• abbr.(=European Theatre of Operation)(第二次世界大战时的)欧洲战区
  • 网络环氧乙烷(Ethylene oxide);面向订单设计(Engineering To Order);易图



环氧乙烷(Ethylene oxide)

透析器残留的环氧乙烷ETO)消毒剂也可引起过敏反应。 对策 立即停止透析,弃去体外血 给予肾上腺素、抗组胺药或激 …

面向订单设计(Engineering To Order)

针对大批量定制环境下的面向订单设计ETO)产品,在分析其特点的基础上,给出了实现其大批量定制的产品开发设计系统 …


便携GPS导航 【行情 价格 评价 正品行货】 ... PLC 贝奥斯 ETO 易图 ACCO 艾酷 ...

订单设计(Engineer to Order)

项目型制造是订单设计ETO),项目型制造常见于装备制造业、国防军工制造业内,例如大型电力设备的制造、船舶制造。 …

Emitter Turn-Off

...Thyristor (IGCT) and the Emitter Turn-Off (ETO) thyristor.

For me the only one in contention with him was Samuel Eto'o, who won the Champions League and the Spanish Championship. 对我来说唯一可以和亨利竞争的人是艾托奥,他赢得了冠军联赛冠军和西甲冠军。
The match also saw a welcome return to goal scoring by Samuel Eto'o, who had not found the net in around a month for his new club. 这长比赛也见到了埃托奥打破了进球荒,他已经一个月找不到球网的方向了。这位前巴萨球星打开了胜利之门。
"I was chatting to him while he was boarding the plane that took him to the States to see the NBA final, " Eto'o said. “我和他聊天时,他正在前往美国的飞机上,他去看NBA决赛,”埃托奥说。
Eto'o might be a difficult star for some coaches to handle but I'm sure he'd get on well with Arsene Wenger. 在一些教练眼里,埃托奥也许是一个难以相处和控制的球星,但是我敢肯定他和阿瑟·温格会相处得很好。
With lightning pace and a deadly eye for goal, Samuel Eto'o has established himself as one of the world's best strikers. 凭借闪电般的速度和杀手般的嗅觉,萨穆埃尔·埃托奥已逐渐成为世界足坛最为出色的锋线悍将之一。
For a Chelsea player to beat an Inter player Eto'o for the award could be a good omen ahead of the game. 毕竟,一个切尔西球员击败了国际米兰球员埃托奥获奖,这对比赛是个好兆头。
Alongside Ronaldinho, Samuel Eto'o and Lionel Messi, supporters want to see Henry and that has been only good news for Hearts. 除了小罗,梅西,埃托奥,支持者希望看到亨利的表演,这对于当地球队Hearts来说是很好的消息。
Cost estimation of Engineering to Order (ETO) was the prerequisite to provide reasonable quotations for customers. 如何估算面向订单设计产品的制造成本,是企业向客户提供和合理报价的前提。
I knew that in Europe you needed to be more balanced and Eto'o could give me that. 我知道在欧洲你需要更平衡而埃托奥能给我这些。
If Lionel Messi is to be used as a supply line for Eto'o and Henry, then that means Ronaldinho is more likely to depart the Nou Camp. 如果说梅西要和埃托奥还有亨利搭档的话,那么罗纳尔迪尼奥看来就最有可能离开诺坎普了。
We have had new problems this season, such as the long-term injuries suffered by Eto'o and myself. 这个赛季我们遇到了一些困难,比如埃托奥和我的长期伤病。
Henry and Eto'o and Messi. It sounds like a forward line that could be incredible. Maybe even a classic. But will they? 亨利—埃托奥—梅西,这样的锋线听上去有些难以置信,也许他们会是一流的,但事实呢?
Eto, both at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the U. S. economy takes an $80-billion hit from localized blackouts and brownouts. 的估计,美国经济每年因局部电力中断或电压暂时降低而损失800亿美元。
I'd love to see Arsenal try and pull out all the stops to sign Eto'o. 我会非常高兴看到阿森纳尽力,排除一切阻力去签下埃托奥。
when the waiter delivered the bill, the man was eto find that he had not enough money to pay it. 当效劳员把账单递过来的时分,那个男士十分不安地发现自己身上没有带足够的钱。
Milito is keen to continue his goal scoring form, and he believes his double act with Eto'o will provide many goals this season. 米利托渴望着继续这样的得分模式。并且他相信他和埃托奥的组合将会在新赛季进很多的球,他也是在警告拉齐奥。
The common goods can finish the declaration and into the shenzhen, and arrange eto the transshipment of the country in the same day. 一般的货物进口能够在当天申报完毕,当天货物进入深圳境内,并在当天安排转运全国各地。
"Eto'o is part of this list of attackers that are priorities for us, " Gandini stated. “埃托奥是我们射手名单中的一员,而且他非常适合我们。”甘蒂尼说。
I can play wide or as a centre forward. The fact is with Samuel Eto'o thats the way we play, changing positions. 作为一个前锋我的范围是宽广的。事实上当我和挨托奥一起比赛的时候我们会不停的交换位置。
The Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO) has until recently required ownership of all tags from projects it has funded. 能源信托俄勒冈(办)直到最近要求所有标记的所有权由项目提供了资金。
The research status and application progress of the use of zeolite as catalysts in ethanol dehydration to ethylene (ETO) is reviewed. 介绍了各类沸石催化剂在乙醇脱水制乙烯反应中的研究现状及应用进展。
Catalytic performance and demerit in ETO of different types of zeolite catalysts are compared. 评述比较了各类沸石催化剂的催化性能及各自优缺点。
It is a third consecutive win for Eto'o making him the first player to win the Confederation of African Football's honour that many times. 本次是埃托奥第三次蝉联非洲足球先生,这也使得他成为历史上第一位连续获得非洲先生次数最多的运动员。
The Arsenal keeper was sent off after 18 minutes against Barcelona when he brought down striker Samuel Eto'o. 决赛对阵巴塞罗纳时,这名阿森纳门将在18分钟时被红牌罚下,当时他放倒了巴萨前锋塞缪尔·埃托奥。
But Hidero Eto, manager of global promotion, says overseas sales "are virtually invisible" . 但该公司全球推广经理HideroEto表示,海外销售额“几乎可以忽略不计”。
Saha, whose season has been hampered by a thigh injury, made the claim after United were linked with Barcelona forward Samuel Eto'o. 萨哈的赛季被一次大腿骨的伤病阻碍了,他是在曼联与巴萨的埃托奥联系在一起之后作出这个声明的。
Samuel Eto'o had Milan's defenders chasing shadows and the striker earned the penalty from which Diego Milito added Inter's second. 塞缪尔·埃托奥把米兰后卫甩得只有追影子的份儿,这位前锋赢得点球,迭戈·米利托打入了国米的第二球。
do exercise to keep fit the device, sport protecting equipment, Run spiked shoes eto school athletics device. 篮球,足球,羽毛球拍,乒乓球拍,健身器材,运动护具,跑钉鞋等学校体育器材。
But Wenger fears that deal could be hijacked by Manchester United, so he has turned his focus on to Eto'o. 但温格担心这笔交易可能会被曼联劫持,因此他已经把他的焦点放在埃托奥身上。
A world class striker, Eto'o will be desperate to demonstrate his unquestionable ability on the grandest stage of them all. 贵为世界顶级射手,埃托奥必定渴望在最大的舞台展现其最毋庸置疑的实力!