美 [reɪ]英 [reɪ]
  • n.射线;〈诗〉光辉;【动】(短鼻)鹞鱼;雷
  • v.照射;放射光线;(思想,希望等)闪现;〈俚〉给…照X 光像片
  • 网络坦帕湾光芒;光芒放射效果;射线效果


infrared ray,ultraviolet ray



半透明的海洋动物照片——《国家地理》 ... Jellyfish 水母 Rays 射线 Corals 珊瑚 ...


坦帕湾光芒Rays)投手普赖斯(David Price)手中敲出全垒打,拿下生涯第3000支安打。


光字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 光鲜〖 bright;pretty;befreshandbright〗 光线〖 light;rays;beam〗 光学〖 optics;photology〗 ...


AE蓝宝石插件Genarts... ... S_LensFlare( 镜头眩光效果) S_Rays光芒放射效果) S_SpotLight( 聚光灯效果) ...


AE插件中英对照 - 天下第三剑的日志 - 网易博客 ... Rain( 下雨效果,不错) Rays射线效果) Reptilian( 鳞片效果) ...


职棒大联盟坦帕湾光芒队(Rays)投球手科布(Alex Cobb),周三表现出色,推动该队以3:2击败多伦多蓝鸟队。这是光芒队连续 …

You can heat the biomass, irradiate it with gamma rays, grind it into a fine slurry, or subject it to high-temperature steam. 我们可以加热生质原料、以γ射线照射、绞成细碎的泥状,或以高温蒸汽熏蒸;
The system works like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky. 整个系统的工作原理类似海市蜃楼:热气导致光线扭曲,使得前方道路隐蔽在天空的影像之后。
Artificial mutagenesis (by X-rays or chemicals) has been used to generate new characteristics, together with tissue culture techniques. 利用人工诱变(利用X射线和化学物质诱变)结合组织培养技术来获得新的性状。
Devil Rays: score 60, from the name with a "devil" word you can imagine such a weird fish, devil fish swimming in the sea is the fastest! 魔鬼鱼:分值60,从名字带着“魔鬼”二字你就能想象出这种鱼的诡异了,魔鬼鱼在海里的游泳速度是最快的!
One of the reasons life is short on Earth, for both humans and animals living on the surface, is the damaging rays of the sun. 生活在地球上是短期的,表面上生活的人类和动物,原因之一是太阳有害的射线。
The murky air of Hell, which had been due to inspissated rays of nothingness, cleared as if by magic. 地狱因为浓厚的虚无的光线而浑浊的空气,魔法般地变干净了。
And I said to him, I beseech thee, Lord, take also the rays with it. 我对他说,我恳求你,主啊,还采取了射线。
Rontgen called these new rays X2rays, which were named Rontgen rays by other scientists in honor of him. 伦琴把这种新射线称为X射线,其他科学家为纪念他而把这种射线命名为伦琴射线。
The rays of the sun glistened through the mist as it rose between the mountains, covering the landscape with a wet cloak. 当晨雾在山间弥漫,给山间景物覆盖上一层湿气时,阳光也穿透薄雾。
As well as being used for taking photographs, X-rays are also used for treating diseased parts of the body to kill the disease. 除了用来摄影之外,X光也被用来治疗身体患病的部位以消灭疾病。
Line them up in a pattern, these white dots add in the flamboyant effect. A few rays can be added to make the gems seem more real. 按照一定的方式规则的排列起来之后,这些光点就体现出光华灿烂的效果了。可以再加上一些光线,增加宝石的逼真度。
They form when the sun is near the horizon and ice crystals high in the sky line up in a way that bends the solar rays like a prism. 当太阳处于接近地平线的高度且云层中冰晶较多时,就会像多棱镜一样折射太阳光而产生“假日”。
Though it was more likely that these events were due to cosmic rays or radioactivity, the results were consistent with a detection of WIMPs. 虽然它更有可能是这些事件是由于宇宙射线或放射性物质,其结果与一个懦夫检测一致。
Without the air to stop some of the sun's heat, every part of the earth would be burning hot when the sun's rays strike it. 如果没有空气吸收部分太阳热量,那么只要是太阳光所及之处,都会灼热难当。
Just how much cosmic rays affect cloud formation has, however, remained elusive. 然而,究竟有多少宇宙射线影响了云的形成还是个未知数。
The woman's husband rushed her to hospital where X-rays showed a pair of four-inches long surgical forceps in her abdomen. 这名妇人的丈夫火速把她送医,X光照出妇人腹中有把四英寸长的手术钳。
It seemed as if the air were singing and sounding, as if rays of light were piercing through the leaves and the stalks of the Flower. 空气好像是在唱着歌和奏着乐,阳光好像钻进了它的叶子和梗子。
The object is simple - the last walrus on the ice wins the gold medal and a chance to bask in the gold rays of the sun. 目标很简单–最后留在冰面上的海象赢得金牌并有机会沐浴在金色的阳光中。
It is easy to see then, why getting bombed on a beach and then laying out on your towel to catch some rays can be disastrous. 现在你就知道了,为什么在沙滩上喝了两杯然后躺在毛巾上晒会太阳结果会很悲剧。
Armed with his arsenal of shrink rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand in his way. 他兴奋地进行着准备工作,为这个计划装备了一支看起来很强大的军队,他们装备了收缩射线,冰冻射线,以及陆战、空战设备。
It's like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky. 实验就象海市蜃楼,在高温下,光线发生弯曲,从而前面的道路就看不见了,而只能看到后面的天空图像。
Use cinnamon paint and a liner brush to sketch the face of the sun. Paint yellow rays between the half circles. 用肉桂色描绘太阳的五官。在半圆见涂上禁止词语射线。
A month or two before the games begin, the sun's rays are used to kindle the flame on a torch atop a mountain in Olympia, Greece. 在正式比赛前一两个月先利用阳光点燃预置在奥林匹亚某座山顶的一支火炬。
With bruises she would walk to another hair salon as if it were the only way she could see hope under rays of pink light. 鼻青脸肿之后,她会走向另一家发廊,似乎只有在那粉色的灯光下她才可以看到希望。
As the dust particle would stop the sun's rays to the Earth for such a long time, it would also cause global cooling , " he said. " 他说:“由于灰尘颗粒会如此长时间地挡住射向地球的太阳光,它还会导致全球降温。”
If the sun's rays are focused on a piece of paper with a lens, the intensity of the concentrated energy burns the paper. 如果太阳光线是透过镜片集中在一张纸上,那集中能量的强度会烧掉一张纸。
Some tribes immure girls in the dark from the age of ten to the age of seventeen, for fear that the sun's rays should render them pregnant. 有的部落怕姑娘照射了太阳光会受孕,就从十岁起把她们在黑暗中幽闭到十七岁。
THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat. 太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。
When he left the lab, he forgot to disconnect the electric current to the vacuum tube he had been using in his study of cathode rays. 但是,离开实验室时,他忘了切断通向研究阴极射线用的真空管的电源。
Agatha said that she was used to having X-rays but doubted if she would be able to produce a sample of her sputum. 她说她已经习惯拍X光片,但是怀疑自己是否能够咳出一份痰来。