美 [naɪts]英 [naɪts]
  • adv.〈美〉每夜;大多数夜晚
  • n.“night”的复数



He is so addicted to computer games, which had lead him to without sleep for three days and three nights. 他是如的迷恋电脑游戏,以至于他三天三夜没睡。
The prince decided to follow his mother's wise advice. His army blockaded the city for seven days and nights. 王子决定采纳母亲明智之言,命军队把贝拿勒斯封锁了七个昼夜。
Several nights later he returned to her room and instructed her to massage his chest. 几天后,他又来到她的房里,让她给自己按摩胸部。
Physical wretchedness and the incessant anticipation of horrible nights had not allowed him time to think of anything so abstract as death. 肉体的痛苦和夜里的不是失眠便是梦魇不容他想到死亡那样抽象的事。
Stayed for a couple of nights taking in a show, a few sights and a bit of work. 住了几晚,看了一场演出,几个作品,游览了几个景点。
This man had been her husband, had lain beside her for a few nights, had given her a child with eyes as soft and brown as his. 这个人曾经做过她的丈夫,曾经跟她同床共枕过几个晚上,曾经留给她一个儿子,眼睛也象他自己那么温柔而褐色。
For three consecutive nights, the maid had dreamt of Master conversing with her and knew that She had come to bless her. 后来女佣连续三晚都梦到师父和她谈话,她开心地得知那是师父在加持她。
After two days and nights, I felt as if I had lived there for a year. 两天两夜以后,我觉得好象已在那儿住一年了。
I have had some long nights in stir. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts, time can draw out like a blade. . . 我在牢里经历过一些这样的夜晚,独自呆在黑暗中,除了思考什么都没有,时间变缓延长……
He took pity on her and let her sleep in his hut for the next couple of nights. 他同情她,让她在自己的小屋里住了几晚。
Set aside time a few nights a week for your part-time work to help add structure to your schedule. 将每周几个晚上留出来做兼职工作可以增强你日程安排的计划性。
began having back pains. An aspiring ballerina who dances en pointe five nights a week, she was used to occasional aches and strains. 作为一个芭蕾舞训练员她每周5个晚上踮着脚尖训练芭蕾舞,渐渐地习惯了偶尔的疼痛和疲劳。
One will use ladle to have shoveled three days and three nights only the road shoveling out a bar leading to the external world an ant. 蚂蚁一家就用勺子铲了三天三夜才铲出一条通向外界的路。
When the train started off, he took down his valise and extracted, after some hesitation, the first volume of The Thousand and One Nights. 列车起动后,他打开箱子,犹豫一下之后,取出《一千零一夜》的第一册。
I'm trying to do a better job of that. But, honestly, I love quiet nights at home. 我正在努力改变这一点,可平心而论,我真的喜欢晚上静静呆在家。
A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian-style. 过了几夜,爸爸走进詹妮的房间,她正盘腿坐在床上。
At the end of the meal, he asked if he could sleep on my floor for a few nights. 吃到最后他问我,能不能让他在我的地板上睡几个晚上。
After getting less-than-adequate sleep for 5 consecutive nights, I noticed it had started to take a toll on me. 在连续五个晚上获得的睡眠少于足够数目后,我发现,它开始对我产生出影响。
But Andrea and I are eating at (Wing Lei) three out of seven nights a week. 我和安德烈一周7个晚上得有3个晚上是在永雷吃的。
My husband and I spent two nights at this hotel after a week on the French water-ways, it was amazing! 在法国水路上浏览了一周后,我和老公选择在这家酒店休息两晚上,这里真是太神奇了!
He claimed it had nothing to do with her, but there were a few nights during a blackout when he went over there just the same. 他声称这么做跟那个女孩儿毫无关系。可是有几个晚上,虽然停了电,他还是照去不误。
For three days and nights they watched by her bed waiting for her to come round. 他们在她床边守了3天3夜,等待她苏醒过来。
I decided to go to London first, to stay at a hotel for a few nights, and see all the sights of that great city. 我决定先到伦敦,在旅馆里住上几天,把那大城市的风光景致游览个遍。
That would be one of the wild nights he needed even once in a while, to get drunk with his friends, and he didn't want a wife along then. 除夕之夜乃是他每隔一段时间就需要来一次的狂欢之夜,同他的朋友一起喝得醉醺醺的;
I believe that this is going to be one of the greatest nights of heavyweight fighting since the days of Mike Tyson. 我认为,这将是一个最大的重量级夜战斗的日子,因为泰森。
the first habit of this list (waking early) begins by going to bed at a reasonable time and getting a good nights sleep. 这个清单第一个习惯(早起)的前提是:在一个合适的时间睡觉和晚上获得良好睡眠。
In the days and nights where he experienced a severe test, but he said: "I did not come for the enjoyment of life. " 在那里他日日夜夜都经历着血与火的考验,但是他却说:“我不是为生活享受而来的。”
Then, after a few nights in the chair, I realised that I would not get through this without some time alone and some sleep in my own bed. 然后,在躺椅上度过了几个晚上后,我意识到让我单独待会儿和让我在自己的床上睡会儿我才能好受些。
Dream memories are fragile, and trying to recall all the plot twists and turns on consecutive nights seems to have a cumulative effect. 梦的记忆是很薄弱的,尝试着去回忆连续的晚上做的情节迂回曲折的梦,这好像会产生一种累积的效果。
The days are long and the nights are short, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late in sunny June. 白天长了,夜晚短了;在明媚的六月里,太阳早早起床,很晚才入睡。