


Federal Reserve policymakers have decided for a second straight meeting to leave the federal funds rate at two percent. 美联储决策人已经决定连续召开两次会议让联邦基金率维持在2%。
For the first 85 years, this would have been a very uninteresting gamble, generating an average return of only around 2% a year. 在起初的八十五年间,这场赌博会显得索然无味,年平均回报率仅在2%左右。
A year in which Treasury bond yields stay at 2% or below would probably be one in which America at least flirted with recession. 当国债收益率停滞在2%或者更低的时候,当年美国经济可能至少是接近衰退。
About a year ago, an industry standards group asked me to do a presentation on how XHTML 2 might be useful to publishers. 大约在一年以前,一个行业标准小组要我介绍一下XHTML2可能对发布者有哪些用处。
"He remained with Carla for the entire flight. Two advisers were only allowed to interrupt him for a quarter of an hour, " he said. 他表示:“在整个飞行途中,他都和卡拉呆在一起,2位顾问只被允许打扰了他一刻钟的时间。”
So Martin Currie has opened the fund, which had been closed, to new investors, with a goal of raising total assets to $250m. 因此,马丁可利把该封闭式基金转为了开放式基金,以向新投资者募资,目标是使总资产达到2.5亿美元。
Some parents participating in the Fuxin No. 2 school suit said they faced pressure from local authorities not to pursue the matter. 参加富新二小诉讼的一些父母说,他们面临着当地政府要求他们不再追究此事的压力。
Try logging out of chat programs for an hour or two each morning to help you focus. 每天早上退出聊天工具1到2个小时会有助于提高你的集中力。
So, when his son was born last week, he decided on the name Jon Blake Cusack 2. 0, as if he were a software upgrade. 所以,他的孩子上周出生后,他决定给儿子取名为乔恩·布莱克·丘萨克2.0,就像一个软件升级版。
A doctor said he turned down a request from a young man who wanted a forked tongue much like that of a snake 2 years ago. 一位医生说,2年前,一名年轻男子曾找上他,要求把舌头变成蛇的分岔形状,被他拒绝;
Have at least three years of accounting working experience in foreign company, preferable with staff supervisory working experience. 2. 有三年或以上的外企会计工作经验,有管理工作经验更佳。
As the calendar ticks closer to Feb. 14, the company expects sales volume to spike by nearly 10 times that of a typical day. 随着日历渐渐逼近2月14日,该公司预计销售量会比平日增长近10倍。
The next screen prompts you to choose the language for the installation process, as shown in Figure 2. 下一屏提示您为安装过程选择语言,如图2所示。
The MC shall be able to transport at least 2 collectors, and should not need to return to base during a collector exchange. MC应该能够运输至少2个收集器,而且在收集器更换过程中不需要返还到基地。
A man may legally beat his wife with a leather strap as long as it is less than 2 inches wide. 丈夫可以用皮带抽打妻子,只要皮带宽不超过2英寸,即为合法。
The actual note itself is just a small box with standard text and a link that enables the user to edit the text later, as seen in Figure 2. 实际节点本身只是一个带有标准文本和链接的框,这个框允许用户稍后再编辑文本,如图2所示。
During the day two or three small groups may join and move about together for a few hours or a few days. 白天,2个或者3个小组会汇合,然后一起迁移几个小时或几天。
This expedition has brought us the "Jumbo Dumbo" , the largest so far found up to 2 meters long, and one of the biggest deep sea creatures. 这次探险给我们带来了长达2米的“巨型小飞象”,是迄今发现最大的深海动物之一。
It's late 80s job is more than handled by the B-2 anyway and we save quite a bit of money that maintaining the aircraft took. 它的后期,80年代的工作是多所处理的B-2无论如何,我们节省相当多的钱,维持飞机。
In the U. S. , the monthly decline in vehicle sales accelerated for the last three months, falling 41% in February from a year earlier. 过去3个月中,美国汽车月销量的下滑速度加快,2月份较上年同期减少了41%。
And neither kind of supposedly strong government was more likely to survive at the polls within two years of a bout of budget-slashing. 一般看来在一轮预算削减的2年内强势政府不可能在大选中幸存。
However, they took the money for the passport out of my account 2 months ago, causing me to go overdrawn, and not pay my travel insurance. 问题是他们两个月钱就把办护照的钱从我帐上扣走了,于是我帐户透支没办法买旅行保险。
In Listing 2, you can see that each element in a tuple can be of a different type, but the types in a list must be homogeneous. 在清单2中,可以看到tuple中的每个元素可以是不同类型的,但列表中的元素必须是相同类型的。
Finally, a delta backup captures anything that has changes since the last backup of any kind (sometimes called a level 2 backup). 最后,差异备份捕捉自上一次任何类型的备份以来的一切变化(有时也称2级备份)。
In 2 patients with a neuropathologic examination, there was no evidence of a neurodegenerative disease. 对在2例患者行神经病理学检查,未见神经退行性疾病迹象。
However, it is possible our $100 per barrel oil forecast might be off by just a month or two. 但是,在1到2个月内,每桶100美元的油价预期可能变成现实。
He put a quarter into the hat of a blind man sitting by the door, and took a train. 他向坐在门边的盲人的帽中丢了2角5分钱。
"When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order" (Proverbs 28: 2). 「邦国因有罪过,君王就多更换;因有聪明知识的人,国必长存」(箴言28章2节)。
Timeframe - Withing 2 weeks after building - possible continuing work with you and full help for you about this method. 时间段-在2周后建设-可能继续与您及您的鼎力帮助有关此方法。
When he made it 2, 655 miles to Canada, what should have been one of his best days was one of his toughest. 当他走完了2655英里到达了加拿大,那本来是他最好的日子却成了最艰难的日子。

