
美 [mæt]英 [mæt]
  • n.垫子;簇;小地毯;(体育运动用的)厚垫子
  • v.使成闷光;给(画)配闷光金边;使(金属玻璃等)褪光;给…盖席子
  • adj.无光泽的;闷光的;表面粗糙的
  • abbr.(=Master of Arts in Teaching)教育硕士
  • 网络反恐行动(Mission Aqainst Terror);Memory Analyzer Tool;地席


welcome mat


1.小地毯;垫子a small piece of thick carpet or strong material that is used to cover part of a floor

2.(体育运动用的)厚垫子a piece of thick material such as rubber or plastic used especially in some sports for people to lie on or fall onto

3.(装饰或保护桌面的)衬垫,小垫a small piece of plastic, wood or cloth used on a table for decoration or to protect the surface from heat or damage

4.团;簇;丛a thick mass of sth that is stuck together


go to the mat (with sb) (for sb/sth)

(为支持或维护…)(与某人)争辩to support or defend sb/sth in an argument with sb

take sb/sth to the mat

与…进行辩论to get involved in an argument with sb/sth


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... masterpiece n. 杰作,名著 mat n. 席子;草席;垫子 match n. 比赛,竞赛; …


居家生活用品英语大全_百度文库 ... sheet 床单 mat 席子 mattress pad 床垫 (薄的那种 薄的那种) 薄的那种 ...

反恐行动(Mission Aqainst Terror)

反恐行动绝对是反恐行动MAT) 原因有以下几种好玩游戏有很多,我说不淸。。。

Memory Analyzer Tool

【转】Eclipse Memory Analyzer tool(MAT)分析内存泄露2 2011-08-12 14:07:27| 分类: java程序和服务器 | 标签: |字号大中 …


雅思口语常用词汇 - 雅思口语 ... mattress 床垫 mat 地席,垫子 cushion 靠垫,坐垫,椅垫 ...

After explaining where my new flat was, I told him that I had left the key under the door-mat. 我给他解释了我的新居在哪里之后,告诉他我已把钥匙留在门垫下面。
"It's a common misconception it's like one mat that you could walk on, " he said. 他说,普遍误解这些碎片像一个垫子一样飘在海上,能在上面行走。
Then he said to the paralytic, "Get up, take your mat and go home. " And the man got up and went home. 就对瘫子说:「起来!拿你的褥子回家去吧!」那人就起来,回家去了。
Over time, these tiny threads form in the liquid into layers and produce a mat on the surface. 时间一长,这些纤细的纤维能在液体中形成纤维层最后在液体表面形成一块垫子
You'll be ready to start the day with a clear, focused mind and plenty of energy, whether you're heading off to work or to your yoga mat. 你将以明净、专注的心境和无限充沛的能量开始新的一天,可以奔赴去上班或是坐到瑜伽垫上开始今天的瑜伽练习。
Now, Ultimate Core Ball Workouttakes core training to a higher level with its on-the-ball variations of traditional mat exercises. 现在,终极核心球锻炼需要一个核心培训,传统的垫球练习的更高水平的变化。
When I'm there on my yoga mat, I'm able to tune out the rest of the world. It's such a peaceful feeling. 当我在瑜伽垫上的时候,我就不去想其他事情,感觉特别平静。
If the mat lives up to its promise, you may even save some money in the long run. 如果这个垫子遵守它的承诺,那么从长远来看你甚至是节省了钱的。
The key is often strung around the child's neck or left hidden under a mat (or some other object) at the rear door to the property. 孩子都把钥匙挂在脖子上或者藏在房子后门的门垫(或其它物件)底下。
A few friends, all woman, sent her to the hospital, the money is also improvise to the mat. 几个朋友,全是女的,把她送来医院,钱也凑合地垫上了。
To the funeral site, that person on the top surface and lay the mat ready to salute, and his companions have also learned to like him. 到了治丧场所,那个人就排在前面,伏在席子上准备施礼,他的同伴们也都学着他的样。
Laotse, not only his family member no longer line up to see him off, but also they scrambled with him for space on the mat to have a rest. 但是当阳子居自老子那学到平易近人的道理后,家里的人非旦不用列队接送,还在席子上跟他抢空位休息呢!
The old welcome-mat seems to have been replaced by a "Love it or leave it" sign. 这种古老的“欢迎”垫似乎已被一道泾渭分明的“不爱它就走人”的标识给取代了。
and sometimes the mat which he spread before him, to receive contributions, was covered out of sight by the heaping of coins thrown upon it. 有时候他铺在面前用来收集现金的草席都被丢在那上面堆成的钱币覆盖得看不见。
It is possible to programme how much liquid you want to spray onto the mat and adjust this automatically, for example, to line speed. 可以设定程序例如根据生产速度自动调节喷射多少液体在板坯表面。
Conducts tea party's room to call the teahouse, also said that this, the tea mat or only call the mat. 举办茶会的房间称茶室,也称本席、茶席或者只称席。
Then the Blessed One proceeded to the Service Hall, and sat down there on the mat spread out for him. 接着圣尊进入了服务大厅,他坐在为他准备好的垫子上。
I'm crouched over my yoga mat in a squatting position, with my arms out in front of me, parallel to the floor. 我以一种蹲的姿态俯身坐在我的瑜伽垫上,我的手臂搭在我前面,和地板恰好平行。
He knew he could speak, for he understood the concept and had quietly tried to form a few words while lying on his mat in the dark. 他会说话,他明白这一点。因为,当他在黑暗中躺在自己的席子上时,曾经说出过几个词。
No matter how much you love yoga, taking a yoga mat on a trip may seem a little over the top. 无论你多热爱瑜伽,出门旅行的时候还带着瑜伽垫都有点点过头。
Kino raised the sleeping mat and dug up his pearl and put it in front of him and stared at it. 奇诺掀起睡席,把珍珠挖出,搁在面前呆呆地看着。
In the heat of summer still covered with reed mat curtain around noon, the sun, the winter moved into the basement. 在暑夏中午时分还要盖上苇席帘,防晒,冬季移入地下室。
Shoes and boots go right onto the waterproof mat laid out next to the wall, , and coats go on the coat rack behind the door. 鞋靴摆放在靠墙的防水垫上,外套挂在门后。
Beginning that fumbled even once sewed him on the training mat, half of the day could not say a few words. 开场的那个失球甚至一度把他钉在教练席上,半晌说不出一句话。
But it is always those that must work especially hard and with extra diligence on the mat that constantly reminds me of why I am doing yoga. 但是,那些在垫子上非常刻苦努力的人,是他们时常提醒我,激励我----为什么要做瑜珈。
Conference room with a large area, as well as by the traditional Japanese tatami and paper into a square mat. 会议室内设有一张大面积榻榻米以及由日本传统和纸制成的正方形垫子。
But in all parts of America, people welcome their guests with open arms. So don't be surprised to find the welcome mat out for you. 不过在美国各地,人们都展开双臂欢迎他们的客人,所以当你发现有WELCOME字样的鞋垫为你而时,?
9Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven, ' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'? 或对瘫子说‘你的罪赦了’,或说‘起来,拿你的褥子行走’,哪一样容易呢?
"China appears to have put out the mat for foreign investment, but the door is still half-closed, " he will say. “中国似乎为外资铺上了欢迎地毯,但现在大门仍然半关着,”他将表示。
Exhale and rotate your torso to the right, squaring the front of your pelvis as much as possible with the front edge of your mat. 呼气并把躯干转向右侧,让你的骨盆的前面尽可能地与垫子前侧边缘一致。