a little

  • n.一点

a littlea little

a little

You know, I'm a little bit taller than Ray, so I can get a hand up, challenge him a little bit more. 你知道,我是一个身高超过雷一点,这样我就可以得到一个手,挑战他一点点。
and I am so proud of myself, you know, I am a man , not a woman. and paper's art looked a little un normal for all the man. 我感到很自豪,你知道,我是个男人不是女人,折纸艺术多男人来说实在有点儿变态。
You know, all well maybe do is tweak some little things that we dont like about it, some systems that we think were maybe a little broken. 我们所需要做的是对一些我们不满意的小细节进行改进,一些系统出现了小问题。
Perhaps three thousand years of history have made us Indians a little too familiar with one another for our own good. 也许印度3000年的历史使得我们印度人由于互相帮助使得相互之间就有点过于熟悉。
In a minute he returned carrying a little black wand with a red berry on the top of it. 过了一会,他带着一根顶端有红莓的黑色小魔杖进来。
He looked up and saw a hunting owl had just snatched a little bird, a titmouse, out of the air. 他抬头一看,见一只是猫头鹰刚刚在空中抓住了一只是山雀。
If he does a good job, tell him so and pay him a little bit of money. 如果他可以做好,就许诺他并且给他点奖金作为报酬。
As I said, it's just like a little snack for him, you know? usually they eat larger snakes like rat snakes, or even cobras. 就像我说过的,毒蛇不过是它的点心。通常它们吃更大的蛇,比如食鼠蛇,甚至是眼镜蛇。
I stretch my hands, just want to hug me between you and a little bit of attentive. 我伸出双手,只想拥抱我和你之间的一点点温存。
If you know him a little, you can't count on him to come in time. 如果你知道他一点,你不能指望他能及时来。他一点,你不能指望他能及时来。
I published the book last summer, Pedagogy of the Bible it's called, Pedagogy of the Bible, and I'll set that in a little bit of context. 我去年夏天出版的这本书,叫做,我会联系一点上下文。
I've always been just a little baffled at the whole concept of app-phone cases. 一直以来,关于橡胶手机套的整个主意总令我有些困惑不解。
He was only a little taller than Lucy herself and carried over his head an umbrella, white with snow. 他只比露西高一点点,头顶上打着一把伞,白色的雪覆盖着。
Start small, with something that isn't really a big deal, but might help you do something just a little bit better than you do it today. 从一些不是很重要的事情开始,但是有可能能帮你在做事情时一点点地进步。
I felt the game was a little faster than when I got to play it a while back at around the 50% complete mark. 我觉得比赛是快一点比我发挥了它在50%左右完成标志着在回来。
"Ah, if it were but a little pussy-cat! " said she; but the rose tree, with its beautiful rose came to view. “我希望那里面是一只小猫!”她说。可是看见的却是一朵美丽的玫瑰花。
I thought about it day and night. My master liked to go fishing in a little boat, and he al-ways took me with him. 我日夜思考着逃跑的事。我的主人喜欢乘小船去钓鱼,而且总是带上我。
Each group feeds off of the human species like a parasite taking a little of one's chi in the act of living in such a dwelling. 在这样的住所内,每个供给人类的团体都会象条寄生虫一样来夺走你的一小部分气。
We're just a little bit more than a week into earnings season, and already some themes have started to emerge from the numbers. 我们进入赚钱季节已经一星期多一点,已经有一些题材股从众多的股票中浮显出来。
So she tucked it away under her arm, that it might not escape again, and went back for a little more conversation with her friend. 为了不让红鹤再逃跑,爱丽丝把它夹在胳膊下,又跑回去想同她的朋友多谈一会儿。
Setting up the BIO object here is a little different from setting it up for a client connection. 此处对BIO对象的设置与客户机连接使用的BIO设置稍有不同。
She thought the best way of getting a little quiet was to take Nana to the nursery for a moment, but in custody of course. 她想,要得到清静,最好是领着娜娜去育儿室看看,当然,娜娜是在她的监管之下。
Now there was a little garden next to the bewitched house, and in it there were twelve lilies, the kind that are called "students. " 这座被人使了魔法的屋子有个小花园,里面开着十二朵百合花。
Mu hubby suggested that I go for a walk on the beach and he would take care of the babies while I got a little bit of ME time. 我的丈夫建议我去沙滩走走,他会在我享受这仅有的一点属于自己的时间的时候担负起照顾小孩的任务。
Clean surface can be coated with a little soft cleaning cloth, in the case of gently wipe off the keyboard surface. 清洁表面,可在软布上沾上少许清洁剂,在关机的情况下轻轻擦拭键盘表面。
That's my buffer. . . I wanted to leave a little room in the budget, just in case---it's better to be safe than sorry. 这是我留的备用金…我想在预算里留点余地以防万一—宁愿稳妥免致后悔。
he might need a little more encouragement, i understand this point. 他可能需要更多一点的鼓励,这一点我理解。
Have a little yogurt with cereal in it, a little bit of peanut butter on some crackers, or a granola bar with a little bit of protein in it. 喝些放了燕麦片的酸奶,吃些抹上点花生酱的薄饼干,或是一块含有些许蛋白质的格兰诺拉。
Plus, if we make a trade for a Chucky Atkins type player, it will take a little while to mesh him in with the team. 还有,如果我们要交易像阿特金斯那样的球员的话,磨合阵容还需要一定的时间。
Heard a little bit of self-marketing from her, I benefited a lot, not exactly. 从她那儿听到的一点自我推销术,让我受益很多(说说而已)。