
美 [ˈblesəd]英 [ˈblesɪd]
  • adj.神圣的;(宗教用语)有福的;愉快安宁的;无忧无虑的
  • n.有福者;【宗】死后已升天者
  • v.“bless”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络幸福;受祝福的;保佑




2.(宗教用语)有福的(in religious language) lucky

3.[obn]愉快安宁的;无忧无虑的enjoyable in a way that gives you a sense of peace or a feeling of freedom from anxiety or pain

4.[obn](informal)(表示愠怒)used to express mild anger


Sing Whatever/无所谓,Yang Kun/杨坤 ... 美 America;beautiful 幸福 blessed;happiness;happy 是 am;are;is;to be;yes ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... bleed v. 流血 blessed adj. 愉快的,神圣的 blessing n. 祝福 ...


英语专四词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... blend vt. 混和 blessed adj. 受祝福的 blessing n. 祝福 ...


sophie lowe_百度知道 ... The Clinic 诊所惊魂 2010 Blessed 保佑 2009 Beautiful Kate 美丽的凯特 2009 ...


  译按:在新国际译本中,‘有福’(Blessed)是全首诗的第一个字词)一词可有蒙神赐福、快乐满足和本质上正确的3种含义,视 …


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... bless 保佑 blessed 幸福的 blessing 祝福 ...

For a few years I was blessed with the opportunity to teach pre-school handicapped students one afternoon a week. 对于我是有机会教导学前残疾学生每周的一个下午祝福几年。
David is a very good kid and I am blessed to have he and his brother William as sons. This has been a great experience for our family. 大卫是一个非常好孩子,我很幸运,有他和他的兄弟威廉作为儿子。
And as He reclined at table with them, He took the loaf and blessed it, and having broken it, He began handing it to them. 到了同他们坐席的时候,耶稣拿起饼来,祝福了,擘开,递给他们。
The hermit bent his head before the two women, and gave thanks in his heart. 'If my soul is as these, ' he said, 'I am blessed indeed. ' 隐士在两个女人面前低下头,衷心地感谢她们:“如果我的灵魂就像这样的话,我实在是有福了。”
Of course, I did, and all the way home he blessed me out and wouldn't let me ex plain and said he was going to tell Aunt Pitty. 当我上了车,他便一路上没完没了地骂我,也不让我解释一句,还说他要去告诉皮蒂姑妈。
And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all. 至高的神把敌人交在你手里,是应当称颂的。亚伯兰就把所得的拿出十分之一来,给麦基洗德。
What was more admirable was that he is blessed with a happy family, beautiful wife and lovely children, luxurious houses and expensive cars. 更令人羡慕的是,他有着幸福的家庭、娇妻美子、汽车豪宅等。
You feel blessed within this potential future memory to have the opportunity to once again witness a time of true unconditional Love. 在这潜在未来记忆里你感觉到非常幸福,为能拥有机会(在地球上)再次见证〖一个真正无条件去爱的时代〗而感到幸福。
Now, nearly a thousand copies later, I have so many stories of people telling me how much they were blessed by my books. 现在呢?它已经卖出了一千多册,而人们也纷纷告诉我我的书给他们带来了多大的福气。
But there was in her a certain pride and love of labour with which many members of the labour force have been blessed. 然而在她身上,具有一份许多劳动人民所特有的对劳动的自豪与热爱。
And if God had blessed me with beauty and wealth, I could make it as hard for you to leave me as it is for I to leave you. 要是上帝赐予我美貌和财富的话,我也会让你对我难以割舍,就如同你离不开我一样。
(in Muslim belief) one of the dark-eyed virgins of perfect beauty believed to live with the blessed in Paradise. (穆斯林信仰中)在天国中,和幸福的人住在一起的黑眼睛童贞美女。
And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil. 论亚设说,愿亚设享受多子的福乐,得他弟兄的喜悦,可以把脚蘸在油中。
But there was in her a certain pride and love of labor with many Gentiles have been blessed. 可是她有许多非犹太人所具有的那种自尊心,那种对劳动的热爱。
The enthusiastic girl looked towards the windows of the widow's room, and blessed in her heart the kind creature within. 热情的少女眼望着寡妇那卧室的窗子,在心里祝福着那个善良的灵魂。
Leave a place, scenery is no longer belong to you, Miss a person, blessed is the man that has nothing to do with you. 离开一个地方,风景就不再属于你;错过一个人,那人便与你无关。
And He lifted up His eyes to His disciples and said, Blessed are the poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. 耶稣举目看著门徒说,贫穷的人有福了,因为神的国是你们的。
May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands. 33你和你的见识也当称赞;因为你今日拦阻我亲手报仇、流人的血。
My family is truly blessed and honored to be loved by such a wonderful, kind and loving man of God. 我的家人被李弟兄这样一位仁慈、有爱心的属神的人所爱,是何等的蒙福并感到光荣。
We should not be giving money so that God will bless us, instead we should be giving money because of how much God has ALREADY blessed us. 我们不应当为了得着神更多的祝福所以才奉献,而是应当因为神已经这样大大地赐福于我们,所以做出感恩的奉献作为回应。
He replied, "I don't know dear, but I am glad we were blessed enough to see another one together. " 丈夫回答说:“我也不知道原因,亲爱的,但是我们是如此的幸运又一起看到了这样圆圆的月亮。”
May God bless her and her parents, just as she blessed that little boy, and me, that day! 愿上帝保佑她和她的父母,就像她在那一天将祝福送给那个小男孩和我一样。
And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed. 为了那过错,你必须伫立在幸福之门外,敲门、守候,却不被回应。
Blessed be the children, as they do not know time, but loved and respected be those discovering the truth while walking through darkness. 喜悦的成为这孩童,因为他们完全不明白时间,而是被爱与被尊重着去成为那些发掘真理而行走在黑暗中的人。
Here, the poet of a blessed family, his wife as "much fruit of the vine. " 在这里,诗人论到一个蒙福的家庭,妻子好像“多结果子的葡萄树”。
and, you know, going with me through this whole adventure. And I'm so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. . . 还有,你知道的,陪我一同经历这整个挑战。并且我感谢我的生活中由你们各位的参与……
Up to 3, 000 houses a year were being built, luring buyers with models blessed with such names as the Monarch, the Savoy and the Windsor. 当时每年新建多达3000栋房子;打着帝王之家、萨沃伊和温莎等名字,吸引着各路卖家。
Geography blessed Marcona, he said, with a location at the end of a planned highway link to Brazil. 马尔科纳还拥有得天独厚的地理条件,一条通到巴西的高速公路正在准备修建,它的起点就在马尔科纳。
We formed a circle around the long, wooden table as we held hands and I, the oldest, and now the head of the family, blessed the meal. 我们围坐在木制的长桌子边,手拉着手,我作为长子和现在的家长做了饭前的祝福。
By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, [leaning] upon the top of his staff. 雅各因着信,临死的时候,给约瑟的两个儿子各自祝福,扶着杖头敬拜神。