
美 [juz]英 [juːz]
  • v.使用;利用;运用;消耗
  • n.使用;用途;用法;使用权
  • 网络应用;可以使用;的用法

复数:uses 现在分词:using 过去式:used

use method,use tool,use name,use computer,use information
Common use,general use,industrial use,future use,efficient use
generally use,effectively use,probably use,regularly use,efficiently use


v. n.

1.[t]使用;利用;运用to do sth with a machine, a method, an object, etc. for a particular purpose

2.[t]~ sth消耗to take a particular amount of a liquid, substance, etc. in order to achieve or make sth

3.[t]~ sth说,写,使用(词语或语言)to say or write particular words or a particular type of language

4.[t]~ sb(施展手段)利用(别人)to be kind, friendly, etc. to sb with the intention of getting an advantage for yourself from them

5.[t][i]~ (sth)吸(毒);服用(毒品)to take illegal drugs


I, you, etc. could use sth

恨不得;巴不得;非常想used to say that you would like to have sth very much

use your head

你动动脑子;你仔细想想used to tell sb to think about sth, especially when they have asked for your opinion or said sth stupid


Java虚拟机类加载机制 - 淩风 - 博客园 ... 初始化 initialization 使用 using 卸载 unloading ...


从布鲁姆教育目标分类学修订版看对我国教育改... ... Carrying Out( 执行) Using利用) Judging( 判断) ...


工商管理 英文翻译 急!!!_百度知道 ... 租赁 Renting 应用 Using 整合营销 Conformity marketing ...


Google... ... 4. 局部变量( Local Variables) 文件、.h文件的函数、方法或类中,可以使用 using。 2. 嵌套类( Nested Class…


using namespace的使用_百度文库 ... namespace 的定义 using 的用法 Using 的三个用法 ...


One Very Proud Dad - Voicetube - 看影片学英语 ... seven 七七个 using 正在用 village 村庄(a.)村庄的 ...


真空干燥机-厂家直供 经济实用 高性价比... ... 建议配套成机型 Suggested supporing 1、用途Using) 2、规格表( specificati…

Non-PIC builds PHP using position-independent code and provides something of a 10-percent boost. non-pic会使用位置独立的代码构建PHP并能提供10%的性能提升。
Simmons found a hospital that was using this new science and went to see the doctor there. 西蒙斯发现这是一间医院采用这种新的科学去看了医生那里。
Samsung has demonstrated that it is possible, at least in the short term, to differentiate and grow by using the Android ecosystem. 三星证明实现销量突破是有可能的,至少在短期内可以实现,用安卓系统加以区分和完善。
Using fpm actually helps cut down on the number of these files, whether one uses RBAC or not. 无论使用RBAC与否,使用fpm实际上有助于减少这些文件的数量。
I have a checklist that came with the paper the other day, and I am using that to figure out how much is enough. 我有一个清单附带了其他的一天,我使用的是找出多少是不够的。
The sinking digital output controls the line by using a transistor to leave the line high (at +V) or to ground the line to 0 V. Sinking数字输出通过三极管来控制连接线上的电平为高电平(+V)或是低电平(0V)。
Java programmers looking to call into Scala should also be familiar with traits as a mechanism for using Scala. 希望使用Scala的Java程序员也应熟悉特征,将其作为使用Scala的一种机制。
He might not have been able to get a big plan through Congress, or at least not without using extraordinary political tactics. 也许国会无法通过一份更大的计划,或者至少可以说,不采取非同寻常的政治战术就无法在国会通过。
To pique his wife de Cantel began to call Forestier "poor Charles, " always using an accent of infinite pity when he spoke the name. 德·坎特尔和妻子呕气,便把弗赖斯节叫做“可怜的查理”,每次他总是用一种无限怜悯的口吻来说这个名字。
Using this technique, the tester does not start with a set of test cases or any other pre-defined testing script. 使用这个技术,测试人员不必以一系列测试用例开始,也不用其它预定义的测试脚本。
But in the meantime I've found a more drastic solution that definitely works: to set up a separate computer for using the Internet. 但是我还发现了一个更加有效的解决办法:使用单独的电脑上网。
Some sites are just very rich, even after using the techniques described above, performance seems as if it can be increased even more. 一些网站非常丰富,即使使用上述的技术后,性能似乎还可以增加更多。
The high-efficiency cell was the result of a conductor grid electrode formed using a wet-chemical plating technique. 高效率的细胞是导体电极电网形成了使用湿化学镀技术的结果。
Using this in a public place, I found, was more useful for starting conversations with girls than having a Labrador on a leash. 我觉得,在人多的地方用这东西跟女孩子搭讪,比牵一条拉布拉多犬有效果多了。
No matter which machine a user happens to BE using, she can read mail from her mailbox and send mail to users in the group and elsewhere . 无论用户用的是哪一台机器,均可以从自己的邮箱中读取邮件并发送邮件给其他地方的用户。
Climb the stairs up to the Palace, but take the long way down using pathways that lead you back to ground level. 沿着楼梯爬上去,但是想要回到平地,就得花很长的时间走小路。
The larger screen estate makes reading a pleasure, and I can see myself using this one far more than i Books. 较大的屏幕使房地产阅读的乐趣,我可以看到自己使用此一比iBook笔记本得多。
Now it would be interesting to see, as and when such data becomes available, if and how much consumers are using social networks for search. 现在有趣的是,当消费者可以获取这些数据时,又会有多少消费者可能会使用社会网络来进行搜索。
Colton is usually on Burgan's lap or at least nearby when he is on the iPad, so she does not put any limits on his time using the tablet. 考顿通常坐在伯格的膝上或在她附近玩iPad,所以她并不限制考顿使用平板电脑的时间。
Yet corporate sites are full of such holes, which can be identified by hackers using software to scan thousands of sites at a time. 然而,在各公司的网站上,这种漏洞随处可见,可以被黑客们检测到(他们一般会用软件同时扫描数千个网站)。
Some reports claimed that at least one of these test launches was carried using a nuclear warhead, but this cannot be confirmed. 一些报告宣称至少在这些测试发射中的一次携带使用一枚核弹头,但是这不能够确认。
The name of a stored procedure parameter used to sort retrieved data when data retrieval is performed using a stored procedure. 存储过程参数的名称,在使用存储过程执行数据检索时,该存储过程参数用于对检索到的数据进行排序。
'But Britain could have won the war by 1942 using the same technology, if the RAF had not rejected Whittle's designs at the outset. ' 但是英国本可在1942用此技术嬴得战争,假如英国皇家空军从一开始不拒绝惠特尔爵士的发明。
By using measurements and an organization-wide measurement database organizations are able to set and achieve quantitative quality goals. 通过应用度量与组织范围内的度量数据库,组织能够设定并获得量化的目标。
If you find yourself using comma after comma after comma, try making two (or even three) shorter sentences out of that long one. 如果你发现自己使用了好几个逗号,就要把句子截断,在分成两个或三个句子。
Examination of bacterial division using modern techniques has shown that this is not always so. 使用现代技术对细胞分裂进行检测所的结果表明情况并非如此。
In the British Museum, we've recently made a new chopping tool using the same techniques as would have been used in Olduvai Gorge. 在大英博物馆里,效仿当年人类在奥杜威峡谷中采用的相同技术,我们最近也制造了一个新的石制砍砸器。
Nodes can exchange hand-shake signals in contention slot of every transmission frame to transmit simultaneously using spatial multiplexing. 通过在传输帧的竞争时隙交换多个握手信息,使网络中节点能够以空分复用的方式并行传输。
Using composition, two or more simple closures can be combined to produce a more elaborate one. 使用复合,两个或多个简单的闭包可以组合起来构成一个更复杂的闭包。
Other countries are trying to follow its example, using their export sectors as the engine of recovery. 其他国家也在竭力效仿中国,将出口作为复苏经济的引擎。