vitamin a

  • un.维生素A;视黄醇;抗干眼醇;肝黄质

vitamin avitamin a

vitamin a


四川省医保目录 2010版-药源网 ... 达克罗宁 Dyclonine 维生素A Vitamin A 复合维生素B Vitamin B Complex ...


cas数据库列表 ... 11092-32-3,Aluminum oxide, 氧化铝 11103-57-4,Vitamin A, 视黄醇 11099-02-8,Nickel oxide, 氧化亚镍 ...

Lack of vitamin A causes up to half a million children to go blind each year, of whom half die within a year. 缺维生素A导致每年高达100万儿童失明,其中半数在一年内离开了我们。
inability to see clearly in dim light; due to a deficiency of vitamin A or to a retinal disorder. 在黯淡的光线下看不清东西;缺乏维生素A。
The first form of vitamin A helps to seal off parts of the biology under reconstruction or too damaged to be yet repaired. 维他命A的第一种形式,帮助密封生物体中正在重建的部分或过于受损而无法修复的部分。
The main culprits were vitamin A, beta carotene and vitamin E; vitamin C and selenium seemed to have no meaningful effect. 罪魁祸首就是维生素A、β-胡萝卜素和维E;维C和硒也没显示有明显效果。
In the case of vitamin A, you also get anti-acne benefits -- vitamin A has been used in acne medications (think Retin-A) for many years. 拥有了维生素A,也有利于防止粉刺——维生素A已经在防粉刺的药物(全反维生素A酸)中使用很多年。
Whether you choose to use sweet potatoes or winter squash, you'll be using vegetables with a great deal of vitamin A. 无论你是选择白薯或者东南瓜,你将使用到蔬菜里面的大量的维生素A。
The same was true of those who did not receive vitamin A supplements and those who were underweight. 同样不吸收维生素A和体重过轻的孩子也这样。
Carrots are easy to raise and easy to harvest. They taste good. And they contain a lot of carotene, which the body makes into vitamin A. 胡萝卜易于种植也易于收获,而且味道鲜美,富含胡萝卜素,补充身体所需的维他命A。
The next is pumpkin which is mainly composed of water and a small amount of starch. It is an anti-oxidant, rich in vitamin A and B. 其次就南瓜,它主要成分是水和少量淀粉质,富含维他命A和B,具有抗氧化的作用。
This form of vitamin A is also manufactured by the crystalline genetic blueprint and is not found in many food sources as of yet. 这种维生素A也由水晶基因蓝图产生,迄今为止还没有发现较多食物源。
Besides potential risks, the bioavailability of this precursor of vitamin A from rice is unknown up to now. 目前为止,除了未知的潜在的风险,这种首次面世的水稻中维生素A的生物利用度到还处于不为所知。
Be aware that as a fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin A can be stored in the body and levels can build up over time. 需要注意的是,维生素A作为一种脂溶性维生素会在体内积累并随着时间增加,其含量也会增加。
Here is the basic definition of a vitamin: a small molecule that your body must have in order to carry out a certain chemical reaction. 维生素的基本定义是:一个小分子,你的身体需要它才能进行某种化学反应。
The crunchy snack is loaded with vitamin A - a good-for-your-eyes antioxidant that appears to be great for skin, too. 松脆的胡萝卜含有丰富的维生素A,不但可以保护眼睛,还对皮肤大有益处。
And those who take fish oils as well as a multivitamin could be consuming too much vitamin A, raising their odds of brittle bones. 另外,那些服用鱼肝油和复合维生素的人吸收太多的维生素A,增加他们骨质疏松的几率。
And, your mother often is opposite no less than you say in that way, vitamin A inspects muscularity to be in benignantly to protection. 而且,正如你的母亲经常对你说的那样,维生素a对保护视力大有益处。
IN A market in southern Uganda two traders squat behind little piles of sweet potatoes and a sign that says "with extra vitamin A" . 乌干达南部的一个市场上,两个小贩蹲坐在一小堆红薯边,一旁的牌子上写着“富含维A”。
Vitamin A is used to trigger parts of any cell that has become damaged to repair the associated region. 维生素A被用以触发任何已受损的细胞部份去修复关联部位。
Maybe now's the time to see if your taste buds have matured to accommodate this no-fat, low-calorie, super-high-vitamin-A food. 现在,是时候看看您的味蕾是否能适应这种无脂肪,低热量,极富维生素A的食物了。
The company manufactures a low-cost vitamin A and mineral - enriched rice kernel product that can be mixed with regular rice. 该公司生产了一种低价的富含维生素A和微量元素的大米谷粒产品,能与普通大米互混。
Viscous yellow oil at room temperature. At the storage temperatures recommended, some of the vitamin A palmitate may crystallize out. 常温下为粘性黄色油状液体,在推荐储藏温度下,维生素A棕榈酸酯会结晶析出。
This form of vitamin A is found in carrots, mangos , pumpkin and any orange colored fruit or vegetable, including oranges or tangerines. 这一种维他命A在胡萝卜、芒果、南瓜及任何橘黄色的水果或蔬菜中找到,包括桔子或柑橘。
Sweet potatoes, carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into vitamin A. 蕃薯,胡萝卜及其它深色水果和蔬菜都含有人体吸收后可转化为维生素A的物质。
Also check your multivitamin, and if it's high in vitamin A, consider switching to one that isn't. 还要检查你服用的维生素复合片中的成分剂量,如果维生素A过高,考虑换成别的。
Excess vitamin A can cause headaches, hair loss, visual disturbances and a possibly increased risk of osteoporosis. 过量摄入维他命A可能导致头痛、脱发、视力障碍,并可能加大骨质疏松症的风险。
Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K) require Bile salts for absorption and are stored in the Body. 脂溶性维生素(维生素A、维生素d、维生素E、维生素K)需要胆盐才能被吸收,并储存在体内。
As for foods or nutrients that reverse aging -- vitamin A is certainly one of those, and it comes from a variety of sources. 食物或营养素可以反转衰老,维生素A毫无疑问属于其中之一,它有不同的来源。
Tomatoes is a remarkable vegetable for your skin as it is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. 对于你的皮肤来说,西红柿是一种了不起的水果,因为它富含了维生素A,维生素C以及钾元素。
' There's a grain of truth in this. Carrots are high in Beta-carotene which the body converts to vitamin A, essential for healthy vision. 不过生活中吃胡萝卜确实对身体有好处,因为胡萝卜中富含β-胡萝卜素,它能在人体中转换成维生素A,对维持健康非常有益。
Lack of vitamin A causes membranes around the organs to shrivel, leaving them vulnerable. 缺少维生素A导致器官周围的膜萎缩,使它们不堪一击。