美 [prəˈfeʃ(ə)nəl]英 [prə'feʃ(ə)nəl]
  • n.专家;专业人士;内行;职业运动员
  • adj.职业的;专业的;有职业的;娴熟的
  • 网络专业人员;职业经历


professional education,professional service,professional advice,professional manager,professional skill


1.[obn]职业的;专业的connected with a job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education

2.有职业的;专业的having a job which needs special training and a high level of education

3.娴熟的;训练有素的;精通业务的showing that sb is well trained and extremely skilled

4.职业上的;专业上的suitable or appropriate for sb working in a particular profession

5.职业性的;专业的;非业余的doing sth as a paid job rather than as a hobby

6.职业性的;专业的;非业余的done as a paid job rather than as a hobby


专业( PROfessional )的技能,精准( Precision )的设备和美好( Perfect )的服务, 是PRO-PII Technology Corp. 丰富的内涵。红 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... weigh vi 重(若干) professional adj 专业的;职业的 title n 题目;标题;称号;头衔 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... weigh vi 重(若干) professional adj 专业的;职业的 title n 题目;标题;称号;头衔 ...


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Profession 职业专业 Professional 专业人员 Professional Associations 专业人员协 …


比邻双语商务网| BilinBiz (New Zealand) ... Pets 宠物 Professional 专业人士 Restaurant 餐馆 ...


个人简历英文翻译词汇大全_百度文库 ... professional history 职业经历 professional 职业经历 profit 利润 ...

Single Renting as a judicial organization is composed of a professional judge, the right to be tried for simple cases. 独任庭作为由职业法官一人组成的审判组织,有权对简单案件进行审判。
Body received in the office wearing jeans is a good choice, simply will be very professional with a sense of the shirt. 收身牛仔裤在办公室穿着是不错的选择,简单地搭配衬衫就会很有职业感了。
The panel did express considerable surprise at the fact that the unit did not collaborate closely with professional statisticians. 但该中心未能与专业统计人士密切合作这事实,却让该委员会表达了相当的震惊。
Whether you are a seasoned hospitality professional or just beginning to plan your career, we invite you to discover Marriott. 无论你是经验丰富的专业人才还是刚刚开始规划梦想,我们诚邀您来体验万豪!
Pug found himself looking at his wife detachedly, as he judged professional matters. 帕格发现他自己正在冷眼观察他的妻子,就象在判断职业上的事物似的。
The latest academic research of Australia shows that the rate of man to be a professional athlete influenced by the month he was born. 澳大利亚的一项最新学术研究表明,一个人出生的月份会影响其成为职业运动员的几率。
As you work, take pride in the fact that you're doing the same thing professional filmmakers do, at least those in the documentary business. 在对影片进行加工的过程中,你得知道自己做的是跟专业电影摄制者一样的事,至少跟纪录片制作者一样。
Professional speaker Mike Ferry did this five days a week for two years, even on days when he was giving seminars. 职业演说家麦克就是这么做的,每周五天,坚持了两年——即使在他组织研讨会的时候也同样。
Effectiveness: in a professional SEO long maintenance can last a year, effective, and two years or even forever. 实效长:在有专业SEO维护的情况下可以长久有效,一年、两年甚至永远。
There is not too much to say about how it's going to look like as long as it is professional and it has good aesthetics. 没有太多太多的话要说,怎么回事,只要喜欢看,因为它是专业的,具有良好的美学。
Financial engineering not pure science professional (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and so on) easy to apply for a scholarship. 金融工程专业没有纯理科的专业(数学,物理,化学,生物等等)容易申请得到奖学金。
Certification in itself is evidence of professional growth, and is often considered as criteria for promotion. 认证本身可以证明专业技能的提升,因此常常被看作是晋升的条件。
Be professional: You don't want someone to not buy what you're doing. You're trying to create an illusion. You're trying to be believable. 职业化:你需要别人购买你所做出来的东西。你尝试者构建一个幻想。你尝试着让别人相信你。
The comment he gave us just as correct as a professional killer. 他在课堂上对我们的点评像杀手一样的职业而准确。
weight-loss business professional market analysis, planning, diagnosis, solve your confusion on the industry to help you to easily join. 企业进行专业减肥市场的分析、企划、诊断、解决你对行业的困惑,帮您轻松入行。
The skill of integration distinguishes managers and is at the heart of why business education should differ from professional education. 凝聚力的技巧会使经理人与众不同,也是为什么商业教育与专业教育不同的核心。
On the one hand, the owners are easy to operate as a professional line-up change remnant, to attract more customers and bigger and stronger. 一方面,业主很容易作为一个专业的阵容变化的残余,以吸引更多客户,做大做强。
But they, unlike doctors and nurses, weren't under any sort of ethical or professional mandate to be kind. 但是,他们不象医生和护士,没有任何道德或专业的任务排序来样。
She favours a midnight blue pinstriped suit paired with a fitted satin shirt and black patent heels for her professional life. 她喜欢将深蓝色细条纹西服,配上合身的丝绸衬衫和黑色漆皮高跟鞋作为其职业装。
'I keep a very professional look and try to be cautious in how I talk to people. I don't use the word 'yo. '' 现在我把自己的形像打造得非常专业,跟人说话时也很小心谨慎,像“唷”这个词我现在是绝对不会用的。
"If you see this kind of behavior, it's really wise for that person to get an evaluation by a mental health professional, " she said. 如果你发现了这类行为,让他去精神病学专家那儿做个评估是很明智的。
As long as you need, you just a phone call, professional transport team will be in the 12 days of the goods to. 只要你需要,你只需一个电话,专业运输队伍将会在一两天之内把货物送到。
Pronation is an advanced serve technique, but it lies at the core of every single college and professional-level serve. 内旋属于发球的高级技术,当时也是美国职业选手或大学选手发球的核心之一。
They're $279. 95, and good luck finding a vase, but they do come with a free pair of professional shears to help care for the roses. 这些花朵售价279.95美元,但愿您能顺利找到一个盛放它们的花瓶,不过我们会免费附送一副专业的修剪刀,帮您打理这些玫瑰。
The professional debut of these players isn't some sort of Hollywood moment. 这些队员在职业赛场上的首次亮相并不像好莱坞大片那样一鸣惊人。
Hire a professional photographer to come with you to city hall, then send out great pictures of the event with your wedding announcement. 雇一个专业摄影师跟着你们到市政厅,然后把大幅照片连带着结婚请帖派发出去。
But meeting these demands seems to be the only way for students to get enough money to stage a professional show. 但要想筹集到足够资金来举办一个专业活动,却只能满足他们的要求。
The Professional Staff Of Hotel Aniene Are Ready To Welcome You And Help To Make Your Stay A Pleasant Experience. 酒店专业的员工随时欢迎您的光临,让您在这里度过愉快的时光。
Possess strong communication skills and writing ability, able to work under pressure, full of good team spirit and professional dedication. 具有较强的沟通能力和书面表达能力,能承受较大工作压力,有较好的团队合作及敬业精神。
Qingdao Sigma is a set of visual arts photo, personalized wedding, commercial photography into a professional photography studio. 青岛格玛视觉是集艺术写真、个性婚纱、商业广告摄影为一体的专业摄影工作室。