an angel

  • 网络天使;一个天使;一位天使

an angelan angel

an angel


an angle歌词_百度文库 ... An angel 一个天使 An angel 天使 Angel 歌词及翻译 ...


an angle歌词_百度文库 ... Angel 歌词及翻译 An angel 一个天使 An angel 天使 ...


Acts of the Apostles ... ).....keys 钥匙 ) angel 一位天使 Q3:The prison doors were opened by 监狱的门被什么打开 ...


总结11道ACT考试的数学题_美世留学 ... G. A ray( 一条射线) H. An angel( 一个角) K. A line segement( 一条线段) ...


魔兽争霸简单的防守地图_百度知道 ... 另一个是 fall 圣天使ou99 an angel 慕容紫英 murongziying ...


红出版 - 香港儿歌 Children’s Songs ... 小小太空人 Youngest Spaceman 小天使 An Angel 好学生 A Good Student ...


{{紸禵::天使般的声音an angel) (留言:1)你天使般的面容 :My angel face 《恶人》主题曲 英文歌词+中文大意 ... believ…


Peshitta Aramaic/English/Chinese... ... to him …向他 an angel一个使者 of the LORD 主耶和华的 ...

And when forty years had been fulfilled, an Angel appeared to him in the wilderness of Mount Sinai in the flame of a thornbush fire. 满了四十年,在西乃山的旷野,有一位天使在荆棘火焰中向摩西显现。
'I hated you when you said he was like an angel! ' 你说他像个天使,我就讨厌你了。
But the angel of the LORD did no more appear to Manoah and to his wife. Then Manoah knew that he was an angel of the LORD. 耶和华的使者不再向玛挪亚和他的妻显现,玛挪亚才知道他是耶和华的使者。
Whenever he again thought of her in his dreams, it was not as of an angel with azure wings. 每逢他在梦中再想到她的时候,他可不是想到一位具有天蓝色翅膀的天使。
"It a hard life to be such an angel. " Tomy defined solemnly. “做这种天使很苦!”汤米严肃地下了结论。
And instantly an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give the glory to God; and he was eaten by worms and expired. 主的使者立刻击打希律,因为他不归荣耀给神;他被虫所咬,气就断了。
in which she felt she'd been speared through the heart by an angel and infused with the Holy Spirit. 她感到她被一位天使洞穿心脏而且心中充满了圣灵。
Who love women, even if the long ugly, but it will be like the sun in her eyes as the warm, bright, brilliant smile will be like an angel. 谁爱女人,即使长的丑,但它会像在诸如温暖,明亮,灿烂的笑容会像一个天使她的眼睛太阳。
HIGH up in the clear, pure air flew an angel, with a flower plucked from the garden of heaven. 在高清晰,纯净的空气注册飞的天使,从天上的花园摘了一朵花。
You treat me like an angel, flying in the sky, I want to spend my life with you, until the day I die. 你待我像天使。高飞于天空。余生有你相伴,死而无撼。
In addition to other decorative filigree, carved into a few exceptionally bright diamonds look like an angel. 除了金银细丝的装饰以外,几颗雕琢成天使模样的钻石格外璀璨夺目。
But the sea witch had lied. She didn't turn into foam. Instead, she became an angel. She was finally able to be happy and free. 没想到,海巫婆当时说的并非实话,小美人鱼并没有变成泡沫,她反而变成了一个天使。最后,她变得快乐又逍遥!
Looking up at the sky and noticing a cloud in the shape of an angel is another way we let you know that we are with you. 看著天空里的一朵形似天使的云,这是天使让你知道他们与你在一起的一种方式。
My life is brilliant, my love is pure. I saw an angel, of that I'm sure. She smiled at me on the subway. She was with another man. 我的人生灿烂缤纷,我的爱异常纯真。我看见过天使,我对此深信不疑。她在地铁上对我微笑。她身边有另一个男人。
There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 忽然地大震动。因为有主的使者,从天上下来,把石头辊开,坐在上面。
"God laid his hands on the shoulders of children, and the answers to: " You're an angel's name is easy to remember, you called her mother! 上帝把手放在小孩的肩上,答到:“你天使的名字很容易记住,你就叫她妈妈!”
Forrest: (voice-over) I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like an angel. 阿甘:(话外音)我一生从没见过这么美的东西,她就像是天使。
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 我又看见一位天使从天上降下来,手里拿着无底坑的钥匙和一条大锁链。
Just like a star across my sky, just like an angel off the page, you have appeared to my life. 你像星星划过我的天空,像童话中走出的天使,出现在我的生命中。
And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 我又看见一位天使从天降下、手里拿著无底坑的钥匙、和一条大鍊子。
The sky blue wall blends with the snow-white bed and it creates a picture of a cloud slowly taking an angel up to heaven. 房间里的淡蓝色衬托着雪白的床,像一朵白云一样,把天使带入天堂。
However, such a girl like an angel, how kind of treatment she get? 可是,这样的天使一样的姑娘,受到的是怎么样的对待呢?
There must be an angel with a smile on her face, When she thought up that I should be with you. 我看到了笑起来跟她一模一样的天使当她也想到我们应该在一起时
I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like an angel. 在我的一生中我没见过如此美丽的事物,她就像天使。
On a journey to Canaan he wrestled all night with an angel, who blessed him and gave him the name Israel. 在一次前往迦南的旅途中,他跟一位天使搏斗了一整晚,最后这位天使赐福给他,并把他的名字改为以色列。
And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the desert of mount Sina, an angel in a flame of fire in a bush. 过了四十年,在西乃山的旷野里,有一位使者在荆棘丛火焰中显现给他。
And then I saw another demon, but this demon was a beautiful demon , he looked like an angel of God, but he wasn t. 眼前的另一个魔鬼看来却很是美丽,像上帝的天使一般,但他并不是。
The river is long, the boat seems fly in the air, don't know where to stop. I feel like an angel in the heaven, separated from earth. 乘着轻风(在江面上)无所不至,并不知到哪里才会停栖,感觉身轻得似要离开尘世飘飞而去,有如道家羽化成仙。
And all those who were in the Sanhedrin, looking at him, saw that his face was like the face of an angel. 所有坐在公议会的人都注目看他,见他的面容好像天使的面容。
No matter how much you dislike them, after all, they really like you, for you are likely an angel in their eyes. 因为无论你多讨厌他,毕竟他们是真心喜欢你的,在他们眼里,你很可能就是天使!