• n.制动马力;轴马力
  • 网络必和必拓;必和必拓公司;矿业公司必和必拓




必和必拓(bhp)5-6月发往中国的各品位锰 4月20日够品位够时尚 k5品鉴会格调风靡泉城 4月20日 加快现代农业转型升级 提升高 …


在对必和必拓公司BHP)恶意收购世界上头号化肥生产商加拿大钾肥公司Potash(POT)的评估方面,现实终于占了上风。 …


4. 引擎制动马力 ( BHP ) 是指:{由引擎曲轴传出的可供作功之马力 | 驱动輪所量测到的净马力 | 引擎克服内部摩擦所损失的马力 …


  距离全球最大的矿业公司必和必拓(BHP)公布其2012年下半年净利润大幅下降58%短短不到几日,昨日(2月25日),BHP即将离 …

国民健康局(Bureau of Health Promotion)

Since 2002, Bureau of Health Promotion (BHP), Department of Health, Taiwan starts breast screening clinical trail in Taiwa...


世界钢铁工业的重组与未来展望 ... Estel 联邦德国-荷兰 BHP 澳大利亚 Thyssen 德国 ...


2010年,我们与必和必拓集团BHP)合作,进口其镍产品合计达8500吨,计1.85亿美元,占其镍总产量的8%以上。2011年 …

BHP warned on Monday that China was slowing down but it said that it had no intention of cutting back any production or capital spending. 必和必拓在周一警告中国经济正在下滑,但它表示自己并没有任何减少产能和资本投资计划的意图。
BHP's efforts to acquire Rio might, like the mining business itself, turn out to be cyclical. BHP收购力拓就像矿产业一样,又开始新的循环了。
He said yesterday that BHP Billiton would "not sign any new [traditional annual] contracts. " 他最近表示,必和必拓将“不会签署任何新的(传统的年度价格)合约。”
Southeast University Law School Professor Zhang Malin that merit, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton have long to realize that this point. 东南大学法学院张马林教授认为,按道理来说,力拓和必和必拓早就该认识到这点。
It is owned 50-50 by Rio and BHP, but the companies propose to make the venture mostly autonomous as if it were a third-party contractor. 力拓与必和必拓将分别持有合资公司的一半股权,但它们计划让该公司基本上独立,类似于一家第三方承包商。
People familiar with BHP said that it was not uncommon on a deal of this type to make contact with a range of interested parties. 熟悉必和必拓的人士表示,在此类交易中接触相关各方的做法并非罕见。
BHP and Rio reckon this is unfair and that they should be awarded a bigger piece of the "freight differential" between them and Vale. 必和必拓与力拓认为这不公平,它们应该从与淡水河谷之间的“运费差价”中得到更多好处。
Some analysts suggested at the time that BHP would have had a better chance of success if it had raised its bid. 一些分析师认为,当时必和必拓要是提高报价,胜算应该会更大一些。
Yesterday analysts said the appointment of Mr Kloppers might herald a more aggressive strategy at BHP Billiton, including more acquisitions. 分析师昨日表示,此次任命可能预示着必和必拓的战略将更为进取,包括将出现更多的收购等。
Given the decline in iron-ore prices and demand, it isn't clear how easily BHP would be able to sell so much production capacity. 考虑到铁矿石价格和需求下滑的情况,必和必拓怎么才能出售如此大规模的产能还不清楚。
Potash may be tempted to bulk up its balance sheet with debt to make it a more expensive deal for BHP. Potash可能会扩大资产负债表中的债务,从而令必和必拓面临更昂贵的交易。
Chinalco's move came just as BHP's top management, in Australia for a board meeting, were leaving the office for the weekend. 中铝采取行动之际,必和必拓的高管们在澳大利亚开董事会,他们当时正准备离开办公室去度周末。
BHP, although a smaller player in the iron ore market than Rio, is just as keen to see the old model of iron ore pricing break down. 虽然必和必拓在铁矿石市场上的实力不如力拓,但它也同样渴望看到传统铁矿石定价模式瓦解。
BHP's Kloppers, 48, has said he will walk away from the biggest acquisition deal this year if it's not in the best interest of shareholders. 必和必拓48岁的高瑞思说过,如果它不是股东最感兴趣的话,他将撤回今年最大的收购交易。
It had already bent: Rio, like BHP, confirmed 50 per cent of its iron ore had been sold on the spot market in the first half. 转变已经发生:与必和必拓(BHPBilliton)一样,力拓证实,上半年其在现货市场售出的铁矿石,占其铁矿石总销量的一半。
For its part, BHP Billiton sees Potash Corp as one of the few takeover targets that would make a difference to its long-term growth. 在必和必拓集团眼中,Potash公司是为数不多的几个能够对他们的长期增长产生影响的收购对象之一。
People close to Rio said yesterday that the offer "isn't even close" to a level that would tempt the company into a friendly deal with BHP. 熟悉力拓情况的人士昨日表示,上述出价“甚至都不接近”令该公司有兴趣与必和必拓达成友好交易的水平。
It reported BHP chief executive Marius Kloppers said the deal's completion was hampered by a proposed new Australian tax on mining profits. 报导称,必和必拓首席执行官高瑞思(MariusKloppers)表示,澳洲当局提议对矿业获利课徵新税的提案,妨碍了合并计划完成。
Even before BHP and Rio decided to team up, China had been trying to undermine the pricing power of the big iron-ore firms. 事实上在必和必拓与力拓决定联合之前,中国就已经试图打破铁矿石巨头们的定价权。
Another large investor also voiced concerns that BHP could be lured into overpaying due to the hostile nature of the deal. 另一位大投资者也表达了担忧,认为由于交易的敌意性质,必和必拓可能被诱惑支付过高价格。
"Speaking from an Agrium point of view, we're going to stay and we think BHP would be crazy to leave it, " he said. “从Agrium的角度来讲,我们将留在这个卡特尔,我们认为必和必拓要脱离它是疯了,”他表示。
Potash said the BHP bid 'grossly undervalued' the company; BHP has said the offer is full and fair. Potash表示,必和必拓的报价“严重低估”了公司价值,而必和必拓则称这个价格既充分又合理。
Potash urged shareholders not to tender to the BHP offer, which may well turn out to be the biggest takeover deal in any industry this year. 加钾建议股东不要将股票售予必和必拓,这项交易可能成为今年最大的并购案。
When BHP refused Mr Forrest's request for commercial access to its railway line, he built his own line next to it. 当BHP拒绝Forrest先生商业使用其铁路线的请求后,他自己在原线路旁边建造了一条铁路。
Rio plans to team with BHP in iron-rich Western Australia in a joint venture the steelmakers fear could turn out to be monopolistic. 力拓计划与必和必拓联手在澳洲西部地区成立一家合资企业,业内钢铁商担心这家公司恐怕会垄断整个铁矿石行业。
Uncertainty in global markets and a promise to spend up to $30bn on a buy-back after a deal is consummated may play into BHP's hands. 全球市场的不确定性,以及在交易完成后将斥资300亿美元回购力拓股票的承诺,可能对必和必拓有利。
And the company is expected to announce it is in advanced talks with BHP over a sale of some of Rio Tinto's Australian iron-ore assets. 预计力拓还会宣布正与必和必拓进行深入谈判,可能出售力拓在澳大利亚的部分铁矿石资产。
Goodyear was one of the team that spearheaded BHP's merger with Billiton of South Africa in 2001 . 年作为团队的一员,古德伊尔促成了必和必拓与南非比利顿兼并。
If BHP is going to raise its bid, analysts do not expect it to happen until after it declares its fiscal 2010 results on Wednesday. 分析人士预计,如果必和必拓集团准备提高收购价,那也必须等到公司在周三宣布2010年财报结果后才能确定下来。
He criticized BHP for not renewing a share buy back in August, when the company reported record profits of A$23. 6 billion. 他批评必和必拓集团在八月份公司利润达到创纪录的236亿时没有回购股票。