
美 ['æbsəlu:tli]英 ['æbsəlu:tli]
  • int.当然
  • adv.完全地;绝对不;完全没有;极其
  • 网络绝对地;绝对正确;绝对的

absolutely agree,absolutely reject
absolutely clear,absolutely wrong,absolutely convinced,absolutely dedicated


1.(强调真实无误)绝对地,完全地used to emphasize that sth is completely true

2.绝对不;完全没有used to emphasize sth negative

3.极其used with adjectives or verbs that express strong feelings or extreme qualities to mean ‘extremely’

4.(强调同意或允许)当然,对极了used to emphasize that you agree with sb, or to give sb permission to do sth

5.(强调坚决不同意或不允许)当然不,绝对不行used to emphasize that you strongly disagree with sb, or to refuse permission


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... disagree vi 不同意;不一致 absolutely adv 绝对地;完全地 depend vi 依靠;依赖 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... disagree vi 不同意;不一致 absolutely adv 绝对地;完全地 depend vi 依靠;依赖 ...


英语口语一字经 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... 40 Gorgeous! 美极了! 1 Absolutely绝对正确! 2 Adorable! 可爱极了! ...


葛瑞·盖斯_百度百科 ... 11. Groove With Me 与我共舞 12. Absolutely 当然 13. Club Hoppin' 夜店流连 ...


Quizzes 英语小测验 _BBC_新浪教育_新浪网 ... English dialects 方言 Absolutely 绝对的 Sounds 描绘声音 ...


请大家帮我想个东西,英语好的进。!_百度知道 ... energy—— 能量,力量 absolutely—— 绝对地,绝对是 magnetism—— 魅 …

Absolutely. We are spiritual creations and I believe that our thoughts will never die. I believe there's got to be something. 绝对相信。我们是精神的产物,我相信,我们的精神永不灭。我相信一定存在某种神秘的东西。
This drove us absolutely crazy with sexual frustration, so every opportunity we got to be alone, we tried to get some fast relief. 这种没有性生活的挫折让我们完全崩溃,只能抓住任何独处的空挡,尝试一点快速释放。
The culture minister said he absolutely condemned sex tourism and paedophilia which he said he never practised. 这位文化部长称,他谴责性旅游和恋童癖,他也从来没做过这样的事。
Then he hadfallen for his wife, Margot Ashton; he had gone absolutely crazy for her. 后来他就拜倒在妻子玛格特·艾什顿的石榴裙下,疯狂地迷恋着她。
It was absolutely amazing when she picked it up to safety, protecting it from the hyena. And over the next five hours, she took care of it. 她把它叼到安全处所,保护它不被土狼猎捕,在接下来五个小时,她照料它。
The chicken is cooked perfectly, still light pink at the bone, soft but with a bit of chew, and absolutely silky. 鸡肉做的可真好,仍旧粉粉的连在骨架上,嫩嫩的却有劲道,绝对的柔滑。
A moment before it had the even black nowhere of the womb and suddenly its world was full of colour movement absolutely noise. 片刻这前,它还呆在母体里某个黑暗而平静的地方,突然,它的世界变得五光十色,变得活泼而喧嚣。
It's fantastic to see Gerard back in the game and I have absolutely no doubt that he will do a terrific job. 霍利尔重新回到教练岗位太棒了,我毫不怀疑他将在那里一展拳脚。
And I'm absolutely confident that America has no better ambassadors to offer than our young people. 我很自信,美国年轻人将会是最好的使者。
This was another part of my long term plan- I absolutely needed at least 6 months worth of my "salary" in the bank before I would jump ship. 这是我长期计划的一部分:我下海之前至少得有相当与6个月工资的存款。
We say that doing such things are absolutely impermissible and a bid'ah that has no basis in Islam. 我们说这类行为是完全不允许的,是一个在伊斯兰中没有任何根据的异端。
And that's going to be a huge expense for the U. S. Our solution is an absolutely, completely democratic solution. 而这对美国来说将会是一笔巨大的开支,而我们的方案是完全民主的解决方案。
Under these circumstances. Congress, on taking charge of these countries, did not absolutely prohibit slavery within them. 在这些情况下,国会为了管理这些地方,并没在这些地方内绝对禁止奴隶制。
Bolero is an absolutely terrible movie but it features quite a bit of Derek in the nude. 《波列罗》是一部很糟糕的影片,但它却以大量伯·德里克的裸体镜头为特色。
He was not even absolutely sure that it was Javert, and then it might have been Javert, without Javert knowing that he was Jean Valjean. 他甚至不能十分确定那究竟是不是沙威,并且即使是沙威,沙威也不一定就知道他是冉阿让。
Rising up into the sky on board of a plane allows a human to see the world from an absolutely different angle. 乘坐飞机升到空中,人便能以完全不同的角度来打量这个世界。
Since don't can is accustomed at me, that only the dead end is a , this dead wench, absolutely stay not get. 既然不能为我所用,那就只有死路一条,这个死丫头,绝对留不得。
We absolutely would not recommend this as a design paradigm, but it was a question of working with what they'd done or not at all. 我们绝对不推荐这样进行设计,但当时的问题是要么在他们已完成部分上继续工作,要么就不做。
I realize that this universe is a peaceful paradise. I am totally secure. There is nothing to be anxious about. Absolutely nothing. 我知道宇宙是个平安的乐园,自己十分安全,绝对无须担挂,没有甚麽值得去烦恼。
Fern couldn't take her eyes off the tiny pig. "Oh, " she whispered. "Oh, look at him! He's absolutely perfect. " 弗恩目不转睛地看着小猪。“哦,”她轻声说道。“哦,看他呀!他简直是完美极了。”
While I would like nothing more than to see the Federal Reserve abolished, it is not absolutely necessary to do so with direct legislation. 尽管我更愿意看到联邦储备系统被废除,但也不是绝对有必要通过立法来这样做。
Secondly, I address the question of the argument's validity, alling attention to its foundation in absolutely fundamental experience. 其次,笔者处理这个论证的有效性的问题,强调这个论证是以绝对的基础经验为根据。
You are a true fan of the car and you think you know how to look absolutely all models of cars from different manufacturers? 你是一个真正的汽车迷,你认为你知道如何看待来自不同制造商的绝对所有型号的汽车吗?
Oh, God, just the sight of him. Heart pounding, throat thickening, absolutely can't swallow. All the usual symptoms. 上帝呐,只要看到他,我的心就狂跳,喉咙干到无法吞咽。全都是单相思的症状。
It gets a bit different. It seems to get better. -I think, I think. . . absolutely. 那看起来有点儿不同以往。看起来更好。-我认为,我认为…当然。
"I can tell you there's absolutely no gap between the secretary's position on Iran and the president's position on Iran, " he said. 他说:“我可以告诉你的是,国防部长和总统在伊朗问题的立场上绝对没有分歧。”
So the owner of the shop goes in back and comes out with an absolutely gorgeous full-length coat. 于是,店主到后面找出一件富丽堂皇的落地貂皮大衣。
On the contrary: last month, Wen Jiabao, China's premier, said he would "absolutely not yield" to pressure for a stronger renminbi. 相反,中国总理温家宝上月表示,“绝对不会”屈服于要求人民币升值的压力。
Yeah, absolutely. We had a competition which I even got to be a judge of. It's great fun. 是的,当然。我们举行了一个比赛,而且我也在其中担任裁判。这很有意思。
He was a great storyteller. He could tell a story about an event, and so you felt you were absolutely there at the moment. 我的父亲很会讲故事。他会把一件事讲得让你觉得完全是身临其境。