I will

  • 网络星愿;我愿意;我会的

I willI will

I will


试听星愿(I Will) 收藏星愿(I Will) 下载星愿(I Will) 晴天,雨天 试听晴天,雨天 收藏晴天,雨天 下载晴天,雨天 幸福的左岸 试听幸...


口若悬河 -- 天星英语 ... 蒂朵: See the sun 我愿意I Will 以爱之名: In the name of lov.. ...


谁有《闻香识女人》中英双语字幕的? ... Thank you. You too,Mr. Willis. 你也一样,威利斯先生 I will. 我会的 Mr. Simms. 西门 …


疯狂英语实用口语大全8_疯狂英语 ... Do the dishes!( 把盘子洗了。) I will.( 就去洗。) It's not my turn.( 今天不该我洗。) ...


我将要I will) 下定决心 坚持到底 想要就这样奔跑总有一天 在梦见的地方 a-ha-ha 的笑著吧清醒站起(wake up stand up) …


英语口语8000句... ... (噢,玛丽,你好吗?) How are you? I will.( 我会来的。) I hope you can come over again.( 希望你能再来 …


一个英语问题_百度知道 ... I'm sleepy.( 我困了。) I will.( 一定刷。) No,not yet.( 没有,还没准备好呢。) ...

Today I will not rant with you because you tried to take a short cut across the lawn - (ok, some among you, smile ). 今天,我不会因为你们试图踩踏草坪去抄近道(好吧,你们中有人露出笑容),而对你们咆哮。
i will be excited if she stays here , " interrupted craven , his eyes beginning to look sparkling" . “如果她能留下来,我会很激动,”克来文插话,他的眼睛开始发光。
If I put my hand down your pants and play with your balls for 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you your exact age. 只要我把手放进你的内裤里,玩你的蛋蛋十分钟,我就会知道你的准确年龄。
Find such a woman as soon as you can, bring her to Hunsford, and I will visit her. 赶快找个这样的女人来吧,把她带到汉斯福来,我自会照料她的。
I *will* find you again, no matter where in the Lower Planes you will be - just as you shall be able to find me. 我会再找到你,无论你会在下层异界的何处。就像你可以找到我一样。
I hope to show my consistency, hopefully I will be useful when needed and I hope to improve and put a bit of pressure on Dida. 我希望可以展现出我的能力,希望在被需要的时候我可以有所作为,我也希望可以得到提高,然后对迪达形成一点压力。
But he went on speaking more intensely, Even if I must die with You, I will by no means deny You! And they all said similarly. 彼得却极力地说,我就是必须和你同死,也绝不会否认你。众人也都这样说。
If I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one being corrected . 如果我去更正别人的看法,我会尽可能用幽默和自我克制的态度去做,就象是我被别人更正一样
I obediently made her substitute when you're tired of that day, I will, as you said get out of your sight. 我会乖乖的做她的替代品,当你厌倦的那一天,我会如你说的滚出你的视线。
It's really a challenge for me to take this job, and I thin I will appreciate working with you. 做这份工作对我来说确实是一个挑战,我想我会很高兴和你们一起工作的。
Since we do not have twins, I will not be able to put tournament theory into practice at home. 我们没有生下双胞胎,因此,我无法将锦标赛理论在家中付诸实施。
If you could catch only a glimpse of the blooming flower, I will bloom for you to see. 如果你只能够模糊地看到花朵盛放,那么我会盛放给你看。
They shall tremble as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria: and I will place them in their houses, saith the LORD. 他们必如雀鸟从埃及急速而来,又如鸽子从亚述地来到,我必使他们住自己的房屋。这是耶和华说的。
CHRISTINA: Well, I need the display monitor. But Tom can set that up for me on Wednesday. I will need you to help with everything else. 克丽斯汀提娜:嗯,我需要显示屏。但汤姆会帮我在星期三装好。
Sometimes, looking at inter , when to work with you to be lights in this one, I will be how well-being? 有时候,看着尘世间万家灯火的时候,我又在想,何时能与你也能成为这灯火中的一盏,我将是何其的幸福?
That's right. I will show you how much fun it is to cut classes. 是的,我将会告诉你逃课多么的有趣~
Present me with such a plan, and I will praise it with pleasure and accept it without the slightest feeling of regret. 请给我们这样的方案,我将以愉快的心情赞美这个方案,并愉快地接受这个方案。
Manager: Please ask her to wait for a few minutes. I will go there after a while. 经理:请她等一下,我待会就去。
So I will be interested to see whether or not , just by you 'getting more deeply inside my head' . . . did as you say it will. 所以我会很感兴趣见证是或否,仅仅因为你“越来越进入我的头脑中”…它会像你说的那样吧。
But if it be a question of words and names, and of your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters. 但所争论的,若是关乎言语,名目,和你们的律法,你们自己去辨吧。这样的事我不愿意审问。
Thanks for your mail, I will really like to have a good relationship with you, and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you. 感谢您的邮件,我真的想和你关系很好,我有一个特殊的原因,我决定联系你。
Provided you don't let it out to any body, I will tell you the truth. 如果你不泄漏给被人,我就告诉你实情。
Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born, and how much we love you. 只是今天晚上,我将你在我怀里,并告诉你一个故事,你是如何诞生,我们多么爱你。
Thirty percent of the brotherhood did not support me, so I will leave it to you and them to say goodbye to our master. 30%的武士不支持我,我就留给你们跟我们的总领告别了。
I do not know if I will attend your class next semester, but I will never forget that you have taught me so much. 我虽然不知道下学期还能不能在你教的班上,但是,我还是想说,你是一个好老师。
I'm an ordinary human being, as is all of us and if it is God's will, the next fight I will win. 我只是一个普通人,如果大家和上帝都是这么想的,那么我会赢得下一场比赛。
I will send down one of the fishes, but it soon forgot why it had been sent, and swam off in another direction. 我会派一条鱼去,可他不久就忘记了自己的使命,游向了另一个方向。
For more details, welcome to check me out on my page(I will definitely check everyone of you, haha). Please feel free to ask questions. 想要知道关于我的更多细节,你们也可以点击我的主页来看看(当然我也必然会来加你们的,哈哈)。
How I wish there will be a day like this and I am sure our feelings will be very different. . . I will love it for sure! 我多么希望有一天这样的,我相信我们的感情会非常不同…我一定会喜欢上它肯定!
This horrible accident won't deter him. He said he wants to go back into space and I will support him all the way. 这次恐怖的事故并不会阻止他。他说他想回到太空,我会全力支持他的。