美 [meɪ]英 [mæ]
  • adj.〈英〉more 的变体
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络农业推广硕士(Master of Agricultural Extension);平均绝对误差(mean absolute error);微波辅助萃取(Microwave assisted Extraction)



农业推广硕士(Master of Agricultural Extension)

湖北大学农业推广硕士MAE)非全日制硕士研究生招生湖北大学自考|会计学专业|介绍|及就业前景解析 2013年湖北大学自考 …

平均绝对误差(mean absolute error)

其中平均绝对误差MAE)定义为[11]:  正规化均方根误差(NRMSE)定义为:  其中,、、分别表示风场实际发电功率测量 …

微波辅助萃取(Microwave assisted Extraction)

  在微波辅助萃取(MAE)中草药中有效活性成分时,萃取溶剂需要有一定的极性才能吸收微波进行内部加热,通常选用极性较强的 …


一种新型的微波辅助提取MAE)技术研究了从姜黄中的姜黄素(姜黄)的选择性和快速提取到有机溶剂。姜黄素类化合物的 …


由于微波萃取MAE)是建立在重要提取的基础上,为提高提取效率,提高有效成分含量,缩短提取周期,节约消耗能源,所 …

求“M”开头的女生英文名 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Marguerite 玛格丽特 Mae Mag 玛格 ...

And investors are trying to get a handle on the troubles facing housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 投资者试图找到解决房产巨头FannieMae和FreddieMac面临的问题的方法。
Mae West knew that this incident would make her a national success --- and it did. 梅.韦斯特知道这一事件将会使她闻名全国,事实果真如此。
Thomas Jefferson produced the Declaration with the aid of a ghostwriter, a woman of color named Betty Mae, who was a non-voluntary worker. 托马斯·杰斐逊的宣言是在一名代笔的帮助下写的,那是一名叫做贝蒂美的有色人种女性,她不是自愿的。
Oda Mae: Fine. That's all we want you to do, we want you to call the police, but you've got to let us in. 奥德美:好,那正是我们想让你做的,我们正要你报警。可你得让我们进来。
I'm going to call Rita Mae at home and ask her to come by and talk about it. She wants to see Max, anyway. 我要给RitaMae家里打电话,请她过来谈这件事,反正她也想看看Max呢。
Half Thai and half Chinese, Vanessa-Mae Vanakom Nicholson was born in Singapore and grew up in London. 一半泰国血统,一半华人血统,陈美出生于新加坡,在伦敦长大。
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two giant mortgage agencies that are also wards of the state, have continued to bleed. 两家同样受到国家保护的抵押贷款机构——房利美和房地美则继续失血。
Mr. Paan said he felt Mae Nak's presence floating above the shrine. "As we are talking, she hears us, " he said. 帕德颂说,他能感觉到娜娜的魂魄就浮在神殿上方。“我们说话的时候,她就能听见,”他说。
Mae Mobley is plump and ungainly; she looks charming in a diaper but not in the sort of frilly dresses her mother favors. 协会莫布里是丰满而笨拙,她看上去迷人的尿布,但在她的母亲有利于褶边连衣裙排序。
Ireland had none of the American right's favorite villains: there was no Community Reinvestment Act, no Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. 爱尔兰也没有美国右派喜欢怪罪的大坏蛋:没有社区再投资法案,没有房利美,也没有房地美。
Jiabyu used to take tourists on a rowboat to see the banks of the Mae Klong River aglow with thousands of fireflies. PreechaJiabyu,过去常常一个人坐着皮划艇到马格朗河岸,就为去看那里好几千只萤火虫聚在一起,发出的淡淡红晕。
Jack and Mae are love, plus a pair of lovely children, this should be a very envious of the sweet little family, shouldn't be any problems. 杰与梅都是初恋,再加上一双可爱儿女,本应该是一个令人十分羡慕的甜蜜小家庭,不应该会出现任何状况的。
His mother Mae Soong worked for the Voice of America there, and his father Stephen Soong was a writer, translator and movie producer. 他的母亲宋美在那里为美国之音工作,父亲宋淇是一个作家、翻译家、电影制片人。
Then the company took over the bank (a rescue along the lines of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). 接着密西西比公司接管了银行(一个类似于对房地美和房利美的救援)。
But the running interest in Fannie Mae's stock might seem surprising, considering that this company was the Titanic of the mortgage market. 但是考虑到这家公司曾经是房贷市场上的巨无霸,人们对于房利美这支股票的兴趣仍旧令人惊讶。
Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac require mortgage insurance when a borrower takes out a mortgage for more than 80% of a home's value. 当借款人申请获得的贷款数量超过房屋价值的80%时,“两房”均要求对这种按揭进行保险。
In this picture you can see HAND MAE button and the file ready to be processed. . . 这张图片中您可以看到到手工制作的纽扣和扫描后建立的文件。
Well, Vanessa Mae is about to reach the wise old age of 24, she's already done more than some musicians do in a lifetime. 嗯,陈美快满24岁了,一个智慧的年龄。她做的事情比某些音乐人士一辈子做的还多。
And call Sallie Mae to ask if I can lower my student loan payment. "Ommmmm. " 我应该给SallieMae打电话问她能不能减少我学生的助学贷款。
President Bush is among those trying to calm the nerves of investors in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 布什总统参与试着稳定范妮梅和弗雷德马克投资者的紧张情绪。
Violinist, Vanessa-Mae, best known for her pioneering mix of pop and classical music, has just completed her asian tour. 这就是陈美,一位以融合流行与古典于一体而扬名的小提琴家,她刚刚完成了自己的亚洲之旅。
Long before they were formally taken over, the two mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, had an implicit government guarantee. 早在房利美与房地美被正式接管之前,政府就为这两大按揭巨头提供了暗含的担保。
Fannie Mae said the agreement is the single largest commitment in its history. 范尼梅宣称这项合约是该项历史上单项最大的的承诺…
Thank you. You too. -Another satisfied customer leaves Brian's barber shop as Mae prepares for her next customer. 谢谢。你也是。-又一名满意的顾客离开布赖恩的理发店,而梅准备迎接她的下一名顾客。
Urban development discourses , environmental management and public participation : the case of the Mae Kha canal in Chiang Mai, Thailand . 泰国清迈案例:公众参与、环境管理和都市发展的论述。
A stuffed polar bear greets you in the hall beside a crossbow, an old wind-up telephone and a sofa shaped like Mae West's lips. 在大厅十字弓旁问候你的绒毛北极熊、手摇式电话以及梅维斯的唇形沙发。
The rescue comes a week after a decision to rescue two enormous mortgage companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 这次营救发生在房产贷款抵押巨头房利美和房地美得救一周之后。
She was a rising star in the world of classical music, but Vanessa-Mae also had some ideas of her own about music. 她在古典音乐界声誉日隆,但陈美对于音乐有自己的一套想法。
Feeling it was now safe to venture out, Ellen Mae unbolted the door, peered out and started to cry. 心想现在出去很安全了,梅艾伦打开门闩往外一瞧,然后就开始哭了起来。
Two years later, Mae West died at her home in California. She was eighty-seven. 两年后,梅.韦斯特在加州的家中去逝,享年87岁。