论长度或距离)长used for asking or talking about particular lengths or distances


3.长时间的;长久的;长期的lasting or taking a great amount of time or more time than usual

4.(询问或谈论某段时间)used for asking or talking about particular periods of time

5.(因忙或不愉快等)似乎比实际时间长的seeming to last or take more time than it really does because, for example, you are very busy or not happy


6.长的(完全或大部分覆盖腿或臂的)covering all or most of your legs or arms


as long as your arm

很长very long

at long last

最后;终于after a long time

at the longest

最长,至多(不超过某特定时间)not longer than the particular time given

by a long way

大量地;大大地by a great amount

go back a long way

相识很久to have known each other for a long time

go a long way

经用;够维持很长时间to last a long time

have come a long way

取得大的进步;大有长进to have made a lot of progress

have a long way to go

还有很长的路要走;还有很大差距to need to make a lot of progress before you can achieve sth

how long is a piece of string?

一条线有多长(意指没有确切的答案)used to say that there is no definite answer to a question

in the long run

从长远来看concerning a longer period in the future

its a long story

一言难尽;说来话长used to say that the reasons for sth are complicated and you would prefer not to give all the details

the long arm of sth

(某事物的)权力,权威the power and/or authority of sth

the long and (the) short of it

总而言之;总的情况used when you are telling sb the essential facts about sth or what effect it will have, without explaining all the details

(pull, wear, etc.) a long face

闷闷不乐;哭丧着脸;愁眉苦脸(to have) an unhappy or disappointed expression

long in the tooth

年齿渐长;老朽old or too old

long on sth

擅长;颇具(某种特性)having a lot of a particular quality

a long shot

成功希望不大的尝试;把握不大的猜测;姑妄一猜an attempt or a guess that is not likely to be successful but is worth trying

long time no see

好久不见了used to say hello to sb you have not seen for a long time

not by a long chalk

差得远;绝不;一点也不not nearly; not at all

take a long (cool/hard) look at sth

极其慎重地考虑(问题或可能性)to consider a problem or possibility very carefully and without hurrying

take the long view (of sth)

从长远考虑to consider what is likely to happen or be important over a long period of time rather than only considering the present situation

to cut a long story short

长话短说;扼要地说;简而言之used when you are saying that you will get to the point of what you are saying quickly, without including all the details


从A到Y开头的英语单词大全_百度文库 ... long 长的 longer 更长的 lunch 中餐;午餐 ...


沪江博客 - 我自笑然的博客 - 音乐赏析 ... Ocean Deep 深海 longer (更长久) Amazing grace-- 奇异恩典 ...


牛津7a单词表 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... fewer adj. 更少的 longer adj. 较长的 认知词汇 pedestrian n. 行人 ...

When he arrived there it was no longer clear, but yellow and green. He stood there and said. 他来到海边时,海水绿得泛黄,也不像以往那样平静。他走了过去,站在海岸上说。
The idea was tempting; Kostya had no attachment to Toronto or to the Russian Riviera, but, at thirty-four, he was no longer a boy. 这个想法是很诱人的;克斯特亚对多伦多或俄罗斯海滨酒家都没什么可留恋的,但他现在已经34岁了,不再是一个小伙子了。
I realized that who I was, what I cared about, was no longer just a matter of intellect or obligation, no longer a construct of words. 我意识到自己是谁,我在关心什么,它们不再关乎才智和义务,不再是辞藻的堆砌。
Through his half-closed eyes, Jack had been watching Hensley. But playing dead in a burning aircraft was no longer an option. 透过半闭的眼睛,杰克一直观察着汉斯莱,但是在一架燃烧着的飞机里装死终究不是长久之计,他必须采取行动。
With the old Confederacy now the heart of the Republican base, boasting about the party's Civil War-era legacy is no longer advisable. 鉴于过去的邦联现在已经成为共和党的基础核心,吹嘘共和党内战时期的遗产不再成为可取的方针。
Bobbsey looked about for some railroad man of whom he could inquire how much longer delay there would be. 鲍勃西先生打量着四周,看看有没有乘务员,以便问问还要耽搁多长时间。
There was no longer any possibility of suggesting limitations or of countenancing rebellion. 已不允许再有任何对君权的限制或反抗。
Now, I was coming to her as an adult, and she knew it was no longer a phase. 但是现在,面对她的我已经是一个成年人,而她也知道这不再只是个阶段。
With the growing sophistication of IT technology, network this word is no longer strange to us. 随着IT技术的日益成熟,网络这个词对我们来说已经不再陌生。
To say that the depression, the most mainland star has no longer let "idol" this word is bright, shining. 不得不说,内地明星大多数的萧条,已经不再让‘偶像’这个词鲜明,闪耀。
However, by the time the shelter had been finished, the civil war was over and the Empire was no longer a threat. 尽管如此,当这一庇护所竣工时,银河内战业已结束,帝国不再构成威胁。
When my heart stopped pounding and my face was no longer scarlet, the encounter between the kitchen and the hall seemed a long way away. 当我的心脏停止了狂跳、我的脸不再绯红时,在厨房和走廊里遇到的那个人似乎显得遥远了。
After years of 'long-short' investing, Mr. von Mueffling and his analysts and traders no longer short, or bet against, stocks at all. 经过数年的多空投资,穆弗林及其分析师和交易员完全不再做空股票。
He said he would no longer feel safe traveling to the United States after his hair and facial wrinkles appeared on the bin Laden image. 他说,以后他去美国都得担心自己的人身安全,这张合成照片上“拷贝”了他的头发和面部皱纹。
"With brand new birds, brand new superpowers and a whole galaxy to explore, the sky is no longer the limit. " . 全新的小鸟,全新的技能,探索整个宇宙星系,天空再也不是极限。
Until one day, it was suddenly announced that I was no longer a coordinator of The Epoch Times management. 终于,有一天,我被突然宣布不再是大纪元经营协调人了。
It was only when you observed him for a longer period that you noticed the traces of madness lurking beneath his conservative exterior. 只有你在与他相处很长时间以后你才会意识到在他趋于正常保守的外表下潜伏着随时发病的恶魔。
The pages of the calendar fly off the wall and your holiday to-do list only seems to grow longer. 墙上日历的页码越来越少,而你假日要做的事情的清单却越来越长。
It concerns me that you no longer seem to care. 你似乎不再在乎,这令我担忧。
The huge advantage of such globalisation was that lenders no longer needed to be physically close to borrowers. 这种全球化带来的巨大益处是,借款人不再需要自己接近贷款人。
I can take a spring like this one and stretch it to the point that it no longer behaves like Hooke's Law. 像这样一个弹簧,将它拉伸到,它不再能遵循胡克定律的点。
He, as a man, no longer strove. It was the life in him, unwilling to die, that drove him on. 他,作为一个人,不再奋斗,是他那不愿束手待毙的生命力逼迫他向前走。
So it was no longer necessary to change the water in a tank for fish to live there. This led to the building of the first public aquariums. 所以,就没有必要再对养鱼缸中的水进行更换,这导致了第一批水族馆的兴建。
We decided to take players not only for six weeks but to think about Chelsea longer term but no more signings planned at the moment. 我们并不会仅仅为了接下来的六周时间购买某些球员,相反我们的收购时候在为球队做长远打算。同时切尔西目前也不打算做出其他收购。
At the time, it no longer made sense financially for her to work. 当时,让她上班在经济上变得不再划算。
Here, he let the top grow a bit longer and brushed it toward the center of his head to create a faux-hawk. 这个发型要等顶部长得更长一些再将它们刷向头部正中,这就成了仿莫霍克发型了。
How much longer will Mr. Schmidt be up in the mountains? 史先生还要在山上待多久?
And promoters no longer wait to see whether a programme becomes popular before turning it into a merchandising machine. 而一档节目在转变为商品促销机之前,对于其是否受欢迎,出资人不再迫不及待。
I know simply that this sky will last longer than I. And what shall I call eternity except what will continue after my death? 那除了这些我死之后依然长存之物,我还应该称何物为永恒呢?
She was still tired, but she was no longer happy. 她仍然很累,但再也高兴不起来了。