美 [hɪtʃ]英 [hɪtʃ]
  • n.故障;障碍;暂时的困难(或问题);(某种)结
  • v.搭便车;免费搭车;拉起(衣服);攀上
  • 网络全民情敌;全民情圣;钩住

第三人称单数:hitches 现在分词:hitching 过去式:hitched

hitch ride


v. n.

1.[t][i]免费搭车;搭便车to get a free ride in a person's car; to travel around in this way, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop

2.[t]~ sth (up)提起,拉起(衣服)to pull up a piece of your clothing

3.[t]~ yourself (up, etc.)攀上;跃上to lift yourself into a higher position, or the position mentioned

4.[t]~ sth (to sth)拴住;套住;钩住to fix sth to sth else with a rope, a hook, etc.


get hitched

结婚to get married


在看全民情敌(HITCH),想如果真的有这样的人是不是不论喜欢上谁都能让对方也喜欢上自己呀。如果真是这样的话真的是全民 …


爱情片 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 《乱世佳人》( Gone With the Wind) 《全民情圣》( Hitch) 《瓶中信》( Message in a Bo…


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... wagon n. 四轮运货马(牛) 车 hitch vi. 钩住, 拴住, 套住 mare n. 母马, 母驴 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... wagon n. 四轮运货马(牛) 车 hitch vi. 钩住, 拴住, 套住 mare n. 母马, 母驴 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... opened n. 公开, 户外, 空旷 hitch n. 猛拉, 急推, 蹒跚, 故障 hiker n. 徒步旅行者 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... etch 蚀刻,铭刻 hitch 搭便车,套住 pitch 音调(音符之高低) ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... wagon n. 四轮运货马(牛) 车 hitch vi. 钩住, 拴住, 套住 mare n. 母马, 母驴 ...


石油词汇英语翻译(GH)--石油百科 ... hitch up 准备开钻 hitch 急拉 hith tensile 高强度的 ...

A solar sail vessel would merely enter the stream and hitch a ride, like a paper airplane drifting into the wind made by an electric fan. 太阳帆飞船只消进入这条高速公路,然后搭车远航便是,就像是电风扇吹动纸飞机前行一样。
A public-awareness campaign is the next-best thing to try to get these young men to hitch up their pants, she said. 她说,(推动)一项大众意识运动是让那些年轻男性把裤子往上拉的次佳解决之道。
Is not to trap or to hitch him to know him you love him how delicate and considerate. 不是为了套住也不是为了拴住他,是要他知道你对他的爱是多么的细腻和体贴。
Adopting modular design, collocate indicator lights on the panel and module for various working status, easy to make hitch- diagnosing . 采用模块化设计,面板及各模块上均有各种工作状态指示灯,故障现象一目瞭然。
I know! I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating in there, like this tiny little hitch-hiker! 我知道,我打开时,它就浮在里面,像个搭便车的!
Wheatley said the hitch was a lack of available liquidity of the currency outside China. 韦奕礼说,问题是人民币在中国以外缺乏流动性。
In one area of your world at least, you know the score - and you can very safely hitch your wagon to a particular horse. 至少在一定程度上,你知道最终成绩——因而你可以胸有成竹地投注。
I don't know. that's why they would say any like oh no, we were sorry, you know, it was just a hitch dick, you know. 我不知道。这就是为什么他们会说任何像哦不,我们很抱歉,你知道,这只是占了便宜一样,你知道的。
There was, however, one small hitch: the superconducting wires required create a magnetic field have never been developed. 然而,这其中有一个难以克服的技术难题:用于产生磁泡的超导线目前尚未开发出来。
This takes him out of horizontal balance, and creates a slight "hitch" or break in his forward motion, as you can see in the video. 这个动作使得他的身体打破了水平状态,导致身体在向前滑行时有停顿,你可以在视频内看到这一点。
Harvey: There's a slight hitch. Sorry about this. If you'll just bear with us for a minute. 哈维:出现了一点小故障。非常抱歉,请各位稍候。
It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch. 这是第一次严重分裂40多年的耕作并肩,分享机制,与贸易劳动和货物的需要顺利。
They worry about the time of Yu said: "The banana does not show clove hitch. " 他们在愁郁之时说:“芭蕉不展丁香结”。
And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch. Just then, the witch to satisfy an itch went flying on her broom stick, thumbing for a hitch. 突然门栓开始锁不紧,巫婆就从那时起,为了满足欲望,乘着扫帚飞起,伸出拇指搭便车。
I'll just hitch a ride with you to the East Coast, fly back on a commercial flight. 我只要跟你一起搭那架飞机去东海岸,然后坐商务航班回来。
I get that it might be tempting to hitch this issue to climate change, which has so much political capital. 我明白,这很容易诱使一些人将这个问题与气候变化搭上关系,因为气候问题具有很大的政治资本。
Many believe he is incapable to be a reliable "partner" to which the US and the international community can hitch its wagon. 很多人相信他没有能力成为美国和国际社会可靠的“搭档”。
Unfortunately due to a technical hitch some of the footage taken at Mutianyu needed to be re shot. 另外一次是因为一些技术原因,在慕田峪拍的剪辑需要重新拍摄。
The hitch allows a Snow Trek sled to be connected to a snowmobile or other similar transportation device. 这种环结能够使雪撬与雪上汽车或其它类似的运输装置相连接。
I really don't want to say much about it in case it gets thwarted, but it increasingly looks like it's going to happen without a hitch. 我真的不想说太多关于它的情况下,它得到的阻挠,但越来越多看起来会发生顺利。
Hughes, waiting a few extra minutes to be sure the emails went off without a hitch, missed the trolley. Hughes又等了几分钟,确认邮件已经发完了,没有出差错,却错过了公车。
And when you get that sensation, you really want to hitch to that train, because you know someone might do something very personal to them. 而一旦你有了这样的感触,你就会非常想加入其中,因为你知道有人会做一些非常独特的事情。
Why don't you bring your laptop down and we can test run your program. . . You know, to make sure the display goes off without a hitch? 我们可以测试一下你的软件…嗯…这样以确保展示活动不会有任何偏差。
Part hitch hiking, part walking we reach the hospital as night falls. The bodies are all laid out on the verandah. 我们半跑半走地于夜幕降临时到达了医院,尸体都被摆放在外面的走廊里。
a simple hitch used for temporarily attaching a line to a hook. 一种临时把线系到钩上的简单的栓。
The hitch, of course, was that asset values had to stay high. 当然,问题的关键在于,资产价格必须持续高挺。
Think of it as a railroad car hurtling down the line at the same time that attendants scramble to hitch on the wheels and lay the track. 而这就像当一辆有轨电车沿着路线疾驰的同时,乘务员在极力减缓车速以便铺设新的轨道。
Call for a mount, if you need one, "the gray-beard said from his seahorse, " or hitch onto the dorsal. 如果你需要,找人要只坐骑,“灰胡子坐在他的海马上说,”或者抓住它们的背。
If you're a Will Smith fan, you know that romance isn't the focus of his movies (except for Hitch). 如果你是威尔史密斯的粉丝,你应该知道爱情不是他的片子的中心(不包括《全民情敌》)。
A driver of a car has just picked up a hitch- hiker on highway to give him a lift to the city proper. 在公路上,一位汽车司机让一位搭便车者上了他开往市区的车子。