as time goes by

  • na.随着时间的过去
  • 网络时光流逝;时光飞逝;时间流逝

as time goes byas time goes by

as time goes by


推荐英文慢歌_百度知道 ... 32 To Be With You( 和你在一起) 34 As Time Goes By时光流逝) 35 Shape Of My Heart( 心 …


曼托瓦尼精选(CD)-音乐-亚马逊中国 ... 12 几乎到达 Almost There 13 时光飞逝 As Time Goes By 14 华沙协奏曲 Warsaw Conc…


伊莲mp3试听下载,伊莲歌词-搜狗音乐 ... love can do that 爱可以做到 as time goes by 时间流逝 Ce Train Quisen Va 离去的列 …


缠绵小提琴 -... ... 12 多美的世界 What A Wonderful World 13 时光流转 As Time Goes By 14 那一刻 Somewhere in Time ...


当时光流逝》(As Time Goes By)Herman Hupfeld 《蓝月亮》(Blue Moon)Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart 《蓝色狂想曲 …


时间过... ... 3. 时间过去不久: before long | inwhatashortspaceoftime 2. 随著时间过去: As time goes by 时间过去 : elapsed ...


让人怀念的英文歌曲_百度百科 ... 1.全新世界 A Whole New World 3.随时光流逝 As Time Goes By 4.友谊地久天长 Auld La…


温州大学 大学英语课程 ... 19. 毕业后的同学聚会 A class reunion 20. 随着时间的流逝 As time goes by 21. 闲逛、徘徊 Hung ou…

I wish I could talk to you for a while. Miss you but try not to cry. As time goes by. 我多希望能和你谈一小会.很想念你不过努力地遏制自己哭.时光流逝
It's exciting to see the list growing as time goes by, which will further encourage you to read more. 随着时间的推移,这张清单会越来越长,看到它你会感到很兴奋,并且想看更多的书。
Then, as time goes by with less touch, you get used to it, and accept the greater distance as a natural part of your relationship. 然后,随着时间流逝,你们之间的接触越来越少,你渐渐习惯并接受了彼此间越来越大的距离,仿佛这种距离成为了你们关系中理所当然的一部分。
As time goes by, I began to understand her doing gradually. 不过随着我慢慢长大。我开始理解妈妈的所作所为了。
As time goes by you start to read each other's runs off the ball and movements the understanding develops. 随着时间一天天过去,你将能解读出其他人将怎么拿球,你们的了解也会与日俱增。
As time goes by, Chlorophytum also accompany me with a long high, with thrive. 随着时间的流逝,吊兰也伴我一同长高,一同茁壮。
This influence will not end in loop tube immediately, but as time goes by, polyester dye sublimation is to film, and clothing of a fade. 这种感化不会在潮湿器的结尾当场表不隐不入来,但随着工夫的流逝,聚酯染料不离会凝华到不朱膜洋,从而引起装束的退色。
But even in identical jobs they earn slightly less than men from the beginning, and as time goes by the gap gets ever bigger. 可就算同一份工作,女性一开始的工资可能就略低,随着时间推移,差距可能不断扩大。
As time goes by, fail to grasp the hands of the matter, in addition to sand, water, time and whatever. Which isn't their own? 斗转星移,日升月落。手中抓不住的,除了沙,流水、时间,一切一切。没有哪个是属于自己的么?
You may suffer from puffy eyes and jowls , and your face is apt to get heavier as time goes by. 这样一来,你眼睛和下颚的肌肉就会很疏松,而且时间一长,你面孔的水份也容易缺失。
As time goes by, go from a a graders into a student of grade 6. Those troubles like about though, the barrage of comes to me. 随着时光的流逝,去从一名一年级的小学生变成了六年级的学生。那些烦恼就像约好了似的,接二连三的向我袭来。
It is habit which is able to be developed rather than love and it is touch which can be obtained as time goes by rather than affection. 能够慢慢培养的不是爱情,而是习惯。能够随着时间得到的,不是感情而是感动。
But as time goes by, I begin to envy myself-- that little fool who used to have the fortune to love someone in that way. 可是后来的我好羡慕当初的自己,曾经有那样的幸福去傻傻地爱一个人。
As time goes by, georgia displays stress relaxations; and its stress as well as the stress of soil would decrease. 随着时间的推移,土工格栅出现应力松弛,它与土体应力逐渐减小;
I kept some plastic cards accidentally, As time goes by, they will finally faded out, let's mourn over them for a while. 我不经意保留的塑胶卡,随时间消逝他们的作用亦会淡出,让我们在这悼念一下。
You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss, A sigh is just a sigh; The fundamental things apply, As time goes by. 你一定要记住这点,一个亲吻仍然是一个亲吻,一个叹息就是一个叹息。
as time goes by, everything about him fades out from my memory. 随着时间的流逝,关于他的所有都从我的记忆里淡褪。
Things seem go smoothly at the beginning, but as time goes by, you'll encounter lots of obstacles. Be careful. 年出生者:事情一开始好像进行顺利,但发展下去又会出现很多阻碍。要留意!
Keep alive the early romance and idealized images of falling in love, while facing the realities of the changes as time goes by. 随着时间的流逝,(两人)既要面对现实中的改变,也要保持最初的浪漫情怀和初坠爱河时的美好憧憬。
For all the memories, as time goes by! To those who concern aboutme, think of me, feel for me. 为所有流逝的记忆给所有关心我、怀念我、懂得我的人……
As time goes by, the kinds and parts of damage cumulate to a severe extent. 随着时间的增长,桥梁的损伤种类和损伤部位会越来越多,其程度也会越来越严重。
I would feel exactly the same way if I discovered that my husband is having an affair. Wish she would get better as time goes by. 我如果发现我老公有了外遇,也会这样的。希望她随着时间流逝,能慢慢好起来。
don't worry. i'm sure our etiquette will become a natural part of your behavior as time goes by. 不用担心,过些日子,这些礼仪一定会自然而然地成为你日常行为的一部分。
As time goes by, we come to understand why the teachers are so strict with us. 随着时间的流逝,我们逐渐明白了老师为什么对我们那么严格。
I gradually understand what separation means as time goes by. A love story is like a drama. 匆匆,我在时光的流变中读懂了分离,一份情,一折戏。
they forget that as time goes by, details that serve as a bridge between the ideas quickly fade. 他们忘了,随着时间的推移,细节之间发挥桥梁的想法很快消失。
As a consequence, both arguments and counter-arguments concerning its development have emerged as time goes by. 因此,随着时间推移,关于旅游业发展的正反两种观点都出现了。
I have met many problems and difficulties about study and life in university , but I solved them neatly as time goes by. 我在大学的学习和生活中遇到很多问题,随着时间的推移,都把它们很好的解决了
AS time goes by, the cloning technology that brought Dolly the sheep into the world has shown that it isn't a one-hit wonder. 随着时间的推移,把多利羊带到人世的克隆技术已经显得不那么惊世骇俗。
As time goes by, the elasticity of human capital goes bigger gradually, which means its stimulation on economics become more obvious. 随着时间的推移,人力资本的产出弹性不断增加,对经济促进作用逐渐显现。