
美 [ʌp]英 [ʌp]
  • adv.起床;向上;出现;到
  • prep.沿着;向;顺着;向…上游
  • adj.激动;向上的;往上移动的;高兴
  • n.上面;高处;上坡路;繁荣
  • v.突然移动;突然做(意想不到的事);提高…的价格(或数量)
  • 网络飞屋环游记;起来;不饱和聚酯(unsaturated polyester)

第三人称单数:ups 现在分词:upping 过去式:upped



1.向(或在)较高位置;向上;在上面towards or in a higher position

2.向(或在)较高水平;加大;增高to or at a higher level

3.朝(某人或某物)的方向;向…的地方to the place where sb/sth is

4.到,朝,在(重要地方,尤指大城市)to or at an important place, especially a large city

5.向(国家北部的地方);向(北方)to a place in the north of a country

6.成碎片;分开into pieces or parts


8.(以便)形成,聚拢so as to be formed or brought together

9.(以便)完结,关闭so as to be finished or closed

10.已结束;已过去finished; over

11.未上床;起床out of bed

12.(informal)(尤指异常或不愉快的事情)发生,出现used to say that sth is happening, especially sth unusual or unpleasant


be up to sb

是…的职责(或责任);由…决定to be sb's duty or responsibility; to be for sb to decide

not be up to much

质量差;不很好to be of poor quality; to not be very good

up against sth

遇到问题;遭到反对facing problems or opposition

up and down

起伏;上下波动moving upwards and downwards

up and running

在运转;在使用中working; being used

up before sb/sth

到…面前接受裁决;出庭受审appearing in front of sb in authority for a judgement to be made about sth that you have done

up for sth

提供作…on offer for sth

up there

(是或差不多是最好、最差、最重要等)之列,之一among or almost the best, worst, most important, etc.

up to sth

达到(某数量、程度等);至多有as far as a particular number, level, etc.


飞屋环游记观后感飞屋环游记(Up)的影评飞屋环游记Up2009-迅雷下载,在线点播,电影简介,电影评论,海报,图片,剧照,下载,在线 …


小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... train 火车 up 向上 hill 小山 ...


起来(Up)加入网上(Online)dubu也仍旧有一年的时期了,一年的光阴里,总的来说(Overall)输多赢少吧。男人的经验是从愉快 …

不饱和聚酯(unsaturated polyester)

不饱和聚酯/蒙脱土纳米复合材料不饱和聚酯(UP)复合材料是一种热固性材料,是增强材料领域中使用最为普遍的热固性树脂, 该 …

桦南职教吧_百度贴吧 ... Best·Class___________∨、o9 届°﹏(计算机班 )。 UP ok 丶小青年 5-16 ...


⑷ 频率上升(UP)/下降(DOWN)控制端子: 通过功能参数预置,UP 与公共端闭合时,变频器的输出频率上升,UP 与公共端断开 …


同问飞屋历险记(up)里面大约12分20秒的音乐是什么? 提问者采纳 2009-12-20 01:05 hyperask | 分类:电影 就是那老头早上醒 …

Close deals that have been up in the air and move on to new ones that appear to be profitable. 趁早结束还没谈成的生意,不妨尝试新的项目,它会给你带来收益的。
So the Rat went away, and sat on the river bank in the sun, and made up a song about them, which he called 'DUCKS' DITTY. 河鼠这才走开了,在河岸上坐着晒太阳,编一首有关鸭子的歌。
Forgiveness ought to be like a canceled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one. 原谅应该像一张废弃的契约,撕成两半,烧掉,永不示人。
Toilet flushing is minimal (don't ask)When we drive always at the back of our minds is how much gas we will use up. 当我们开车的时候我们的脑子总在想多少油将会被耗费掉。
On the floor of the Senate one day, I caught up with one of my Republican colleagues who had leveled this charge at me. 有一天在参议院会议大厅,我追上一个共和党同事,他曾经用以上的话语指责过我。
In fact up to the end of chapter nine, Mark recounts mostly stories which took place around the Sea of Galilee and the surrounding areas. 事实上,由这里一直到第九章尾,马可记述的耶稣大部份事迹,主要发生在加利利海和它的周边地区。
Trumpets pushes his way up to the second tier and the cons see him coming. Trumpets一路挤着来到二楼过道,团伙们看到他过来了。
The giant came quietly behind him. He took the little boy gently in his hand and put him up into the tree. 巨人悄悄地来到他身后,他伸手把男孩轻轻抱起来,放到树上。
Besides, if it was a nightmare, then why I had not waken up when the most horrible happened? 还有,如果真是恶梦的话,为什么在最恐怖的时候,没有惊醒过来呢?
People in today's world seem to fail to take into account the fact that the dreams do not end with waking up. 当今的人们似乎都忽视了梦想不该随着醒来而结束的事实。
But it was the countries that wanted it to go up, and we let them push it up for all sorts of reasons. 但是是那些国家想让价格高一些,所以我们就让他们把价格提高,因为各种各样的原因。
Throughout the centuries up to today, the Bible continues to be the most read, translated and printed book in all languages. 随著时间的推移,直到今天,圣经仍是书中之书,被翻译和印刷成各种语言。
Lucidique put her hand up to kreiger's face. "Now the moment's here, I see you don't want it, " she said. "You're afraid. " 露辛迪克抬起手放在克里奇的脸上。“此时此刻,我发现你并不想要它,”她说,“你害怕了。”
Sons and daughters grow up in one day, his mother one day in senescence. 儿女在一天天长大,母亲却在一天天衰老。
It sounds as though Harold is a bit short of mates and reads to make up for it. 这听起来仿佛是哈罗德可以通过阅读来弥补他同行的缺乏。
When you read something you know will show up on atest, write it down in the form of a question. 当读到一些你以为会在考试中呈现的知识点时,把它以成绩的方式记上去。
Many of the companies emerging from this start-up wave, like the last, look as if they were created with an eye to being sold on quick. 正如上一次浪潮一样,在这次初创企业浪潮中涌现出来的公司中,有很多企业似乎就是为了迅速卖掉而创立的。
When father tried to tell me how glad he was to see me safe after the accident, he choked up and was unable to speak. 我父亲想告诉我,发生事故之后看见我安全无恙,他是多么高兴,但他激动得说不出话来。
She shook her head, briefly netting a stripe of sunlight in her hair. Her hand stole up to his and grasped it with cool fingers. 她摇摇头,发上的一缕阳光也随之舞动起来。她把手放进他的手心,冰凉的手指抓住了他的手。
He had previously touted the idea of a fuel "stabiliser" to smooth fluctuations in oil prices. He gave up that plan. 他已经放弃了之前用“平稳”的油价来平滑原油价格波动的观点。
But Horizontal scalability isn't cheap either. The application has to be built ground up to run on multiple servers as a single application. 但是,横向扩展也不便宜,因为它需要应用程序进行重新设计,以运行在多个服务器之上,但是对外要表现为一个单一的应用程序。
He had an impulse to kneel and plead for forgiveness. But a bitterer red anger burned up to fury in him. 他一阵冲动想跪下来请求宽恕,可苦涩的愤恨此时在他胸中已燃烧成了狂怒。
The grinding noise can be loud enough to wake up your sleeping partner -- some people say it sounds like the person is chewing rocks. 磨牙的噪音甚至大到可以吵醒同伴-有些人说哪种声音听起来就像是在嚼石头。
Many technologies are already available that can reduce energy use and our emissions, but take-up of these technologies is often very low. 许多具备了可以降低能源消耗和排放的技术已经存在。但是这些技术的应用率通常都很低。
The bottom of the dish moved up and down, sloshing the water back and forth through the ratchet. 将盆子的底部上下振动,水便会被搅得在棘轮之间来回流动。
That's part of a wider trend: Dozens of companies are now exporting to Europe technologies used to open up shale deposits in the U. S. 这是一个大趋势:数十家公司现在正在向欧洲出口美国开掘页岩矿所用的技术。
Find the most up-to-date technical resources for your business integration needs on the WebSphere Business Integration zone. 上找到您的业务集成所需的大部分最新技术资源。
Still, when a chunk of Rosneft comes up for sale, the temptation for them to set all that aside will be strong (see article). 尽管如此,当俄罗斯石油公司出售其大部分股份时,强大的诱惑仍会令他们将这一切抛到脑后。
Its no longer the case that somebody can sit, walled up in their castle and wait for the enemy to go away. 人们坐守城堡并加强其防御攻势,等着敌人知难而退的日子一去不复返了。
At the start of your trip, pick up a handful of postcards and stamps and keep one or two with you at all times. 在旅行开始的时候记得准备一沓明信片和邮票,无论何时都随身携带一两张。