美 [læp]英 ['læps]
  • n.搭接;膝;怀;膝头;【建】(瓦的)互搭;(磨宝石等的)磨盘;膝;〈比喻〉怀抱
  • v.搭接;研磨;舔;重叠;重叠;(波浪)拍打;舔食;用磨盘磨
  • 网络圈数;光寻址电位传感器(light-addressable potentiometric sensor);Link Access Procedure--SDH

过去分词:lapped 现在分词:lapping 第三人称单数:laps



n. v.

1.[ususing](坐着时的)大腿部the top part of your legs that forms a flat surface when you are sitting down

2.(跑道等的)一圈one journey from the beginning to the end of a track used for running, etc.

3.(行程或工作等中的)一段,环节a section of a journey, or of a piece of work, etc.


drop/dump sth in sbs lap

把(某事)推给他人负责to make sth the responsibility of another person

sth drops/falls into sbs lap

(美事、好运等)被某人轻松得到somebody has the opportunity to do sth pleasant without having made any effort

in the lap of the gods

由神掌管;结果难以预料;非人力所能左右if the result of sth isin the lap of the gods , you do not know what will happen because it depends on luck or things you cannot control

in the lap of luxury

生活优裕;养尊处优in easy, comfortable conditions, and enjoying the advantages of being rich


中国铁人三项协会_互动百科 ... 折返点 Turning Point 圈数 Laps 弯道 Corner ...

光寻址电位传感器(light-addressable potentiometric sensor)

提供一种“组合式光寻址电位传感器(LAPS)测试平台”,包括主体框架1、光源控制器2、光...国米新皇冠网 的降薪风波又会打响 …

Link Access Procedure--SDH

...ocol)点到点协议和 ML-PPP 扩展协议; LAPSLink Access Procedure--SDH)协议; GFP(Generic Framing Procedure…


2009'泛珠三角超级赛车节 - 春季赛时间表 ... Qualifying 计时练习 Race 1,10 Laps1 0圈比赛R1 Qualifying 2 计时练习 2 ...

The "butterfly" zhi 1 flew into the sky above, in turn, just a few laps slowly disappear in the dim light of night. “花蝴蝶”吱的一声飞向了天空,在上面转了几个圈,才慢慢的消失在茫茫的夜色中。
The only result was that my left forearm was aching with fatigue within a few laps from the effort to simply hold my fingers together. 其唯一的结果就是,在并拢左手游几圈以后,我的左手小臂开始因疲劳而疼痛。
Shown in two minutes of video as it takes laps on a race track, we get to see the car driven the way a Ferrari was meant to be driven. 显示在两分钟的视频,因为它需要圈赛道上,我们可以看到一辆法拉利的方式,意在推动。
Last night it crashed through a fence, and today it halts after just a few laps around the test path. 昨晚,它撞上一道铁丝网,结果今天,它在测试路径上才跑个几圈就停住不动了。
I played tennis in high school, but when my coach wanted me to run a couple of laps around the track, I almost passed out. 中学时我会打网球,当教练让我沿球场跑几圈时,我几乎晕了过去。
Phelps was ahead of world-record pace during the opening (butterfly) leg, but he and the rest of the field fell back over the next two laps. 比赛开始,菲尔普斯领先于世界纪录(蝶泳),但是他在其他项目速度下降,在之后的两圈。
Australian Webber, whose teammate Sebastian Vettel qualified third, said the block ruined two of his decisive flying laps in the Q1 session. 澳大利亚人,他的队友维泰尔合格第三,说两个区块毁他果断的飞行圈中的一季度会议。
Even though the car was heavy, it was one of my best first laps this season. 尽管赛车很重,但这是我本赛季以来最出色的第一圈。
What about the early part of the race; you were right behind Jenson for two or three laps? 比赛前面的部分如何,你有两三圈刚好在简森的后面。
The coaches told me to dunk, but I would lay the ball in. Finally, the coaches made everyone else on my team run laps when I didn't dunk. 最后,要是我不灌篮的话,教练就让我的队友们跑圈。
While it might suck to have to deal with your period once a month, it actually supplies you with a great excuse to get out of running laps! 每个月都要处理月经的问题,这或许令你不快,但这其实为你离开跑道提供了很好的借口。
Patridge works up a sweat five hours a week, doing laps in her backyard pool or hiking in Runyon Canyon or just hanging at home. patridge工程了汗水,五个小时,每星期做圈,在她的后院游泳池或远足在runyon峡谷或只是挂在家里。
I shall now add a little milk to make the mixture palatable, and on presenting it to the dog we find that he laps it up readily enough. 现在我给它加上些牛奶就好吃了,然后把它摆在狗的面前,它会立刻舔光的。
Schumacher took it a bit easy and started to push with 10 laps to go. 舒马赫放松了一些,开始为最后的10圈努力。
If the Indy 500 teams are off by the thickness of a few sheets of paper, a once-front-running car can find itself laps down in a hurry. 如果印地500赛车有几张纸厚的调校出入也会让一度领先车手迅速败下阵来。
I stopped and ran laps around a parking lot, and it was remarkable how much being cold affected my coordination. 一次我停下来绕着停车场转了几圈,很明显寒冷对于我的影响有多大。
Her unique thought model is usually embodied on the twisted sutures, unsymmetrical clippings, unfinished laps and discordance colors. 她奇特的思维模式通常表现为扭曲的缝线,不对称的剪裁,尚未完工的下摆和不调和的色彩。
For a couple of laps, especially in the end, the situation seemed to improve a bit, but it never went as it should have. 有好几圈,尤其是最后的几圈,情况似乎有所好转,但绝对没有达到应有的水平。
Although responsibility for the accident plainly lies with BP, a slick of recrimination now laps around the White House too. 尽管事故责任明显得由英国石油公司承担,但是白宫目前也笼罩在相互指责声中。
I returned a few hours later, after two dozen laps around the block, 300 jump shots and a half-hour of tossing the football to myself. 我绕着街区跑了24圈,跳起投篮300下,抛接橄榄球30分钟,就这样一直玩了几个小时才回家。
It is shaped like the lap of a woman where you can perhaps sleep better knowing you are in good laps! 躺在一个女人膝盖形的枕头上你可能会睡的好一些!
You won't be able to run as far, swim as many laps, ride as many miles on your bike, or lift heavy weights. 进行多圈的游泳,长距离地骑自行车,或者减肥,否则你将无法支持到现在。
Mobilized to listen to the voices, see if there was no unusual sound, the opening laps the way, feel about various aspects. 发动起来听声音,看有没有异常响声,开到路上开几圈,各方面感觉一下。
I had a good feeling for the first 12 laps and was able to keep a pretty good pace but then I had trouble with the rear. 我有一个好心情,为前12圈,并能够保持一个不错的步伐,但后来我遇到麻烦与后方。
He warmed up with the rest of the team and then underwent a personalized workout, running laps at various speeds around the field. 他与那些没有上场的球员一起热身,接着是个人的单独训练,在场地上进行变速跑。
During the upset forging of tube parts, instability tends to produce laps. 管坯成形过程容易失稳,产生折纹;
The Spaniard completed 113 laps as he began a Bridgestone tyre development programme. 西班牙人完成了113圈,他进行的是普利司通轮胎研发项目。
I put in a few good laps when he came in and it was enough. 我在他进站的时候做了几圈好的单圈,这就足够了。
Use the halls. Walk up and down the hotel halls. Better yet, climb the stairs between hallway laps. 可以利用大厅。在宾馆大厅里来回的走走。更好的话,可以爬爬楼层间的楼梯。
I was in P18 with 15 laps to go so there was no chance of recovering and therefore no reason to be angry. 我处于第十八的位置,只剩15圈,根本没有追回的可能性,因此我也没有理由生气。