


Funning to see that so far 40% people vote hiding their money in their boxes. Looking foward to more votes. Thanks. 有趣地发现,40%的人选择把钱藏在月饼盒里。期待着更多的投票。谢谢。
The next day, he put all the boxes and board, do lengji materials, pile into a temporary fence, fortifications. 第二天,他把所有的箱子以及木板、做木排的资料,堆成一个暂时性围墙,作进攻工事。
Imagine his surprise when he saw these amazing mummies, which had been kept in a dark room, in glass topped boxes. 想象他看到这些保存在黑暗房间的玻璃罩里神奇的木乃伊时吃惊的样子。
One day Mr Smith put a monkey in a room. He also put some small boxes in it. In one of the boxes there was some food. 一天,史密斯先生把一只猴子放在房间里,在房间里,他还放置了一些小盒子,在其中一个盒子里他留下了食物。
Some years ago I remember standing in my kitchen, staring silently at my boxes of cereal, trying to decide which to have for breakfast. 还记得多年前的某个早晨,我来到厨房,傻傻得盯着眼前的一堆谷物类盒子,无法决定早餐到底该吃什么。
Checkboxes dialog boxes are used to present up to four choices to a user and return the values of those choices during installation. 使用“复选框”对话框,可以在安装过程中向用户显示最多四个选项,并返回这些选项的值。
I just love boxes. My grandfather was sort of the guy who, you know, kind of got me into all sorts of these things. 我的外公是那种,让我对这一切产生兴趣的人。
Making the core boxes for this was a bit of a nightmare, but the end result was worth it. 制作了coreboxes这是噩梦的一点,但最终的结果是值得的。
As for the pliers to be shipped to us, we would like you to have them packed in boxes of 2 dozens each, 100 boxes to a wooden case. 关于即将发给我们的钳子,我们希望每两打装一盒,一百盒装一木箱。
Several aisles away, in the middle of the store, I see a conveyor belt carrying gold-colored boxes up to a second floor. 我看到几个过道之外、商场的中间有个传送带正把一些金黄色的盒子传送到二楼。
At the top of every code editor window is the navigation bar, which consists of two list boxes. 在每个代码编辑器窗口的顶部是导航栏,它由两个列表框组成。
Cranes grab boxes off the ship, lower them on to the flatbed trailers behind tractors, then swivel back to get the next box. 吊车的机械手将集装箱从船上吊起,卸在牵引车身后的平板拖车上,再转回来吊装下一个集装箱。
He offered no explanation for that move but said the U. S. ships passed the boxes safely. 他没有解释这种行为的原因,但表示美军舰艇已经安全地驶过了这些盒子。
Do you think he just thought of that word , Gore referred to "locked boxes" several times? 他只想到了那个词吗?戈尔几次提到“上了锁的匣子”。
Once when I stole a candy bar, he made me take it back and tell the man I stole it and that I'd unpack boxes to pay for it. 有一次我偷了一根棒棒糖。爸爸硬是要我送回去,还要我告诉卖糖的人是我偷了糖,并说我愿意帮他拆箱开包作为赔偿。
NBA games were not televised in Europe, so Bryant depended on the boxes from his grandfather to be able to imitate U. S. professionals. 即使那个时候NBA还不能在欧洲直播,但是科比已经可以通过录像带来模仿NBA中专业的篮球动作。
There was a guy on the sidewalk. He had three new boxes, Panasonic video camera boxes. He said he had to get rid of them quick. 人行道上有一个人,他有三个盒子,松下牌摄影机的盒子,他说急着脱手。
Box-makers would also benefit from reduced stock-holding, being able to produce custom-sized boxes on a just-in-time basis, he said. 箱梁制造商也将受益于减少持股,目前能生产自定义大小的箱子就准时的基础上,他说。
We just moved, um. I called UPS to ask them to help out with some boxes. 我们刚搬家。我打电话给联邦快递,请他们邮寄一些箱子。
In terms of the content of it, you look at stories, you think, well, what are stories but mystery boxes? 所以,按照它的内容来说,你看读这些故事的时候,神秘的盒子之外故事是什么?
When she stepped out on the fourth floor there was no one at hand, only great aisles of boxes piled to the ceiling. 她在四楼出电梯时,看不到一个人影,只见成堆摞到房顶的盒子,中间留出一条条走道来。
He reminds himself to straighten up every time he watches a replay of himself going to the boxes with one of his dogs. 他提醒自己要端正每次他看着自己与他的狗之一的框重播。
Many are going to be bought with cash and used as some kind of safe-deposit boxes for the rich who do not know where to invest their money. 钱多的不知该放哪里才好的富人会以现金购买许多这些单位,权充某种保险箱。
He took so many boxes with him that he had to call a taxi. 他身边带着太多的箱子,不得不叫计程车。
If you let me think myself, I can't think of anything to represent us out of the two boxes, maybe the Olympics could be one. 如果让我自己去想,我也想不出有什么可以代表我们的形象,在你提出的这两个范围之外,也许奥运可以吧。
I came out of a theater, where I used to spend every evening in the proscenium boxes in the role of an ardent wooer. 我走出剧院,过去我习惯每天晚上以热情的追求者身份出现在前台包厢里。(注十七)
He and Noah passed out Cheetos and juice boxes, which the children shared with one another as the staff sang Haitian songs. 随后,他和诺亚给大家分发了奇多食品和果汁盒。员工们唱起了海地歌曲,孩子们互相分享食物。
Would it be outrageous of me to ask if you'll help with our last few boxes? 如果我请你帮我搬剩下的几个箱子会不会有些冒犯?。
Ballot boxes are in place in France as the country is getting ready to select a new president. 选举用的箱子都已经准备好了,那是因为法国要推选一位新的总统。
She likes jewellery boxes, so I try to look for an unusual one for her each year. 她喜欢珠宝盒子,所以我每年总是尽量给她买一个与众不同的。