• 网络网络(International Student Network);国际肾脏病学会(International Society of Nephrology);序列号



网络(International Student Network)

...项目比赛可供观赏.在美领馆商务处的大力支持下,作为ISN(International Student Network)合作院校,今年11月份校方代表将 …

国际肾脏病学会(International Society of Nephrology)

国际肾脏病学会ISN)和国际肾脏基金联合会(简称ISN和IFKF)的估计,慢性肾脏病患者占世界人口的十分一,即超过5 …


序列号的初始值称为初始序列号(ISN),由系统随机选取,并用于跟踪会话过程中从客户端到服务器的数据流。在会话过程中, …

Resto is only brought for mana tide totem at the moment, the healing shamans do isn't good enough compared to paladins and priests. 目前带回复萨的唯一原因就是潮汐图腾了,恢复萨和SQ和牧师相比做的不够好。
And also remember: If a woman feels a strong ATTRACTION for you, then the rest of the equation isn't as important. 并且记住:如果一个女人从你那里感受到强烈的吸引力,那么其他都不重要。
Isn't it a beautiful day? The sun is shinning; the birds are singing. It's good to be alive! 今天天气真好,不是吗?阳光灿烂,鸟儿歌唱。活着真好!
If there were fecal coliforms it would be a serious problem but if they're just a number of bacteria there isn't a significant health risk. 要是他们是未知物种的排泄物时,这的确是个问题,但要是仅仅是一些细菌那就不会是一个巨大的健康威胁。
Like it just isn't part of any of my plans to be burned alive in a pub on a Friday night. 在一个周五的晚上,被活活烧死在酒吧里,这好像根本是不是我的初衷啊!
I see the point on her neck where the cream she's spreading with her fingers isn't properly blended and leaves a sharp orange line. 我想象着她正用手指在脖子上抹雪花膏,因为没有混合均匀,留下了一道明显的橙色印子。
If you've been stuck at your desk all day and a quick walk around the block isn't an option, just stand up. 如果你整天都被‘困’在办工作,而无法去绕着街区步行,那么就站起来。
But the key to the dollar's weakness isn't just the yuan but the impact changes in its value seem to have on other currencies. 但导致美元疲软的关键不仅仅是人民币,而是人民币汇率改变给其他货币带来的影响。
"I'm flattered, " I said carefully, "but it isn't seemly for a widow to be sharing her home with a bachelor such as yourself. " “我很荣幸,”我说仔细,“但不是合适的遗孀将分享她的家与学士,如你自己。”
Try bending either the front or the back leg if the spilt isn't yet developed, and try reaching the body over the leg with a flat back. 尝试弯曲无论是前面或后面的腿,如果泄漏尚未开发,并尝试进入人体的腿与一个单位回来。
The mood of the mob will let you know if that superstore just isn't going to open fast enough to prevent a riot. 人群的情绪会让你知道这家超市是不是不会非常快地开门,从而不会引发骚乱。
Notice what he's doing, he's quoting Enochic literature, which isn't in our Bible, as if it is also true prophecy and scripture from Enoch. 注意到他在做什么,他在引用以诺的文献,这在圣经里是没有的,好像它也是真正的预言和以诺里的经文。
One that isn't easy to see if you've never worked in an environment that practices it . 而这一点,如果你从没有在实行持续集成的环境中工作过一段时间,就很难领会到。
I've been talking a great deal about that lately, but tonight isn't for arguments, and I'm going to hold my tongue. 近来,我对此问题谈了许多,但是今晚不是讨论这个问题的时候,我愿保持缄默。
I came away sure of one thing, at least: Brazil's next president certainly isn't going to have the panache and presence of its current one. 但至少,我可以确信一件事:巴西下一任总统肯定没有现任那样的气派和仪态。
Obviously, all this technology isn't going away, and for the foreseeable future many offices will continue to run on skeleton staffs. 显然,一切科技都不会消失,而就可预见的未来而言,许多办公室将继续由基干人员管理。
Designer Hussein Chalayan was one of the first in the industry to debut a motorized electronic skirt, and he isn't going to be the last. HusseinChalaya是在时尚行业中其中第一位推出配有马达的电子衬衫的设计师。而且他将不会是“后无来者”。
But it seems to me that the trick isn't to become weakly accommodating, but to figure out whether we are being fair judges of ourselves. 不过,在我看来,这个招术不是亦步亦趋去迎合别人,而是要搞清楚自己能否客观公正地评价自己。
Of course, my life isn't all croissants and Pellegrino. Sometimes I'm concerned my parents are trying to push me out the door. 当然我的生活不全是牛角面包和Pellegrino啤酒,有时候我担心父母会把我赶出家门。
Pete: That she isn't really warming up to me? I already knew that. Can you just make up anything new? I was almost behind the schedule. 她还不是特别喜欢我?我早就知道了。你就不能想出点新的理由?我快落后进度了。
In other countries referees don't have this media pressure, as if they make a mistake it isn't dragged on for a week. 在其他国家,裁判并没有这种媒体压力,如果他们出现了误判,那么一周之内就被忘记得一干二净。
"The position of the German language worldwide isn't nearly as poor as is always talked about, " he said. 他说:“在世界范围内,德语的地位并没有大家说的那么低”。
The Wall Street guys are keeping their bonuses, and Obama isn't going to make any reforms unless he's prepared to piss off Wall Street. 华尔街的家伙仍然保持着他们的红利,奥巴马没有进行改革,除非他被华尔街气疯。
You say you don't need a woman, because you're afraid of being compared when a woman stands beside you, isn't it a inferiority complex? 你说你不需要一个女人,因为你害怕当一个女人站在你身边时,你会被比较,这不是一种自卑感是什么?
Isn't mind travel the best form of travel for the lazy, where speed has no limit? 对于懒人来说,没有速度限制的想象旅行不就是最好的旅行方式吗?
'If there isn't a commitment for transparency of some sort, that would be a deal breaker, ' she said. 她说,如果没有对某种程度的透明度的承诺,协议就会受到破坏。
Sometimes what you want isn't always what you get, but in the end what you get is so much better than what you wanted. 很多时候,你得不到你想要的,但最终,你拥有的一定比当初渴望的要好得多。
Even if the hatchback body isn't your thing, this car provides a clear idea of how the front end of all the new 5-Series models will look. 即使掀背身体不是你的事,这车提供了一个清晰的概念如何前端所有新的5系列机型的外观。
The default styling isn't much, but it would be very easy to re-style using CSS in a cross-platform way. 默认的样式不太多,但是很容易使用CSS以跨平台的方式重新设置样式。
Looking at the ball going over the fence isn't going to help. 仅看着球飞出围栏是不会有任何帮助的。