英 [pɔts]
  • n.锅;壶;(某种用途的)容器;一壶(的量)
  • v.把…栽入盆中;种盆栽;击(球)入袋;射杀
  • 网络普通老式电话服务(PLAIN OLD TELEPHONE SERVICE);电话业务;普通简易电话服务(Plain Ordinary Telephone Service)



n. v.

烹饪for cooking

1.[c]锅a deep round container used for cooking things in


2.[c](盛食品的)罐,瓶,壶,盒a container made of glass, clay or plastic, used for storing food in

3.[c](某种用途的)容器a container of various kinds, made for a particular purpose

4.[c]一罐,一瓶,一壶(的量)the amount contained in a pot


go to pot

荒废;荒疏;疏懒to be spoiled because people are not working hard or taking care of things

the pot calling the kettle black

锅笑壶黑;五十步笑百步;乌鸦说猪黑used to say that you should not criticize sb for a fault that you have yourself

pot luck

碰运气;撞大运when you takepot luck , you choose sth or go somewhere without knowing very much about it, but hope that it will be good, pleasant, etc.

pots of money

大笔的金钱;巨额款项a very large amount of money

[精彩] 管理学必备英语词汇 - ChinaUnix.net ... cooking utensils 厨具 pots pans 锅 ...




普通电话业务POTS)仍在原频带内传送,它经由一低通滤波器和分离器插入到ADSL通路中。即使ADSL系统出故障或电源 …

普通简易电话服务(Plain Ordinary Telephone Service)

POTS (Plain Ordinary Telephone Service) 常规电话业务,普通老式电话业务POW (Packet Over Wavelength) 在波长上的包传 …


破报(Pots)是台湾第一份免费报,每周四发刊,是1995年由台湾立报副刊(当时由台湾世新大学所主持编辑和发行)所独立出来 …

厨房用具及容器(非贵重金属所制 - 豆丁网 ... 铁壶 iron kettle 2101 pots 2106 水桶,提桶 2101 铁桶 metal pail 2106 ...

These pots, also known as domes, lamps or diffusers, are extremely easy to use. 这些陶器,又称穹顶、灯具或风口,非常容易使用。
No one can rally around a woman who must scrub floors and pots all day. Pity her, yes, but not rally to her. 没有人会在一个整天擦地板洗锅碗的女人身边重新聚集。他们会可怜她,但不会听从她的召唤。
Orwell, a gentle, unworldly sort of man, arrived with just a camp bed, a table, a couple of chairs and a few pots and pans. 奥威尔,属于温和而脱俗的那类人,搬来时只有一张行军床、一张桌子、一些椅子和一些炊事用具。
Then they had put one of the pots in the dark for several days, and had given a third pot no water for the same length of time. 然后他们把其中的一盆放在黑暗的环境中呆几天,(同时)在相同的时间内不给第三盆浇水。
And again, when he took the net in, there was something big in it - three old pots. 收网时,他又发现网里有很大的东西,结果这次是三个旧的壶。
Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. 母亲把女儿领到了厨房,拿出三只小奶锅,倒上水,然后分别坐在火上。
In Beijing, the most stylish street snacks were these little stoneware pots of traditional yogurt covered with a sort of protective linen. 在北京,最具特色的街头小食品便是放在陶瓷罐里、用亚麻布盖上的酪奶。
The kind of pots to be filled with water can be sealed up and will not leak. 要盛水的那种陶罐,可以密封起来不会漏的。
For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his master's house. 这样过了整整两年,这个挑水工每天挑到雇主家的水仅有一罐半。
He was wrapped in furs, and he roared all day about the garden, and blew the chimney-pots down. 北风应邀而至,穿—身毛皮大衣,他对着花园呼啸了整整一天,把烟囱管帽也给吹掉了。
For a full two years this went on daily, whit the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water in his master's house. 整整两年,挑水工每天都只能挑着一罐半的水回到主人家。
There were two pots on the bank of a river. One was made of brass, and the other was made of clay. 有两个壶在河岸上,一个是黄铜做的,一个是泥土做的
Don't you want to take a set of those tiny cups and pots with you back to the United States? 您想要买一套袖珍的茶壶和茶杯带回美国吗?
Allow baby to make sounds of his own with rattles, pots and pans, and clapping his hands. 让宝宝听自己弄出的声音,比如玩拨浪鼓、瓶瓶罐罐的东西以及拍手等等。
I had used to go into Howsbay twice a year, to trade my inks and dyes for fabric for clothing and pots and things of that ilk. 我已经习惯每年去郝斯湾两趟,用我自制的墨水和染料,换点做衣服的布料、锅子和各家出产的杂物等。
Now, some of these plants are great for placing outdoors in pots during the summer but they have to be moved indoors during the winter. 现在,一些植物在夏天适合放在室外的花盆立。但冬天的时候就迁至室内。
A river carried down in its stream two Pots, one made of earthenware and the other of brass. 河里顺流而下飘着两只罐子,一只是陶质的,另一只是铜质的。
buzzed about the wall, and a little old mouse picked over the rubbish among the jam pots. 丽蝇在墙的四周嗡嗡叫,而一只老小鼠在果酱罐子之中挑捡垃圾。
Most people would have been knocked over, China is all over the place, pots in the kitchen are on the floor, boiling water everywhere. 船上大多数人都会被震倒,瓷器摔得满地都是,厨房里的瓶瓶罐罐也会全部倒下,沸水四溅。
Water in the sand between the two pots evaporates through the surface of the larger pot, where drier outside air is moving. 两个罐子之间沙子的水分通过蒸发到大罐子的表面,来使表面的干燥空气移动。
The only possessions that it could see were a few tin plates and cups and a couple of pots. 我看到的仅有的财产就是几个镀锡的盘子,几个茶杯和两三个锅。
The bra (see photo), made of recyclable plastic, can be tied together to create pots out of the bra's cups. 文胸罩杯由可回收塑料制成,可拼接成一个小花盆。
Building a brand can take years and pots of money; buying an established one is often cheaper. 创立一个品牌需耗费数年时间和大量资金,购买现成品牌通常比较划算。
With the arrival of winter in the Kashmir valley, people are beginning to stock up on traditional fire pots made of clay and twigs. 当冬日降临喀什米尔的山谷,人们开始采买黏土和树枝做的传统火炉。
For a full two years, this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots of water to his house. 整整两年,挑水人总是挑着一罐半水回到家,天天如此。
In recent years the art and antiques trade has woken up to the fact that its stock, from paintings to pots, makes perfect Christmas gifts. 近年来,艺术品和古董行业已经认识到,无论是绘画作品还是陶瓷,都可以成为绝好的新年礼物。
" I saw the pots . . . Red- hot. . . And observed that they did not crack at all " ( Daniel Defoe ) . “我看见缸子…又红又热…而且发现它们根本就不会破裂”(丹尼尔·狄佛)。
For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. 整整两年,老奶奶每次只能担回家满满的一罐子水,和漏得只剩下半罐的水。
Bamboo is a versatile, ancient plant that shows up in creation myths as well as in pots on Manhattan terraces. 竹子是用途很广的古老植物,从创世神话到曼哈坦区阳台上的花盆里,都有它的踪影。
He grabs a plant and pulls it out of its pot. He knocks over other pots. 他抓住一株植物,把它从盆里拔起,又碰倒了其他花盆。