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虚拟机(Java Virtual Machine,Java)

temp是供JVMJava Virtual Machine,Java虚拟机)使用的存放临时文件的目录。webapps目录用于存放一些Tomcat 6自动装 …


虽然用虚拟机系统JVM)的做法来实现跨平台特性并非什么了不得的创意(像不像30年前的BASIC解释器?别跟我说什么中 …

Part of the reason this level of aggression is possible is that the JVM is able to make potentially unsafe optimizations where necessary. 这一层级的侵略性(aggression)是可能存在的,部分原因在于JVM会在必要时做一些潜在不安全的优化。
For a large number of widgets, this will quickly add up to a large footprint both in memory and JVM startup time. 对于大量的widget来说,这会导致内存和JVM启动时间的猛增。
With the Java language, the classes generated by the compiler generally remain just as they are until they're loading into a JVM. 使用Java语言,由编译器生成的类在被装入到JVM之前通常保持原状。
This guess seems to be confirmed by the fact that this anomaly is not present in Azul's JVM, which uses customized lock optimizations. 在Azul的JVM中没有出现这种异常情况,而这种JVM使用定制的锁优化,这似乎证明了我的猜测是正确的。
This code is in the form of instructions for the JVM, generally called bytecode, which is one of the topics for the next section. 用JVM的指令形式表示该代码,一般称为字节码,这是下一节要讨论的主题之一。
One of the most voted for bugs for the JVM calls for supporting a whole array of changes, but so far it has not been implemented. 在支持做整组改变的JVM调用的bug中,这是一个得票率最高的bug,但到目前为止,这一问题一直没有被落实。
Terracotta enables applications to be deployed on multiple JVMs, yet interact with each other as if they were running on the same JVM. Terracotta能把应用部署在多个JVM上,但仍然能彼此交互,就像它们运行在同一个JVM上。
Fortunately, it's pretty easy to emulate the work done by the JVM in running the main class of your application. 幸运的是,模拟JVM在运行应用程序的主类时所做的工作是相当容易的。
In the past, there was no alternate way by which you could trap the System. exit or JVM exit after customization and the bind process. 过去,没有替代方法可用来捕获定制和绑定过程结束后的System.exit或JVMexit。
The JVM can also choose to unload classes if the class has not been used for an extended period of time. 如果类不用于延长的时间,则JVM还可以选择卸载这些类。
Most of these should be easy to understand if you think in terms of the JVM as a stack-based processor, so I won't go into details here. 如果将JVM想象为基于堆栈的处理器,则其中大多数是容易理解的,因此我在这里就不再详细说明了。
It's also easy to try the tests on your own hardware and JVM, which you can do using the supplied code (see Download). 您还可以轻松地在自己的硬件和JVM上试运行这些测试,相关的实现代码请参见下载。
Just as the JVM allocates memory for your objects, it also reclaims this memory on objects that are no longer being used. 正像JVM为对象分配内存一样,它还回收不再使用的对象上的内存。
Because this situation is possible, doing spin loops and yielding is not advisable for any threads executing within a real-time JVM. 因为可能出现这种情形,所以对于所有在实时JVM中执行的线程来说,执行spin循环和让步并不明智。
It is also easy to see the virtual memory savings when running the example program in more than one JVM. 在多个JVM中运行示例程序时,很容易看出虚拟内存的节省。
At heart, JavaFX is a JVM-based domain language for constructing rich user interfaces, as well as a set of APIs for that language. 实质上,JavaFX是一个基于JVM的域语言用来构建富用户界面,以及作为语言的一套API。
In the case of Java applications, the JVM is able to set a default locale and time zone by interacting with the local operating system. 在Java应用程序的情况下,JVM能够通过与本地操作系统进行交互来设置缺省语言环境和时区。
This makes it easy to use SSL by simply configuring or specifying a few JVM properties. 这使得通过简单配置或指定一些JVM属性来使用SSL变得非常容易。
Dynamic Transformation Dynamic transformation operates at some time between the JVM request for a class and the loading of that class. 动态转化动态转化运转一段时间之间的JVM请求为工人阶级和载货一班。
Creating too many threads in one JVM can cause the system to run out of memory or thrash due to excessive memory consumption. 在一个JVM里创建太多的线程可能会导致系统由于过度消耗内存而用完内存或“切换过度”。
After this size is reached, the JVM is no longer allowed to request more memory from the operating system. 如果堆已经达到了这个长度,JVM就不能再向操作系统请求更多的内存。
One of the simplest pieces of information shown in the Environment perspective is the location of the JVM being monitored. 在Environment透视图中显示的最简单的信息之一是正在被监控的JVM的地址。
So before I write the article I set out to write (that'll come in a future column), let's take a look under the hood of the JVM. 所以,在我着手撰写这样一篇文章(将在未来的专栏中发表)之前,我们先来看看JVM幕后的东西。
Any other JVM using that shared class cache can subsequently execute that method as AOT code without incurring the cost of compilation. 使用这个共享类缓存的其他JVM都可以执行这些AOT代码,这样就避免了编译的开销。
Just as a JVM requires a main method, a Flex application requires a component that extends mx. core. Application as the entry point. 就像JVM需要一个main方法一样,Flex应用程序需要一个扩展mx.core.Application的组件作为入口点。
In the next installment, I'll delve further into the functional features of a couple of dynamic languages on the JVM: Groovy and JRuby. 在下一期,我将深入研究JVM中几种动态语言的函数特性:Groovy和JRuby。
Also note that this API is defined to be JVM specific, so other JVMs might ignore the call or provide different behavior. 还要注意:这个API是定义为JVM专用的,因此其他JVM可能忽略该调用或提供不同的行为。
The bytecode that makes up the executable portion of the class file is actually machine code for a special kind of computer -- the JVM. 构成类文件可执行部分的字节码实际上是针对特定类型的计算机―JVM―的机器码。
As you can see, up to 6 cores per JVM the maximum throughput increases at a near-liner trend. 您可以看到,每个JVM最多6个内核时,最大吞吐量是以接近线性的方式增长。
For instance, one JVM might be faster to start up, while the other may maintain lower memory consumption over the long run. 比如说,一个JVM可以启动更快,但另一个可能长期内存占用较低。