美 [stoʊn]英 [stəʊn]
  • n.结石;石块;宝石;岩石
  • v.向…投石头;以石掷向;去除(水果的)硬核
  • adj.石制的
  • adv.石一般的
  • 网络石料;石材;英石

复数:stones 过去式:stoned 现在分词:stoning

stone wall,stone formation



《Friends》词汇表B ... ordinarily adv. 普通, 平常 stones n. 石, 石头, 宝石 goof n. 呆瓜 ...


阿拉伯语手册3 - nizi73224的日志 - 网易博客 ... 大理石 marble 宝石 stones 钻石 diamond ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(S11) ... stone 石宝石 stones 石料 stones 小石底 ...


Aureole ... Black Slate & Sandro Beige 黑色板岩,雅致金 stones 石材 tiles 瓷砖 ...


国际期货交易完全手册(基础篇) - MBA智库文档 ... quarter 四分之一英担=2 stones 英石 =12.70 kilograms 千克 第 24 页 共 3…


西洋老歌歌词 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... ***Lionel Richie( 莱诺李奇) ***12 Stones( 十二顽石乐团) **Ashanti( 亚香缇) ...


新视点平面素材大百科... ... 毛皮 Leathers.and.Furs 石材纹理 Stones 大理石 Marbies ...

For application of stones , China is one of the earliest country with a long history and is an indivisible part of Chinese national culture. 中国是世界上应用石材最早的国家之一,有着悠久的历史,是中国民族文化不可分割的一部分。
So they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus was hidden and went out of the temple. 于是他们拿石头要打他,耶稣却隐藏起来,从殿里出去了。
the greatness of the city of Rome due to the combination of its smaller parts, a pyramid is only as strong as the stones it comprised of. 就象罗马城的伟大是其各个部分组合出来的,金字塔的坚固程度也取决于取决构建它的石块。
He gives it a tin hat. The snowman has two stones for eyes and a carrot for a nose. 他给雪人戴上了一顶铁罐帽子,并用两块石头当眼睛,一根胡萝卜当鼻子。
Of course, you may be able to guess, the poor people was to remove the stones into the road. 当然,你可以猜到,那个穷人将石头(悄悄的)丢回到马路上。
Some days passed and the cowherd boys noticed that the snake would not bite. They threw stones at it. 过了一段日子,牧童们注意到蛇不再咬人,就向它掷石头。
There was a little path beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked ahead of me, swinging her arms and picking her way over the stones. 石头路旁有一条小路,弗劳尔斯太太摆动着手臂走在前面,小心地躲过石头。
"Oh, some stones and mud! " Fox goes on with his head down as if he is very busy. “哦,是石头和土!”狐狸弗克斯很忙碌的样子,低着头继续往前走。
He stayed up there for hours, till it grew cold, then groped his way down the stones and heather roots to the road. 他在那儿呆了几个钟头,直到觉得寒冷起来,才摸索着打岩石和石南根中间走下,来到大路上。
It assured me that but for my love and the wondrous cry of these stones, there was no meaning in anything. 它向我保证,除了我的爱和这些石头奇美的哭泣之外,其他一切事物都没有意义。
Having said this, she led him to a mansion made of precious stones and filled with a myriad of treasures to delight the senses. 说完,她领着日穹走进一座用宝石修建的大厦,里面有无数的奇珍异宝,令人赏心悦目。
If you wait a minute and let me explain, I'll let you know why the Rolling Stones are a better band than the Beatles. 等一下,如果你给我点时间允许我给你解释地话,我就会告诉你为什么滚石乐队比甲壳虫乐队更棒。
Whenever he wanted anything to eat, all he had to do was to come up out of his cave in the stones and earth and roar. 无论什么时候,只要他想吃东西,他所做的就是走出石头中的洞穴,朝脚下的土地咆哮。
if you wait a minute and let me explain , i 'll tell you why the rolling stones are a better band than the beatles . 如果你能等一下容我解释,我会告诉你为什么滚石乐队比甲壳虫好。
it in his breast, slipped off his great wooden shoes, and lay down on his back on the heap of stones. He was fast asleep directly. 旅客抽完了那锅烟,把烟斗揣在怀里,脱掉大木鞋,躺倒在石头堆上,立即睡着了。
Burying his face in the stones, he pushed downward on the two boys with all his strength as the train passed inches above them. 他的脸紧贴在石子上,使尽力气将两个孩子往下压,火车就从他们上面驶过,离他们只有几英寸。
It is said of him that he could ferment an arrack out of the roughest of stones, and drink it to clear his head after a long day's figuring. 据他所说,他可以从最粗糙的石头里发酵出一种亚力酒,在一整天的计算后喝这种酒来使他的头脑清醒。
He cast his net a second time , and draw in an old basket full of sand . He cast it a third time, and draw in a lot of stones . 他又撒了第二网,收回来的是一个塞满沙子的破篮子。他再撒了第三网,收回来好多石头。
It is said of him that he could squeeze a draught out of the hardest of stones, and drink it for nourishment. 他说,他可以从最硬的石头中挤出一口滋补的美酒,一饮而尽。
You certainly want to keep your stones for a while to remind yourself that it was all worth while. 你可能想把结石保留一段时间,提醒自己这是值得的。
Today, just like back in that afternoon, a person on the road, head down the steps Duo, the heart was filled with big stones. 如今,就好像回到了那个中午,一个人在路上,低着头踱着步,心里面装着块大石头。
Now I know what's it's like to be at the bottom of a well. I only hope no one starts pitching stones down at me. 现在我知道这是什么了。这是在一个井底。我只希望没有人从上面扔石头下来。
She said she saw a lot of woods and a stream full of big stones not too long after she was blindfolded. 她表示,眼睛被罩上没多久,她能看见很多树木和一个满是大石头的小溪。
Different than the day before, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground and put some stones on it. 和昨天不同的是,他拿出了一张大纸,把它摊在地上,并放上了一些石头。
He retraced the junks' routes around the globe and found shoreside marker stones, carved in a host of Asian languages, all over the world. 他重新寻访船队在世界各地走过的路并发现了港岸边的标记石,上面依然还有当时所刻的大量亚洲文字,这种情形遍布全世界。
Consequently, stones cut in rectangular shapes were used for the foundation, inner and outer brims , and gateways of the wall. 因此,切割成方形的石头用于基础,内外边和城门处。
There is so much to look forward to, that the changes should be seen as merely stepping stones that take you to your promised land. 在前方有那么多的美好事物去期待,改变将被看到,作为奠基石把你们带到承诺之地。
when the bricks covered the ground. it was as if stones were flowing like water. 砖头铺满了地面。这些石头看上去如流水一般。
My good friend Jia Xu M. is a lively and lovely little girl. she had a black hair. a pair of eyes like two stones. Shuihonghong. cute love. 我的好朋友许佳男。是一个活泼。可爱的小女孩。她有一头乌黑的头发。一双眼睛就像两颗宝石。水汪汪的。人见人爱。
With the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD , and he dug a trench around it large enough to hold two seats of seed. 用这些石头为耶和华的名筑一座坛,在坛的四围挖沟,可容谷种二细亚。