


"Never mind, then, " she said. "I couldn't be with someone who evidently has no taste. " “那没关系,”她说,“我不会和一个毫无品味的人在一起。”
Versions of this for puppies and cats have already been popular, but couldn't the kids just, you know, get a life of their own? 这类用小狗和小猫作为主角的版本已经大受欢迎。但孩子们不能在现实生活中这样自己选择生活吗?
It's hard to tell you what I felt in the changing room, the coach told me I had to play the second half but I replied that I couldn't. 我很难表述我在更衣室的感觉,教练对我说我还得坚持完下半场,但我回答说我不能。
He remained seated in the bathroom, with the letter in his hands, trying to think, but he couldn't think. 他呆坐在盥洗室里,手中拿着那封信,努力想些什么,但是他无法思考。
And my worry was that while I quite enjoyed his new documentary series, I couldn't think of a single question to ask about it. 我所担心的是,虽然我十分欣赏他新的纪录片系列,我却不能用一个单独的问题询问有关的事。
Some people take that to be cocky or conceited, but I wasn't going to let anybody tell me that I couldn't do whatever I set out to do. 有些人将我的这种想法视为骄傲或自负,但我不会让任何人对我说我做不到自己想做的事。
Her guest was really not very bright, he couldn't see that she was all eager ness to go out. 她那客人实在迟钝,竟看不出她正急于出门。
"The argument that they couldn't withstand the forces of head-butting seems to have been refuted by this evidence, " said Dr Theodor. “那么有了这些证据那些关于剑角龙的头部不能承受头部撞击的压力的讨论似乎被驳倒了”Theodor博士说道。
The operator couldn't get much out of him, except an address. 接线员不能从他那边获得更多信息,除了一个地址。
Now that the couldn't get in from the front door or through a window, Andrew began pounding on the front door to get his wife to open it. 现在他不可能从大门和任何一扇窗户进去,所以安德鲁开始拍门好让妻子开门让他进去。
She had a look of demure joy, recalling the married Frank or Dean (she couldn't tell us who) crooning to her over the M. R. I. machine. 她带着羞涩的喜悦,想起了已婚的弗兰克或者迪安(她不能告诉我们是谁),穿过核磁共振机,深情地唱歌给她听。
Intelligence officials knew there was an adult male in there, but they couldn't catch a glimpse. He never stepped in to view. 情报官员知道楼里住着一个成年男性,但始终无法见到他的身影,因为他从不露面。
She was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the examination paper, but she couldn' t answer any of the questions. 她正坐在考试大楼里,看着考试卷纸,但是她一道题也不会做。
and yet you couldn't really tell if it was just him or him and two or three or four other friends, each taking a look. . . 然而你真的不能说那只是他或他和两三个其他朋友,每个人都看一眼…
I couldn't escape one simple thought, I hated my place in the word, I had so much to say and no one to listen. 我不能逃避这简单的想法,我恨我所扮演的角色,我有许多话要说但却没有人听。
When Wars asked Sawa to many him . Sawa was very sad . She told him that she was a mermaid and she couldn't marry man . 当瓦尔斯向莎娃求婚的时候,莎娃非常的难过,她告诉男孩她是一个人鱼,是不能跟人类结婚的。
You couldn't have told him the matter. 你不可能把这件事告诉他了。
Nobody knew at the time, but my shoulder kept popping in and out during matches; it was very painful and I couldn't play at my best. 那时没人知道这一点,但在比赛中,我的肩膀不停地弹进弹出;实在很痛,我无法正常比赛。
I must have had a brainstorm I couldn't remember my own telephone number for a moment. 我一定是糊涂了--一时想不起自己的电话号码了。
Initially, he said he was late to a taping and said the "louts" and "jackasses with cameras" who taped him couldn't possibly understand. 最初,他说他要去做节目,已经迟到了,并说那些“大老粗”和“拿着相机的笨蛋们”根本不可能理解。
He said he couldn't get up because he had a great pain in his chest. 他说他不能起床了,因为他有巨大的痛苦在他的胸部。
It would be bad if we tried to fire our rockets and get out of there because we couldn't, anymore than light can escape. 如果我们试图启动火箭并离开那里,结果不会很好,因为我们不可能逃离,连光也不可能逃离。
He couldn't undo his knot in his mind so he began to drink. He was often found sleeping underneath the table. 他无法解开心结,于是他开始喝酒,他被常常发现睡在桌子下面,他的健康逐渐被饮酒削弱。
What movie? what theater? what time? If you were trying to make it impossible to locate you, You couldn't have done a better job. 啥电影,啥影院,啥时候?如果你想要我追踪不到你,那你干得真是再好不过了。
When I heard he couldn't play, I saw it in the faces of my players and it was easy to understand what was going on in their souls. 当我听说他不能比赛时我看到大家失望的表情。很容易理解球员们心理的变化。
All that city. You just couldn't see an end to it. . . . It wasn't what I saw that stopped me , Max. It was what I didn't see. 偌大的城市,绵延无尽。并非是我眼见的让我停住了脚步,而是我所看不见的。你能明白吗?
I couldn't be more delighted, said Parry. He has decided to stay with us because he realises how much the club means to him. 帕里说:“我实在太高兴了,他决定和我在一起,因为他明白俱乐部对他有多重要。”
She couldn't resist laughing at him in those clothes. 看到他穿着那样的衣服,她忍不住笑了起来。
That's no good. Couldn't I have it a bit longer? Even if I fill up the tank? 九点半?不好。我不可以借久一点吗?即使我把油加满。
John explained that he couldn't raise his arm above his head. John told him that he had an accident to home while digging in the garden. John解释说他现在已经不能将手高举过头顶,因为他曾经在花园里挖洞的时候出过事故。