
美 [kɑrv]英 [kɑː(r)v]
  • v.刻;雕刻;把(熟肉)切成块;艰苦创业
  • n.〈美俚〉(作为食物,菜肴的)肉
  • 网络切开;雕刻嵌入效果;切割

第三人称单数:carves 现在分词:carving 过去式:carved

wood carve



1.[t][i]雕刻to make objects, patterns, etc. by cutting away material from wood or stone

2.[t]~ sth (on sth)刻to write sth on a surface by cutting into it

3.[t][i]~ (sth).~ (sb) sth把(熟肉)切成块to cut a large piece of cooked meat into smaller pieces for eating

4.[t][nopass]艰苦创业;奋斗取得(事业、名声等)to work hard in order to have a successful career, reputation, etc.


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... cartoon n. 动画片,卡通; 漫画 carve vt. 刻;雕刻 case n. 情况;病例;案件; 真相 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... cart n. 二轮运货马车 carve vt. 刻,雕刻;切开 case n. 情况;事实;病例 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... cart n. 二轮运货马车 carve vt. 刻,雕刻;切开 case n. 情况;事实;病例 ...


AE 插件 02_orange_百度空间 ... LetterBox( 简单的宽银幕效果) Carve雕刻嵌入效果) Chrome( 镀铬效果,好) ...


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... cartel 卡特尔, 联合企业 carve 雕刻,切割 carved 雕刻了的动词 ...


托福听力分类词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 浮雕 relief 雕刻,刻 carve;Engrave (图案的) 基本花纹 motif ...

Carve a name stamp and a financial stamp in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou at the Public Security Bureau in Guangzhou. 以广州办事处的名义向广州市公安局申报幷雕刻办事处公章及财务章。
He's said, 'There is no question of her filling my mother's shoes. Kate will carve her own path, and make a very good job of it. 他说,“让她担当起我母亲当年的角色毫无问题,但凯特会开辟一条她自己的道路,并且她会做的很好。”
Does it make sense for the president of the United States to carve time out of his busy schedule to read novels? 美国总统打算从繁忙的公务中腾出时间来看看小说,你觉得合理吗?
And, if you weren't able to carve out that 20-minute time-oasis, then make note of any achievement you had during the day, however small. 如果你能留出20分钟的时间空档,那么就记下你当天的成就,不管有多微小。
Mr. Huntsman is trying to carve out a niche for himself by touting his expertise in international relations. 洪博培正试图通过展现他在国际关系方面的特长而使自己从各位总统候选人中脱颍而出。
I would chop off his fingers, slash his throat open, carve numbers in his chest, gouge out his eyes, I swear to God! 我会砍失落他的手指,割开他的喉咙,在他胸口刻字,挖出他的眼睛,我对上帝起誓会这么做!
Then, with his knife, he began to carve all sorts of objects in wood ; it was thus that Pinelli, the famous sculptor, had commenced. 然后他又用小刀来雕刻各样的木头东西,大名鼎鼎的雕刻家庇尼里也就是这样开始的。
Samuelson's desire to carve a role for economics in contemporary policy debates was the other abiding theme of his career. 让经济学在当代政策辩论中扮演某种角色,是贯穿萨缪尔森事业生涯的另一个主题。
He said the government should aim to carve out a long-term foreign policy that managed to rise above the public mood. 他认为,印度政府的长期外交政策应摆脱公众情绪的局限。
That was an opportunity too good to miss. We were both able to carve out a chunk of time again. 那是一个好机会,不容错过。我们又再一次获得了共处的时间。
It appears that China is also trying to carve out a piece of an important future industry in clean technology. 看起来中国也正在试图在清洁能源这一重要的未来新兴产业中切一块蛋糕。
As much as I enjoy following along with a story written by others, the ability to carve my own path is just as alluring. 我很喜欢玩别人写好的故事,当然,去塑造出一条属于自己的路也是相当诱人的。
But over time, Kim Jong-un has also begun to carve out his own leadership style, striving to come across as youthful and more pragmatic. 然而,随着时间的流逝,金正恩也开始形成自己的领导风格,他正努力塑造一个年轻且更加务实的形象。
He holed himself up in Jabba's palace, fighting a disorganized war against others trying to carve apart the carcass of the criminal empire. 他躲在贾巴的宫殿里,在一场无组织的战争中对抗试图分割犯罪帝国残骸的其他人。
China may be trying to carve out a niche for the yuan as a "regional trade currency" , thinks GaveKal Dragonomics, a consultancy. 龙洲经讯咨询机构认为,中国或许正在努力为人民币打造成地区贸易货币创造适当的时机。
Or it could carve out a separate place for links outside the message (perhaps through a "link" button at the bottom of each Tweet). 或者也可以在信息以外划出一块单独的地方存放链接(或许通过在每个Tweet底部增加“链接”按钮实现)。
Simply put, it's up to you to carve out your place in the work world and know when to change course. 简单说,在职场中如何开辟你的天地以及何时转向都取决于你自己。
What the bank needs, in a crowded market, is a niche of its own, and it is trying to carve one out. 此刻,世界银行在这个拥挤的全球市场里面所需要的,是属于自己的利基,而且世银也正在努力挖掘出自己的利基价值。
He is skilled in carving, to be able to carve a figure from such a small stone. 他的雕刻技艺十分高超,居然在这么小的石头上雕刻出了人形。
But despite wearing Diana's ring, Kate will be free to carve her own future, William said: 'No one's trying to fill my mother's shoes. ' 尽管带着戴安娜的戒指,米德尔顿仍可以自由地做她自己。威廉王子说,没有人试图取代我母亲的位置。
This dates not from some carve-up in the last century, but from 1699 when Bosnia was part of the Ottoman Empire. 它起源于1699年波斯尼亚还是奥斯曼帝国时期,而非上世纪的地界划分。
Since only eating cannot provide all the nutrients our body need, we have to look somewhere else for that amount we carve in. 食物中获取的营养远远不够身体所需,所以我们还需要其他补给。
As a start empty-handed, carve of private enterprises, departments and the establishment of the need to see, system construction of verbal. 作为白手起家、艰苦创业的民营企业,部门建立看需要,制度建设口头上。
What I have said has no use for you unless you carve them in your mind and not just remember in your memory. 我所说的对你并没有一点用处,除非你把它刻在你的心上,而不是单单记在脑袋中。
This is how you make a jack-o-lantern: you buy a pumpkin, take it home, carve the pumpkin and give it a spooky, happy, scary face. 制作杰克灯的方法:买一个南瓜,带回家,雕刻南瓜,给它一个可怕的,吓。
It took about 5 to 6 million years of water flowing over the surface of the earth to carve out the immense canyon. 河流流过地表,经过五六百万年的时间,最终凿刻出了这个巨大的峡谷。
The forum is an attempt to carve out a niche for Indonesia in Asian diplomacy. 这个论坛是为印尼在亚洲外交中开辟一个新位置的尝试。
Blocking roads, they began to carve out a breakaway Serbian statelet. 他们用木头封锁道路,成立了一个脱离克罗地亚的塞尔维亚克拉伊纳共和国。
I want to be in the bed can be so carve, people must be peace and happiness, and that's the old Chinese state of mind. 我在想当床也能被如斯砥砺的时分,人必然是安然平静与幸福的,这就是古老中国人的心境。
Little boys like to carve a checkerboard pattern down the length of a new pencil and all the way around it. 小男孩喜欢在新铅笔杆上直的,或是绕着笔杆刻下棋盘般的方格图案。