美 [ˈdɪstrɪkt]英 ['dɪstrɪkt]
  • n.区;地区;区域;行政区
  • v.把…分区
  • 网络县;地域


residential district,central district,financial district,commercial district,electoral district
hit district



1.地区;区域an area of a country or town, especially one that has particular features

2.区;管区;行政区one of the areas which a country, town or state is divided into for purposes of organization, with official boundaries (= borders)

中国的地址怎么翻译成英文_爱问知识人 ... X路 X Road XDistrict X县 X County ...


初一人教版英语下册单词表_百度文库 ... garden 花园;菜园 district 区域;地区 enjoy 享受……的乐趣;欣赏 ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... garden 花园 district 区域 enjoy 享受……的乐趣 ...


【外研版】高中英语(1-8册单词打包) - 豆丁网 ... 121. rent n. 租金 122. district n. 地域;区域;行政区 123. approach vt. 接 …

代码被分类为District)、市(Municipality)、直辖市(Special municipality)三类。TW-CHA 彰化县 TW-CYI 嘉义市 TW-…


(D-F)英语四级词汇表下载 ... distribution n. 分发,分配;分布 district n. 区;地区,区域 disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱;弄乱 ...


地字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 地狱〖 hell;hadesnetherworld〗 地域district;region〗 地震〖 earthquake;seism;quake〗 ...

The Americas were also known as Columbia, after Columbus, prompting the name District of Columbia for the land set aside as the U. 美洲国家也被称为哥伦比亚之后,哥伦布,促使名称哥伦比亚特区的土地预留作为美国首都。
"We are obviously gratified that the district attorney agreed with my lawyers that this case had to be dismissed, " Mr Strauss-Kahn said. 卡恩表示:“我的律师们说必须撤销指控。我们显然对地区检察官同意这种观点感到高兴。”
According to a morning to the work of the service of the LinChuan spot eyewitness district, said the blast occurred sound very loud. 据一位上午到临川区政府办事的现场目击者称,爆炸发生时声音非常响。
As the Han people emigrated from the city center to the city outside the front door business district began to thrive. 随着汉族居民从市中心移居到城市外部,前门商业区开始兴盛起来。
A car will take you all round the Peak District in a morning. It is nothing but a crumpled green pocket handkerchief. 乘车一个上午就能让你逛完皮克区,它只不过是一块皱皱巴巴的绿手帕。
When she had asked the district manager about why she did not get the job, he replied that the man had more experience and then walked away. 当她问行政经理她为什么没有得到这个职位时,他回答说男人有更多经验,然后就走了。
Local documents have always been regarded as the encyclopedia and a historic record of a local district. 地方文献是地方之百科全书,是某一地区的历史记录。
He's earnest and dumb enough to wade into District 9, trying to get a "signature" from each of the 1. 8 million prawns MNU is moving. 威库斯傻头傻脑、一本正经地深入第九区腹地,想要让总数达180万的“大虾”一个个在MNU订立的迁徙协议上“签字”确认。
One of the homes Hudson is currently trying to sell is in a historic district in a suburb of Washington. 哈德逊目前正试图出售的住宅之一,座落于华盛顿郊区一个历史悠久的地区。
How to Help the Masses in Villages and Towns District Out of Their Predicament of "Difficult To See a Doctor" 如何破解乡镇区域群体“看病难”之困局
state of emergency for the town and county and said the business district, town hall and all schools in Apex will be closed Friday. 莱福徳宣布了该镇和县处于紧急状态,易帕克斯地区的商业区,市政厅和所有学校在星期五全部关闭。
To infuse an old, abandoned warehouse district with the vibrancy of a new neighbourhood - one building at a time. 在一座老旧的仓库空间极其周边注入新的活力――一所代表时代的建筑。
I've found a nice place in this district. Three bedrooms, a large kitchen, high ceilings, a tile bath and a big drawing room. 在这个区我找到一个好地方.三居室,厨房很大,屋顶很高,瓷砖装修的洗澡间,还有一个大客厅。
He had taken a district exam and was admitted to a mission school that admitted only a small number of the brightest Africans. 他参加了学区考试,考上了仅容许少数最优秀的非洲人上的教会学校。
When he was unsuccessful, he forced her to perform oral sex on him, " Assistant District Attorney John McConnell told the court on Monday. " 当其没有得逞时,他迫使其进行口交。地方检察官助手M周一时在法庭上说。
Did not know temporarily has buys the urban district map, hoped that my reply has the help to you, wishes your good luck. 暂不知道有没有买市区地图的,希望我的回答对你有所帮助,祝你好运。
In the years following his assassination, a small wall in the sleepy riverside district of Kampa became something of a shrine. 在他被谋杀后的许多年里,河边昏昏欲睡的卡姆巴区一堵小小的墙变成了圣地。
This Law may be referred to for a residents' community in an industrial or mining district without the administrative status of a town. 第四十四条未设镇建制的工矿区的居民点,参照本法执行。
This woman said she had a pay day every so often, when someone called and bused her to the industrial district to do landscaping. 这妇人说久不久会有一日有受薪工作,雇主会以大车接送她及其他人到工业园去作园艺。
Many perished trying to escape from Zacharo, a village in the Elis district in south-western Greece, as it was engulfed by flames. 位于希腊西南部Elis区的村庄Zacharo被大火包围,大批民众被迫逃离家园。
It was one of the earliest campus lantern riddle colleges in Chaoshan district. 她是潮汕地区最早的校园灯谜社之一。
He said Fire District reports did not indicate how emergency personnel were alerted to either of the cases. 他说消防区报告没有指出急救人员面对此类事故,如何变得警觉起来。
Now that you have a fairly objective inventory of the status of your district, you are ready to think about setting goals. 现在您已有相当客观贵的地区状况清单,您准备好思考去设定目标。
At noon, the sun warm sunshine to father-in-law land, the school district map of the garden like a paradise, very beautiful. 中午,太阳公公把温暖的阳光洒向大地,把学校的花园小区映射得像个天国,美丽极了。
Under the agreement, sharia law was to be adopted in Malakand district, to which Swat belongs. 依照该停火协议,白瓦沙所属的马拉坎德区将实行伊斯兰教法。
It was one of several similar structures in the Tsinghua Science Park in the Hardan District of north Beijing, China's Silicon Valley. 清华科技园坐落于北京北面的海淀区,这栋大楼只是这个“中国硅谷”中若干类似建筑中的一栋。
The violence erupted late on Saturday in London's northern Tottenham District when a peaceful protest over a police shooting turned violent. 周六晚,在伦敦北部的托特纳姆地区,抗议警察射击嫌疑犯的和平抗议暴躁起来,暴动由此爆发。
The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last week sued the company in U. S. District Court in Manhattan on behalf of the women. 美国平等就业机会委员会(U.S.EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)上周代表上述三人,在曼哈顿地区法院向彭博资讯提起诉讼。
We're looking for people with premium-brand retail store or district leadership experience who are ready to take it up a notch. 我们正寻找具有优质品牌零售店管理经验或者区域零售管理经验,而且随时准备跨越巅峰的人士。
In the central portion was the vast wholesale and shopping district, to which the uninformed seeker for work usually drifted. 市中心区是大型的商品集散地和购物区,没经验的打工仔们通常都会来这里转悠以寻找机会。