美 [nɑm]英 [nɑːm]
  • n.【女名】女子名;【组】不结盟运动
  • abbr.〈美(=National Association of Manufacturers)全国制造商协会
  • v.“nim”的过去式
  • 网络不结盟运动(non-aligned movement);全国制造商协会(National Association of Manufacturers);网络分析模块(Network Analysis Module)



不结盟运动(non-aligned movement)

第十六届不结盟运动(NAM) 峰会将于下周26-31日在伊朗德黑兰举行。伊朗网络媒体援引不结盟运动峰会发言人的话报道,金正 …

全国制造商协会(National Association of Manufacturers)

为美国产业发声的全国制造商协会NAM)说,EPA的举动对气候变迁不会有太大帮助,「却势必令经济付出昂贵代价」。 爱 …

网络分析模块(Network Analysis Module)

  NAM(Network Analysis Module)是一个集成的通信流监视解决方案,可以提供全面的RMON I、RMON II、NetFlow和VLAN监视 …

Viet Nam can handle this problem, or not. Who cares? As long as the US stays out of it. 越南可以处理好这个问题,或者不能?谁管它呢?只要美国不插手就好了。
Post Nehru and post cold war, India failed to adapt or abandon NAM, even when it had little significance. 在尼赫鲁和冷战后,印度没能改变或放弃不结盟运动,哪怕是它已经没有什么意义。
Kim Jong Nam was long considered a favorite to succeed his father, until he was caught trying to enter Japan on a fake passport in 2001. 长期以来,金正男一直被看做金正日接班人的首选,直到2001年他被发现试图持假护照进入日本。
Does it mean that even paying lip service to the long-obsolete idea of NAM is no longer possible? 还是意味着,即使口头上维持早已荒废的不结盟运动也不再可能了?
With Kim Jong Eun standing just a few feet away, Kim Yong Nam indicated what would change under the new leader: not much. 金永南讲话时金正恩就站在几英尺开外。金永南表示,在金正恩的领导下朝鲜不会有太大的变化。
As a new manufacturing model, network alliance manufacturing (NAM) has been a focus of study and application. 网络联盟制造作为一种新的制造模式,引起了企业界和学术界的广泛关注。
This temple-rich town sits encircled by mountains, at the point where the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers meet. 这个充满魅力的小镇庙宇众多,由群山环绕,处在湄公河和南康河的交汇之处。
I'm transferred to Viet Nam to do foreign trade for a year. 我被调到越南做一年外贸工作。
North Korea's number-two leader, Kim Yong Nam, later hosted a dinner for Mr. Roh, but Kim Jong Il did not attend. 北韩第二号人物金永南晚些时候为卢武铉主持了欢迎晚宴,但是金正日没有出席。
If confirmed by the Ministry of Health, these latest two cases will bring the total in Viet Nam reported since mid-December to twelve. 如果经卫生部确认,这两个最新病例将使越南自12月中以来报告的总数达到12例。
A: Premier Wen Jiabao met with Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun during his visit, and Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing held talks with him. 答:白南舜外务相访华期间,温家宝总理与他进行了会见,李肇星外长与他举行了会谈。
The Lung Nam Pavilion there, for instance, was built exactly like an ancient garden. 你看,咱们眼前的龙南榭就是古代园林的样子。
That's the process Belcher and her team, including doctoral student Yoon Sung Nam, the lead author of the new paper, decided to imitate. 这是贝尔彻和她的团队所使用的过程,包括博士生尹圣南--新文章的主要作者,决定模仿的。
It'll be interesting to see if there's any sign of Kim Han Sol, Jong Nam's son, at the funeral. 值得关注的是到时候有没有迹象显示金正男之子金韩松(音译,KimHanSol)参加了葬礼。
This point has not yet been reached, but the sinking has been reaching into central Thailand, Cambodia, and Viet Nam steadily. 现在还没达到这个程度,但是下沉已经稳定地到达泰国中部,柬埔寨和越南。
In the new historical era, the purposes of the NAM are as relevant as ever, and its role must be strengthened. 在新的历史条件下,不结盟运动的宗旨没有也不会过时,不结盟运动的作用只能加强不能削弱。
Kowloon Southern Link is an extension of West Rail from its Nam Cheong Station to connect with East Rail at East Tsim Sha Tsui . 九南线是西铁的延伸部分,连接西铁南昌站与东铁尖东站。
Voters have become more sceptical about major political parties since the Gary Cheng Kai-nam scandal broke, according to a poll. 民意调查显示,程介南丑闻曝光后,市民对各大政党的信任度下降。
Mr Carter met Kim Yong-nam, the country's number two leader, said the KCNA. 据朝鲜中央通讯社称,卡特与朝鲜二号领导人金永南(KimYongNam)会面。
The exhibition garnered great media attention and was attended by several senior citizens including famous poet A Nam Tran Tuan Khai. 包括著名诗人ANamTranTuanKhai在内的很多重要人士参与了该展览会并引起了一些重要媒体的高度重视。
Viet Nam is a low-income country with a health-care system that has seen considerable improvements and increased autonomy. 越南是低收入国家,其卫生保健体系已经有了显著的改善,自主性有所增强。
Legislation to penalize adults whose children do not wear motorcycle helmets has been proposed in Viet Nam. 越南已经提出立法惩罚那些不给自己孩子佩戴头盔的成人。
However, analysts said Kim Jong-nam spends so much time outside his native land that his opinion carries little weight. 尽管如此,分析人士说金正男在国外居住的时间太长,他的言论没有什么分量。
In the current outbreak, laboratory-confirmed human cases have been reported in four countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Viet Nam. 在目前的疫情暴发期间,4个国家报告了经实验室确诊的人间病例:柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、泰国和越南。
Looking at the Chinese maps before 1909, we see that there is no notation of Tay Sa and Nam Sa archipelagos. 在1909年之前,中国的地图来看,我们看到,有没有南萨萨和泰群岛符号。
During their stay Clinton and his party paid a courtesy call on Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly. 逗留期间,克林顿及随行人员亲切地问候了最高人民会议常任委员会委员长金永南。
This train has arrived at Nam Cheong Terminus , would all passengers please leave the train. 本班列车已到达南昌终点站,所有乘客请离开车厢,多谢乘搭九广西铁。
Of course , my customer will take care for your engineers about living place and eating everyday When they stay in Viet Nam. 当然,我们的客户会负责贵司工程师在越南每天的吃住。
Viet Nam is the latest one in three East Asian countries in both practicing and abolishing of it. 越南是东亚三国中最迟实行科举也是世界上最晚废止科举的国家。
Escaping From Charisma is an idol comedy film directed by a young director Kwon Nam Gi from South Korea. 《圣诞出逃记》是由韩国青年导演权南基执导的一部偶像喜剧电影。