美 [pɑps]英 [pɒps]
  • adv.突然;砰地(一声)
  • n.流行音乐;汽水;(短促清脆的爆裂声)砰;爹
  • v.(使)发砰砰声;发爆裂声;(突然或匆匆)去;(迅速或突然)放置
  • adj.流行音乐的;通俗风格的;通俗的;现代的
  • abbr.(=printing-out paper)【摄】(利用光照直接显影的)印相纸
  • 网络持久性有机污染物;持久性有机物;持久有机污染物




1.[u]流行音乐,流行乐曲(通常与摇滚乐、灵乐和其他形式的流行音乐相对)popular music of the sort that has been popular since the 1950s, usually with a strong rhythm and simple tunes, often contrasted with rock, soul and other forms of popular music


2.[c](短促清脆的爆裂声)砰a short sharp explosive sound


4.[sing](informal)(尤用作称呼)爸,爹used as a word for ‘father’, especially as a form of address


have/take a pop (at sb)

攻击,抨击(某人)to attack sb physically or in words

…a pop

每个…钱costing a particular amount for each one


持久性有机污染物(POPS)对动物健康的危害及其对策如题如题隐藏>> 你可能喜欢 文档信息 索菲亚兰贡献于2010-12-20 贡献者 …


建成持久性有机物POPs)、二恶英分析实验室、生物毒性实验室,生物标本及土壤样本库、环境质量监测监控与预警指挥中 …


持久有机污染物(POPs)控制不仅是世界上环境科学研究热点和难点,同时也是我国环境问题中一个重大挑战性难题.一方面,人工 …

Perceptions of organizational politics scale

...and Ferris G. R., 1991, “Perceptions of organizational politics scalePOPS),” Development and Construct Validation, Educ...


它们是持久性有机污染物质(POPs),很难进行降解,在海洋环境中会保存非常长的时间。 头足类动物是鲸、海豚非常重要的食 …

Pops: 50's. A World War One veteran who loves to make corny jokes. He joined the army to relieve his youth and get away from his wife. 波普:50岁左右。一战老兵,热爱创作低俗笑话。为重温年轻时光和躲避老婆而参军。
Sure, you could make frozen-yogurt pops or smoothies , but here are a few other ways to use it up. 当然,你可以用它做冰镇酸奶汽水或者果汁,但这里还有些其他的方法。
We don t want anything that pops out and is to loud but we definitely want a little bit of a wow factor. 我们不想要任何弹出,并大声的,但我们一定要一点点一哇因素。
A window pops up, in which you can type the name of any class in your workspace (see Figure 8). 将弹出一个窗口,您可以在其中键入工作空间中的所有类的名称(参见图8)。
Cutting corporate taxes is not the kind of idea that normally pops up in presidential campaigns. 降低公司营业税可不是总统选举中常见的招数。
The waiter, also a bit of a pal, pops in periodically to check on us. 侍者(也是熟人)时不时过来关照我们,并跟帕克聊几句。
If the front closure pops open too easily, could this bra let you down in front of your entire drama class? 如果前面的部分很容易就会打开,那这个胸罩会不会让你在整个戏剧班前丢尽脸面?
A federal office worker finds a lamp in an old file drawer, and as he examines it a genie pops out. 一名工作人员在放文件的旧抽屉里了盏油灯,在他检查这盏油灯的时候,砰的一声妖怪冒了。
His muscles are barely visible and his long, silky hair pops up in the air as he gallops across court. 他的肌肉刚好可以看见,而且当他在场上疾驰的是偶,他那又长又丝滑的头发还会飘逸地出现在空中。
He refuses all interviews, claims Top Gear's publicist, although he pops up in the pages of the Sun and the Sunday Times often enough. TopGear经纪人说他从来不接受采访,虽然他经常在《太阳报》和《星期日泰晤士报》上抛头露面。
Small Bear looks at her. Baby sister pops him on the nose with a small hand. 小熊看着她。熊妹妹用小手拍了拍他的鼻子。
Today the word transparency pops up in stories about everything from corporate governance to the activities of the U. S. Justice Department. 到今天,所有事物当中,从公司治理到美国司法部的行动,“透明度”这个词通通冒了出来。
I didn't tell her that I loved her or how much cared or thank my pops for all the talks and all the wisdom he shared. 我没有告诉她我爱她,或者有多在乎她,或者感谢我的父亲他给予我的教训和他所分享的智慧。
All of that stuff that pops up and distracts you needs to go down on paper (or into your text editor). 所有那些时不时出来干扰你想法的内容都必须被记在纸上,当然也记可以在文字编辑器或是别的什么东西上。
He plunges his knife into a sheep's eye socket, takes out the eye, cuts it in half, discards the pupil and pops the remainder in his mouth. 他一刀插入羊的眼窝,取出眼球,把它切成两半,扔掉瞳孔,一下子把余下的部分都放进嘴里。
I miss the first time, say like when it pops took me to the heart thank you for re-review of my past really recall all? 我很怀念第一次说喜欢时那砰砰的心跳谢谢你带我重新回顾了我的过去真的回顾完了吗?
Consequently, it is often mistakenly related to a condition that pops up during the perimenopausal years. 因此,嗜睡症经常被错误地与绝经期突然出现的一些状况联系在一起。
Click on any topic and a list of the articles (blog posts or whatever) that address that particular topic pops up in a separate window. 点击任何你感兴趣的主题,列有该主题相关文章(博客文章或其他内容)网址的索引就会显示在另外弹出的一个窗口中。
Another topic that pops up from time to time is how much state the client can and should have. 另外一个时不时就冒出来的问题是客户究竟可以并且应该拥有多少个不同的状态。
Some items we do not carry, but you may create one of many furniture items. . . try three cherries for something that pops! 有些物品,我们没有带备,但你可以创造许多家俱中的一件…用三个樱桃试一试吧,然后就会有些东西弹出来!
I know one couple who both work from home and like being together so much that if one pops out for a pint of milk the other gets restive. 我认识一对夫妇,两人都在家工作。他(她)们非常喜欢待在一起,以至于如果有一个人突然出去倒点牛奶喝,另一个都受不了。
He pops down to the shop to get me chocolate late in the evening if I have a craving and brings me up a cup of tea to bed. 如果我有要求,他会在深夜去商店为我买巧克力;还会为我带一杯茶到床前来。
In the swim lane view, as you mouse over each step in the use case, a little bubble pops up showing you the result of the step. 在泳道视图中,当你将鼠标放在该用例的每个步骤上时,一个弹出框会显示出该步骤的结果。
For autonomous learners you do not need to care if the students are following, and you know for sure they will catch up when a test pops in. 对于自主学习者,你不需要特别关注学生们是否在跟着你,你确信他们能跟上通过考试。
At 16 years of age, she joined the British dance group Pan's People and found herself performing on the television show Top of the Pops. 16岁时,她加入英国的舞蹈团“潘神一族”,并且在电视节目《流行之冠》中亮相。
The location value pops up in an alert window, as shown in Figure 2. 地点数据显示在弹出的警告窗口中,如图2所示。
Certainly, I understand that we cannot force them to speak their mind out easily - to blurt out what pops up in their head. 当然我不能强求他们能随意把自已心里的话,用英语直说出囗。
"I try not to be rude, but people push you and push you, " he explained to Top of the Pops magazine. “我试着不要粗鲁,但是人们总是这样那样地促使你,”他向顶级流行杂志解释道。
if its a druid, attack him when he pops up and u should be able to kill him quickly, if not get on the warlock. 如果有德鲁伊,当他突然冒出来攻击他并且你有能力快速的杀掉他,当然是在你对术士没有么进展的前提下。
Often, one killer whale pops up to identify a Weddell seal perched on an ice floe (shown), then alerts others in the area. 通常,一条杀人鲸突然窜出海面,以识别栖息在浮冰上的威德尔氏海豹(如图所示),然后通知该海域的其它杀人鲸。