
美 [mɪst]英 [mɪst]
  • n.薄雾;水汽;液体喷雾
  • v.(使)结满雾气(模糊不清);(眼)含泪水;泪水模糊;朝(植物)喷雾
  • 网络霭;迷雾森林;轻雾

复数:mists 现在分词:misting 过去式:misted

thick mist,heavy mist


n. v.

1.[u][c]薄雾;水汽a cloud of very small drops of water in the air just above the ground, that make it difficult to see


洛奇魔法释放卷轴接头 -    叶的日志 - 网易博客 ... 土狼 Hyena's 薄雾 Mist 猫鼬 Mongoose ...

字典中 蔼 字的解释 ... (4) 和气,态度好[ gentle] 云气。通“”[ mist] (1) 树木生长繁茂[ luxuriant] ...


STCMS 音乐系统 演示站 ... Sunny Day 日光海岸 Mist 迷雾森林 Haven Blue 蓝色天际 ...


世界天气信息服务网 - 官方观测 官方预报 ... Fog 雾 Mist 轻雾 Smoke 烟雾 ...


处方_百度百科 ... Ap. : 水剂 Mist. : 合剂 Tr. : 酊剂 ...

Of your thoughts like a curl of mist hanging by a thread, and for your blessing is the babble of the stream with whole life! 对你的思念象袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福是潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世!
When the voyagers from their car saw the land through the mist, they had not been able to reconnoiter it sufficiently. 飞航员在吊篮里的时候,透过云雾看见了陆地,但是他们没来得及仔细观察。
When Susan came back into the living room, there was a strange mist in her eyes. 奇怪的是,当苏珊回到起居室时,她的眼睛湿润了。
Then suddenly there was a mist before his eyes and he felt a burning sensation around his heart. 曾沧海猛叫一声,便觉得眼前昏黑,腿发软,心里却像火烧。
It was a very cold morning , the sky bright and without a cloud , but Silver and his man were standing in a low mist . 那是个寒冷、明亮的早晨,天上没有一丝云,西尔弗和他的同伙在低低的雾霭中站着。
There is often a thick morning mist from the sea in summer, but the weather can be very hot. 这里的夏季清晨,海上往往吹来浓雾,但气候可能十分炎热。
The gray mist of evening, rising slowly from the river, enveloped her as she disappeared up the bank. 她一上岸之后,就完全消失在从河中慢慢升腾起来的灰蒙蒙的晚雾之中了。
The summit is shrouded in freezing mist, and my wife is concerned we might have a close encounter of the scary kind with a polar bear. 山顶上被冻雾所笼罩,我妻子担心我们会与北极熊不期而遇。
Not realizing anything was a mist, she grabbed onto the bar in an attempt to relieve herself and she was shocked instantly. 在还没有意识时就陷入一团薄雾里,她抓住栏杆试图放松自己但是她马上就被金属栏杆上的电击中了。
The Namibian mist rapidly dissipates once the sun rises, so the beetle has just a brief opportunity to collect water. 太阳一升,纳米比亚的雾气迅速消散,因此甲虫仅有一点儿时间集水。
The rays of the sun glistened through the mist as it rose between the mountains, covering the landscape with a wet cloak. 当晨雾在山间弥漫,给山间景物覆盖上一层湿气时,阳光也穿透薄雾。
Its activities have become shrouded in a mist of conspiracy theories, with some claiming its members are trying to create a new world order. 它的活动已变成笼罩在阴谋理论的薄雾中,有些人声称它的成员正试图创建一个新世界秩序。
God does not make a sunset glory in a moment, but for days may be massing the mist out of which He builds His palaces beautiful in the west. 神并非在片刻之间构成落日时的彩霞,他要经过好几天的积聚云雾,才在天的西边造成了那美丽的宫殿。
The mist that enveloped us at the start was now beneath us. This was without doubt the nicest bit of the walk. 在森林以上的地方仍有灌木丛和树木,开始笼罩着我们的薄雾现在已经在我们脚下了,无疑这一段是整个徒步旅程中最美妙的。
The mist that drifts away at dawn, leaving but dew in the fields, shall rise and gather into a cloud and then fall down in rain. 晨雾虽然散去,只留下露珠在草原上,它会上升,凝结成云,再降而为雨。
AS for PASsepartout, his face wAS AS red AS the sun's disc when it sets in the mist, and he laboriously inhaled the biting air. 至于路路通,他的整个脸膛又圆又红,活象傍晚沉浸在薄雾里的太阳。
The sun had been up for several hours and the mist had not yet gone, and the river, like some mysterious being, flowed on. 太阳已经出来了好几个小时,而雾还没有散去,那条河就像某种神秘的存在一样,继续向前流去。
The driver was peering into the distance through the mist, trying to read the road sign. 司机在雾中费力地看着前方,想要看清路标。
All landscape painters tried to get a feeling of the human spirit and the strength of the wind, water, mist and mountains. 所有山水画尝试的一种感觉,人的精神和力量的风,水,薄雾和山区。
nothing but a thick grey mist. Then some large objects, like the shadows of enormous fish, flowed across the screen in a steady stream. 屏幕亮了起来,最初只是一层厚厚的迷雾,然后就见到一些好像是大鱼的影子一样的大型物体从屏幕上不断地流过。
Cool mist humidifiers put moisture into the air by using a motor that converts the water to a fine mist. 冷雾水雾加湿器是通过使用马达把水转换成雾来增加空气湿度的。
As you sit at your table, a fine mist of water sprays from a sprinkler hidden in the plastic foliage surrounding the dining area. 然后,当你坐在桌子前面的时候,隐藏在餐厅周围塑料植物中的喷水装置会喷出水雾。
One morn, a young man leading a goat lost his way due to the thick mist. 清晨,一个牵着山羊的青年因为大雾迷了路。
None of this was visible the evening I got there. We stepped on to Guling's main street in mist so thick you could barely see your hands. 我到达的当晚什么也没看到,因为当我踏上牯岭的主干道时,雾气如此浓重,几乎伸手不见五指。
Another therapy treats the wound with a device that combines painless ultrasonic sound with a fine saline mist. 另外一种治疗方法使用了一种整合了无痛超声波和细粒含盐气雾技术的仪器。
That mounted the clouds and rode the mist, after living the fear did not catch up with, you to miss this class love rocket. 那可谓腾云驾雾,生害怕赶不到后你就错过了这班爱情的火箭。
What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah? Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears. 主说:以法莲哪,我可向你怎样行呢?犹大啊,我可向你怎样做呢?因为你们的良善如同早晨的云雾,又如速散的甘露。
The planet was, in fact, very near the horizon and was traversing a dense layer of mist which imparted to it a horrible ruddy hue. 那颗行星当时离地平线确是很近,透过一层浓雾,映出一种骇目的红光。
By spraying a fine mist of seawater into the sky. From a fleet of remote-control wind-powered ships! 他打算通过一队遥控风力船向天空碰撒精细的海水水雾!
We're still trying to sort out fact from fiction when it comes to Dracula. Turning into mist? Kinda doubt it. General shape-shifting? Maybe. 我们正把现实从传闻中剥离出来。说他能化成一缕烟嘛,尚有疑问。能随意变形吗?那大有可能。