
美 [klɔ]英 [klɔː]
  • n.钳;脚爪;爪形夹具;(机械的)爪
  • v.(用爪子或手指甲)抓
  • 网络螯;利爪;爪击

复数:claws 现在分词:clawing 过去式:clawed

claw way


n. v.

2.(水生有壳动物的)螯,钳a long, sharp curved part of the body of some types of shellfish , used for catching and holding things


get your claws into sb

(女人)死死缠住(男人)if a womangets her claws into a man, she tries hard to make him marry her or to have a relationship with her

假面骑士Fourze_百度百科 ... 冻结 Freeze Claw 滑板 Board ...


2012年福建高考英语词汇表(最全) - 豆丁网 ... classroom n. 教室 claw n. 爪子 clean vt. 弄干净,擦干净 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... classroom n. 教室,课堂 claw n. 爪,脚爪,螯 clay n. 粘土,泥土;肉体 ...

C开头的单词_百度文库 ... classroom n. 教室,课堂 claw n. 爪,脚爪, clay n. 粘土,泥土;肉体 ...

建筑专业英语词汇(C)|房地产建筑专业英语词汇 ... classifier 粒度分级器分级器 claw claw hammer 木工锤 ...


沙丘2000 Dune 2000 - 游戏知识 - 游戏攻略网 ... 死亡地牢 Deathtrap Dungeon 利爪 Claw 地球2150 Earth 2150 ...


德鲁伊全技能列表_WOW魔兽世界_TG兽吧 ... 休眠 Hibernate 爪击 Claw 扯裂 Rip ...

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(C) ... claw 爪 claw 爪; clawed clip 爪形线夹 ...

I was able to explain simply to her why she could not do so and showed her where she was allowed to claw. 我简单地向她解释,为什么她不能这么做,并告诉她哪里可以抓。
There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tattered wizard's hat -- the Sorting Hat. 房间里还有一张巨大的桌子,桌角是爪子形的,在桌子后面的一块搁板上,放着一顶破破烂烂的、皱皱巴巴的巫师帽——分院帽。
She began to kick and claw at him, writhing, doubling as she fought against him, more animal than human. 她开始对他又踢又抓,一边同他挣打,一边翻腾,弯曲着身体,就像一头野兽。
If you annoy a cat it might claw or bite you in a way that would put poison in you, and that would be the serpent's tooth. 要是你把猫惹怒了,它会抓你咬你,让你中毒,就像大毒蛇用牙施毒一样。
The tiger reaches out a lethal paw to claw the toy as Harwell quickly rolls to his feet, ready to flee if necessary. 白虎伸出威力巨大的爪子去抓玩具,哈维尔慌忙连滚带爬地转移到白虎脚边,准备伺机逃跑。
One girl was screaming. A boy was trying to claw his way across the floor to the door in a crazy over arm crawl. 一个女同学喊叫着,一个男同学在地板上疯狂地扑腾着,死命地爬向门口。
Just as with a real crab claw, one pincer stays fixed and one pincer moves -- opening and closing to keep DNA in place. 就像真正的蟹爪一样,一个蟹螯保持固定而另一个则来回移动——开启和关闭以确保DNA处于它们的位置上。
WL: I had to claw myself out, and let me tell you, I didn't take the scenic route, if you know what I mean. 我用爪子抓了个洞才出来的。而且说实话,我没走有布景的那条路,如果你明白我在说什么的话。
The name stirred something inside me, something that began to claw its way toward the surface, something I knew I didn't want to face. 这个名字惊扰到体内的某些东西,这东西正在用利爪撕扯着想要出来,我知道我想面对它。
You start preparing it. It has no big claw on its hind foot. It doesn't look like a Velociraptor. 它的后脚没有大型爪子,看起来不像迅猛龙。
The demon took another stride forward, carrying with it a smell of rotting fish. It pointed a claw-like finger at his chest. 魔鬼又往前迈了一步,带着一股腐烂的鱼的味道。它用鳌一样的手指指着自己的胸膛。
'My right hand was hit by shrapnel and didn't work, but I could move my left and I began to claw the earth away, ' he recalls. 吉奥尔吉回忆说:“我的右手被弹片打伤不能动弹,但我还可以用左手。”
When the catastrophe occurred the banks were unable to claw back bonuses already paid out on unreal profits. 当灾难发生后,银行无法追回那些已根据非真实利润发放出去的奖金。
Mrs. Fu trembled and wept as she watched the claw lift huge pieces of the building aside so workers could get toward the interior. 挖掘机的爪子举起大块的建筑放到一边,以便工作人员能够进入里面,付女士边看边颤抖着,哭泣着。
The three leaders also came out in favour of deferring awards and claw-backs in case of negative outcomes. 三国领导人还表示,赞成延后支付奖金和在出现不良业绩时扣减奖金。
Furion Stormrage: Agreed. Just be careful. There is no telling how the druids of the claw will react to us after all this time. 玛法里奥。怒风:我同意。但要小心。谁也无法保证利爪德鲁伊对我们的召唤会如何反应。
Claw marks gouged into the cave wall showed the bear was not killed direct by the fall. It made a desperate attempt to climb back out. 山洞墙壁上挖凿的爪印显示出熊并非死于直接坠亡。它曾绝望地想爬出这个山洞。
It also advocates being able to claw back money from former managers if the accounts have to be restated. 同样,如果在帐目必须被重审的情况下,从以前的经理手中获得弥补性收入也是被提倡的。
Rumor has it that they're crawling with walking corpses now. As if the Saber Cats and Claw Vipers weren't bad enough. 传说指出,一直到现在里面还有爬行的尸体到处走,光是剑齿猫和利爪腹蛇还不是最坏的消息!
after such a thumping Republican victory two years ago, Democrats might naturally expect to claw back some lost ground. 两年前共和党大获全胜后,其自然会期望将其原先失去的一些席位重新夺回。
"Do not Deng! " West Lu not lower the head use claw son Nao Nao eyes, Wei Wei Anne of the head continuously screams along with his action. “别蹬了!”西鲁非低头用爪子挠了挠眼睛,脑袋上的薇薇安随着他的动作不断尖叫。
No doubt Airbus will claw back some lost ground with orders at the Paris show, but the underlying trend is a Boeing bounce-back. 无疑,空客将会以其巴黎展会上的订单收回部分失地,但是根本的趋势还是波音的大幅反弹。
At this point, the sprockets of his memory claw at a blank reel. 在这时,里斯-琼斯记忆的齿轮空转了。
A manifester wielding a weapon could use such a claw or bite attack as an off-hand attack or as the primary attack in the round, as desired. 持用武器的显能者可以按意愿将本轮中这样的爪抓或啮咬攻击当作副手攻击或者主要攻击。更详细。
"What kind of a hand is that, " he said. "Cramp then if you want. Make yourself into a claw. It will do you no good. " “这算什么手啊,”他说。“随你去抽筋吧。变成一只鸟爪吧。对你可不会有好处。”
Before a decision can be reached, a giant claw crashes through the ceiling of the building and snatches up some of the humans. 在作出决定之前可到达,一个巨大的爪子崩溃通过上限的建设和攫取了一些人。
Bite now has no cooldown, does the same damage and costs the same Focus as Claw, so works as a Focus dump. 撕咬现在没有冷却,伤害和消耗的集中值和爪击相同。用于释放集中值。
I've been researching this lengthy eclipse and I believe it to be the work of Claw Vipers . 我正在研究这个长时间的日蚀成因,而且我相信这都是利爪腹蛇的杰作。
Overall deposit growth is flat, so banks are trying to claw share from the beleaguered cajas by offering rates as high as 4%. 由于整体存款增长疲软,因此银行通过提供高达4%的利息率从处于困境的其他储蓄银行那里抢夺份额。
The effect would be to restart the policy of quantitative easing that Japan used to claw out of its banking crisis between 2002 and 2006. 这种做的影响将是重启量化宽松的货币政策,而这种政策曾被日本用于使其挣脱出2002年到2006年期间的银行危机。