
美 [ˈʃʌf(ə)l]英 ['ʃʌf(ə)l]
  • n.洗牌;拖着脚走;曳步舞
  • v.拖着脚走;(笨拙或尴尬地)把脚动来动去;坐立不安;洗(牌)
  • 网络随机播放;搅乱;混合

第三人称单数:shuffles 现在分词:shuffling 过去式:shuffled



v. n.

1.[i]+ adv./prep.拖着脚走to walk slowly without lifting your feet completely off the ground

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(笨拙或尴尬地)把脚动来动去;坐立不安to move from one foot to another; to move your feet in an awkward or embarrassed way

3.[t][i]~ (sth)洗(牌)to mix cards up in a pack/deck of playing cards before playing a game

4.[t]~ sth把(纸张等)变换位置,打乱次序to move paper or things into different positions or a different order


扑克牌英文大全-英语点津 ... spade 黑桃 shuffle 洗牌 straight flush 同花顺 ...


高中英语课外美文赏读45篇 ... 4.nimble adj. 敏捷的 5.shuffle v. 拖着脚走,慢吞吞地走 6.elevation n. 高地,海拔 ...


歌曲随机播放Shuffle)设定是针对『歌曲』的时候,在 Genius 播放列表中选取歌曲也将随机播放TV-out 输出后,封面流浏 …


张红岩TOEFL ... shrink v. 收缩 shuffle v. 搅乱,混合 shun v. 避开 ...


张红岩TOEFL ... shrink v. 收缩 shuffle v. 搅乱,混合 shun v. 避开 ...


鬼步舞shuffle)(即为“澳大利亚的墨尔本曳步舞Melbourne Shuffle Dance”),又叫滑步舞,超级滑步,漂移舞,shuffler ( …


  曳步(shuffle):一个向前和向后踢蹋,数节拍&1或更短。   踢蹋弹跳:一个前踢蹋后紧接着一个弹跳,可行进亦可原地,动作要轻。


规格书 - 豆丁网 ... Bld2 30 Pop Dance 1 流行舞 1 PpDnc3 33 Shuffle1 曳步舞 1 SlRck1 38 Slow Rock2 慢摇滚 2 ...

She did not shuffle them to a heap. 她并没有把它们拼凑成一堆。
he ' s always been able to shuffle out of any difficulty . we don ' t know how he will do this time. 他一向总是能狡猾地摆脱任何困难,我们不知道他这回又要耍什么花招。
It would have to last AT least until the morrow, when he would once again shuffle through the cold. 这一刻似乎至少要持续到明天,那时他会再一次踏入寒风之中。
A deck of cards, the bottom part is most easily control card in those positions, no matter take a card or other shuffle method. 一副牌,最底的部份是最容易控制需要的牌在那些位置,不论用拿牌法或其它洗牌法。
In the meantime, you can be duly impressed with how much charge you can shuffle around when you build up static. 同时,当你建立一个静电场时产生了多少电荷这一问题将给你留下深刻的印象。
By then, tears were streaming down my face, and Grandpa, not looking at me, would at last clear his throat and shuffle his feet. 这时,我的泪水流过脸颊。外公没有看我,最后清了清嗓子,拖着脚走了。
Supporters say that the country always seems to shuffle its feet but then snaps into action when faced with a crisis. 支持者表示祖国貌似经常踌躇不前,但当站在危难之间时,它就会雄起。
Just as an invisibility cloak shuffles waves of light, an "acoustic" cloak would shuffle waves of sound in a way that's not found in nature. 和隐形衣移动光波的原理类似,“隐声衣”会以自然界不存在的方式来移动声波。
The threat of 15 damage from a simple shift should make your opponent think twice before trying to shuffle around the Captain. 单一的迅移产生15点伤害威胁会让你的敌人再三思考是不是要离开上尉身边。
"Deal me a hand, " he said at the beginning of a new shuffle. He pulled up a chair and studied his cards. “给我发一副牌,”在新的一局开始时,他说,他拉过来一把椅子,研究着手上的牌。
During the few weeks at a time when he was at home, he would shuffle around the house making it nice and cozy for Sophie and her mother. 在家的那几个星期,他会倒饬一下房子周围,使苏菲和母亲觉得好看舒适一些。
You shuffle when you walk. Doctors call it a magnetic gait because your feet seem to stick to the ground. 你步履蹒跚医生称这种情况为磁步态因为你的脚像是粘在地上。
A week earlier could shuffle down the hall between Anne and a male nurse. 而在此之前的一个星期,他尚能在安妮和男护士之间沿着大厅一步步地拖行。
You want to have completed your cross step and be back in the side shuffle before your opponent hits the tennis ball. 但你需要在对手击球前完成交叉步并使用侧滑步。
The album version of the song was altered from Carey and Margulies's original demo recording, which had a 1950s-style shuffle. 这首歌的专辑版本与玛利亚·凯莉和本·马古利斯的原始demo不同——demo中有很强的20世纪50年代的摇摆曲风。
Real shuffle method to do a stitch, I also will not lower them back in, say, in fact there are key to see your cards, you do? 不动洗牌法还要做个缝,我还不太会,下回书在说,实际上洗牌都有重点,看你用心做?
"It won't necessarily stimulate sales, but it clearly will keep sales of the Shuffle going forward, " he said. “这不一定会刺激销量增加,但很明显能保持住Shuffle未来的销售,”他说。
Today, I was late to a sold out movie in the theater, so I had to shuffle in during the previews in the dark. 今天,我很晚才走进一个已经买完票的电影院,所以我必须拖着步子,在播放序幕的时候走在黑暗中。
At two inches high and a half-inch wide, Fitbit reminded me of the rectangular iPod Shuffle that clips onto clothing. Fitbit高两英寸,宽一英寸半,让我想起了可以挂在衣服上、长方形的iPodShuffle。
Ok, I'll give it a nice shuffle. Now the cards are all messed up, right? 好,我再洗一编牌,现在所有的牌都乱了,对吗?
I rate the songs I hear using Apple's software, which changes how often a tune comes up in shuffle, an almost magical feature on the iPod. 我用苹果公司的软件对我所听到的音乐进行评估,这样就可以改变随机播放时一首歌曲出现的频率,这是iPod的一个近乎魔法的特色。
If you use file transfer protocol (FTP) to shuffle files around, you know there are plenty of freeware versions to choose from. 如果使用FTP来传输文件,众所周知有大量的免费版本可供选择。
For some time it even seemed as if our undead friends might shuffle away into oblivion. 一段时间以来,我们的这些不死的朋友似乎被慢慢的遗忘掉了。
Rare in the face of the global financial crisis, commercial banks around the world competitiveness ranking status and also faces re-shuffle. 面对百年不遇的全球金融危机,世界各国商业银行的地位及竞争力排名也面临着重新洗牌。
His arm was wrapped in bandages and he had to shuffle out of his coat. 他胳膊裹在绷带里,他得笨手笨脚地脱衣服。
I was counting on taking care of our meeting before I leave, but I suppose I could shuffle a few things. 我原来打算在离开之前处理好见面之事,不过我想我可以重新安排一下。
But every shuffle, must be left to put a card to five ( key card ), the remaining free card. 但每洗牌时,必须左手先放牌四至五张(关键牌),其余的可随意放牌。
First of all, the right hand to pick up the upper deck, left to pick up the next half lap in any form and not Queensland unlimited shuffle. 首先,右手拿起上半叠牌,左手拿起下半叠进行任何形式和不崐限次数的洗牌。
A shuffle in the ownership of a piece of prestige Shanghai real estate demonstrates the pressures besetting China's property developers. 上海一处高端地产发生所有权重组,从中可以看出中国房地产开发商承受着怎样的压力。
The elderly residents shuffle back and forth, cooking in kitchens on the first floor or sitting around the central courtyard chatting. 只能看见老人们在里面出出进进,在一楼的厨房做饭,或者坐在天井里面聊天。