美 [ˈpaɪrət]英 ['paɪrət]
  • n.海盗;海盗船;侵害版权者;盗印者
  • v.掠夺;盗印;翻印
  • 网络盗版者;剽窃者;海贼

第三人称单数:pirates 现在分词:pirating 过去式:pirated

pirate edition


n. v.

1.(尤指旧时的)海盗(especially in the past) a person on a ship who attacks other ships at sea in order to steal from them

2.盗版者;盗印者a person who makes illegal copies of DVDs, computer programs, books, etc., in order to sell them

3.非法播音的人(或组织)a person or an organization that broadcasts illegally


UNIT 6. A Day's Wait_旺旺英语教学网 ... pneumonia 肺炎 pirate 海盗 lightheaded 神志不清的;眩晕的 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... bush n. 灌木丛,未开垦地 pirate n. 海盗,海盗船 business n. 事务,职责;商业 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... ghosts n. 鬼, 幽灵 pirate n. 海盗, 盗印者, 盗版者, 侵犯专利权者 bark n. 树皮, 吠声v.吠, 咆哮, 剥树皮 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... ghosts n. 鬼, 幽灵 pirate n. 海盗, 盗印者, 盗版者, 侵犯专利权者 bark n. 树皮, 吠声v.吠, 咆哮, 剥树皮 ...


GRE英语单词分类总结 - 豆丁网 ... kleptomania n. 燎择? pirate n. 海盗,剽窃者v.盗印,掠夺 filch v. 偷(不贵重的东西) ...


同义词与词根记忆_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... pine[ n]松树 pirate[ n]海盗,剽窃者 pitch[ n]沥青 ...


蒙其·D·路飞-中文百科在线 ... O——————optimistic 乐观的 P——————pirate 海贼 Q——————quick 迅速的 ...

"Well, " answers the pirate, "we were boarding a ship when one of the enemy hacked off my hand. " 海盗回答:“我们进攻另一条船时,一个敌人劈下了我的这只手。”
A few arm their boats with anti-aircraft guns big enough to blow an approaching pirate skiff out of the water. 还有一些渔船用高射炮武装船只,火力强大足够击毁海上逼近的海盗小船。
Anne Bonney will teach you Yes, let me beseech you To come be a pirate with me. 我恳求你和我一起当海盗,安妮勃尼女王会教你的。
At a time when there was little alternative art resources and pirate dvd just began to overflow, we didn't think of author right. 在那个资源仍旧相当匮乏,盗版要开始泛滥的年代,我们没有想到这些,许多事情做的都不符合原则。
Barbossa : [ at a pirate gathering] There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime . Jack Sparrow : And I owe them all money . 巴伯萨(在海盗大会):在我有生之年,从没看过这种聚会。杰克·斯派洛:可能是因为我欠他们每一个人钱。
As a writer, I don't accept that readers pirate my books and I would consider myself a thief if I ever buy counterfeits. 作为一名作家,我无法接受读者剽窃我的著作,如果要我去买仿造品,我会觉得自己是在做贼。
He knows that would be a disgrace to a pirate, and Tom's too proud for that sort of thing. 他知道这样做对一个海盗来说是不体面的,像汤姆这样爱面子的人,是不会干出这种事情的。
But to be a truly successful pirate and not just the son of a biscuit eater, well, ya had to know a bit of science too. 但要成为一名真正的海盗,别像个水手的私生子那样衰!当然,你最好还得有点科学知识。
A weak government in Somalia is unable to restrain pirate gangs, he said, and ship owners are paying huge ransoms. 他说,脆弱的索马里政府无力约束海盗集团,而船东们正在支付巨额赎金。
Watch out for this email that must be a pirate account trying to steal your password to your account. 注意这个邮件如海盗账户一样,会盗取你账户的密码。
There have been a series of pirate attacks off Somalia in the last few years, with vessels from supertankers to cruise ships being targeted. 这几年在索马里有一系列海盗袭击案件,从巨型油轮到观光邮轮都被攻击过。
Just a few weeks ago, somebody actually created an archive of the Pirate Bay as a torrent file. 就在几周之前,有人竟然将海盗湾的存档制作成了种子文件。
Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband will look like a movie pirate for the next two weeks as he wears a patch over an eye, CNN reports. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,影星莎莎嘉宝的丈夫冯安沃在未来两周将一直戴着一只眼罩,活像电影中的海盗。
People said he'd been a pirate, but the truth was more prosaic. 人们说他曾作过海盗,但事实远没那么有传奇性。
'Heard of him! ' cried the squire. 'He was the worst pirate that ever sailed. The Spanish used to tremble just to hear his name! ' “怎么没听说过?!”乡绅大声说。“他是有史以来最残暴的一个海盗。西班牙人听到他的名字就发抖。”
Yesterday a senorita of the pirate family sent me a box of golden cake when i told her that i felt so hungry, and i ate it up with tears. 昨天我告诉海盗世家的小姐我很饿,她给了我一盒黄金蛋糕,我是和着泪水把它吃完的。
Four days later the Blida's Ukrainian captain sent word that the ship was berthed off the Somali coast near the pirate lair of Garacad. 四天后MVBlida号的乌克兰籍船长放出消息,他称货船停泊在索马里海湾海盗的老巢嘎拉卡得。
A century and a half ago, Charles Dickens walked the streets of young America and fumed to see his novels in cheap pirate versions. 一个半世纪以前,狄更斯在年青的美国大街上走,看到他的小说被盗版贱卖,也相当气愤。
She said the manufacture of pirate DVDs, most of which are sold on street corners and in pubs across the UK, was not a victimless crime. 她同时指出,制造盗版DVD——其中大部分DVD是在英国各地的街角和酒吧进行贩卖——并不是一个没有受害人的犯罪行为。
These days, though, Faqiar wears the mismatched camouflage of Libya's rebels and a dashing bandana on his head, pirate-style. 这些天来,法切尔穿着与他利比亚的叛军身份不配的衣服,头上还带着潇洒的海盗式的头巾。
This notorious river pirate killed several persons. The last offense was the gouging out of a man's eyes. 这个声名狼藉的河盗杀了很多人,最后一次作案是剜出了一个男人的眼睛。
Since he was not a dinosaur, he thought for a time that he might be a pirate. 那就不是恐龙吧。有段时间,他觉得自己可能是个海盗。
They saw how much money a pirate made and could not resist the chance of getting rich. 他们目睹一个海盗所能获得的财富,自然无法抵挡变得富有的机会。
" There will probably come some sort of pirate Battle. net server software, " but it's just not going to be as good. 他们可能搭建起和我们的样子类似的战网,“但是将绝不会有我们这么棒。”
Just a few months ago, the Pirate Bay announced that it had been acquired by Global Gaming Factory (GGF). 就在几个月之前,海盗湾宣布(link)自己已被环球游戏工厂(GlobalGamingFactory)所收购。
The life of a pirate agreed with Sing, as she was able to focus her aggression. 海盗生涯很适合奥拉,使她凶强好斗的本性得到满足。
You know, it's just a pirate product, therefore doesn't represent the true standard of morality and quality of this nation. 你知道,这毕竟是盗版产品,因此不能代表我们国家真实的产品质量和道德水平。
"If pirate ships were to set sail from Leningrad, we wouldn't let them get away with that, " he said. “如果海盗船将要从列宁格勒启航,我们不会让他们逍遥法外的,”他说。
A sudden noise makes Jane awake with a start to see a stranger pirate, Captain Hook, standing by her bed! 一阵突如其来的响声把珍妮惊醒了。她一眼就看见一个陌生人站在她的床前,是海盗铁钩船长!
A bad " Aha! " pirate question usually results in the candidate just sort of staring at you for a while and then saying they're stuck. 而不良的「原来如此」海盗问题,通常只会让应徵者瞪著你一阵子,然后说他们被难倒了。