
美 [juz]英 [juːz]
  • v.使用;利用;运用;消耗
  • n.使用;用途;用法;使用权
  • 网络应用;用处

复数:uses 现在分词:using 过去式:used

use method,use tool,use name,use computer,use information
Common use,general use,industrial use,future use,efficient use
generally use,effectively use,probably use,regularly use,efficiently use


v. n.

1.[t]使用;利用;运用to do sth with a machine, a method, an object, etc. for a particular purpose

2.[t]~ sth消耗to take a particular amount of a liquid, substance, etc. in order to achieve or make sth

3.[t]~ sth说,写,使用(词语或语言)to say or write particular words or a particular type of language

4.[t]~ sb(施展手段)利用(别人)to be kind, friendly, etc. to sb with the intention of getting an advantage for yourself from them

5.[t][i]~ (sth)吸(毒);服用(毒品)to take illegal drugs


I, you, etc. could use sth

恨不得;巴不得;非常想used to say that you would like to have sth very much

use your head

你动动脑子;你仔细想想used to tell sb to think about sth, especially when they have asked for your opinion or said sth stupid


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... here youare 给你 use 使用 yo-yo 溜溜球 ...


用字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 用事〖 beinpower〗 用途〖 good;usefulness;use〗 用武〖 useforce〗 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... of course 当然 use 使用,利用,应用 better 更好地;更 ...


字典中 施 字的解释 ... (15) 陈尸示众[ display corpse] (16) 用;运用[ use] (1) 恩惠,仁慈[ kindness] ...


御字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 统率;率领〖 command〗 使用;应用use〗 载,装运〖 charge〗 ...


use to用法_百度文库 ... use to 使用详解 use 用法 use 用法归纳 ...


许国璋英语第二册_百度文库 ... roof n. 屋顶 use n. 用处 spider n. 蜘蛛 ...

For this reason, do not use disk mirroring as a substitute for keeping current backups of important data on your servers. 由于这个原因,请不要使用磁盘镜像来代替对服务器上重要的数据进行及时的备份。
And this raises the question of whether it is appropriate to use the child porn laws to combat such behaviour. 而这引起了如此一个问题:用儿童色情禁止法来惩治此行为是否合适。
Proponents of the defensive interpretation warned that Microsoft has a track record of trying to use its IE browser to hurt rivals. 认为谷歌此举是防御性举措的人士警告说,微软历史上就曾试图利用其IE浏览器伤害竞争对手。
If you are a professional project manager, you might be tired of trying to train your team to use an expensive and complicated tool. 如果你是一个专业的项目经理,你可能厌倦了试图培养你的团队使用一个昂贵和复杂的的工具。那么可能它会是你最好的选择。
printing this order confirmation email for your records or to use as a receipt. 打印此订单确认电子邮件为您的记录,或使用作为收据。
The key is to begin to understand a city in terms of density, intensity and use, and its social and economic framework. 问题的关键是要开始从密度、强度、用途以及社会和经济框架角度去理解一个城市。
At present, the agency generally undertakes such analyses only when drug makers seek to win approval for a new use of a medicine, he said. 他说,目前行政部门通常仅在药品生产商试图申请药品新用途时才进行这种分析。
It did work, but like similar mobile programs for controlling PCs, I found it a bit awkward to use. 但我对这款产品不是那么满意,它确实能够运行,但和其他类似的控制个人电脑的手机程序一样,用起来有点别扭。
When you bid, we need you to tell us methods you are going to use, ways results may be monitored and time frame needed. 当你出价,我们需要你来告诉我们方法,你要使用,结果可能会被监控的方式和时限需要。
"But if you use the word 'fired, ' immediately, the interviewer may not be able to see past that. " “但如果你说被解雇了,面试官们可能会立即不再关注这些”。
If the truck-mounted crane is not in use for a long period of time (longer than half a year), following measures shall be taken for storage. 随车起重运输车在较长时间处于不使用状态时(半年以上),应采取以下的保管措施。
Owen said the company wanted to be sure the translation was acceptable in all markets that would use that material. 欧文说公司需要肯定翻译结果在所有要用到该材料的市场都能够被接受。
I would not let you guys use those words in such a divine circle of friends as attended the tree-house party, would it not be but the truth. 我不会让你们对参加树屋聚会的那群神圣的朋友圈使用那些语言,但这就是事实。
Tools for personalizing must be simple and easy to use, giving users a visual preview of their selections. 个性化工具必须简单易用,在用户确定选择之前给他们一个预览的机会。
You can use the Graph Editor to edit the shape of the curve to make the door rise faster, slower, and higher as the ball approaches it. 你能使用图形编辑器编辑曲线形状使当小球逼近门时,门上升更快,更慢和更高。
Although Edison did not actually invent the light bulb, he did create an electric lighting system which led to its widespread use. 虽然爱迪生实际上并没有发明灯泡,但他的确发明了电灯照明系统,这导致了灯泡的广泛使用。
At this point, the message is no longer available to the mailbox that contains the folder, even if you use deleted item recovery. 这时,即使使用恢复已删除邮件,该邮件对包含文件夹的邮箱仍不再可用。
Is a very good RPG game, the game is rich with history linked to feel closer to, eye-catching images, music, food shock, easy to use it. 是一款非常优秀的RPG游戏,游戏的内容丰富,与历史联系在一起让人感觉更贴近,画面引人瞩目,音乐震撼引人,操作简便易上手。
"It needs to be easy to understand, use and obtain - and today that's anything but the case, " Hebard says. “这些信息要易于理解,使用和获取--在今天这绝不是容易的事,”Hebard说到。
Use a simple technique that will cause her to be strongly attracted to you within just a matter of minutes! 美™使用简单的技巧,会导致她被强烈吸引你在短短几分钟的事情!
But at least practiced martial arts actor or not, have to need to use the lens effect to make up for the fight. 不过起码演员还是没有练过武术,还得需要运用镜头来弥补打斗效果。
God would use something that is not a part of Him, and that throughout Scripture is designated as not good, for good purposes. 上帝将会使用那本来不是自己之一部分的事物,那在圣经当中被描述成邪恶的事物,来成就美好的目的。
It will be easy to use English, because your brain will only be repeating the things that it has seen many times. 这样用起英语来将会很轻松,因为你的大脑仅仅是将见过很多次的东西重复一下而已。
Critics have continued to complain about this use of federal money; on July 27th a judge dismissed another lawsuit on the subject. 批评人士继续抱怨联邦资金在这个领域的使用,7月27日一名法官驳回了又一起针对干细胞研究的诉讼。
The scheme is open to EU countries that do not use the euro: Poland and Sweden say they will sign up to it; Britain says it will not. 该计划也向不使用欧元的欧盟国家开放:波兰和瑞士表示他们将签订这项计划;英国则表示不参与。
If you need to remove just a bit of stock, use sandpaper. 如果只是需要很小量的修整,可以使用砂纸。
If you're new to aromatherapy, with a little practice you will find that essential oils are versatile, easy to use, and indispensable! 如果你对香薰并不了解,可以试一下,会发现精油有众多周途,方便使用而且会必不可少的!
I try to use clay and the realistic skills to make it a visual ready-made, which looks authentic. 我努力用泥塑的方式和写实的技巧,让它变成视觉上的现成品,看起来真实可信。
SANCTIONS imposed by the United States have long made it a bother to use credit cards in Iran. 长期以来,由于美国的制裁,在伊朗使用信用卡相当不便。
He said the free availability of Landsat data is going to encourage greater understanding of land use. 他说,地球资源观测卫星数据的免费使用将鼓励对土地使用更多的了解。