
美 [skɑr]英 [skɑː(r)]
  • n.瘢痕;伤疤;伤痕;(精神上的)创伤
  • v.在…上结疤;给…留下瘢痕;给…留下精神创伤;损害…的外观
  • abbr.(=subcalibre aircraft rocket)机载次口径火箭
  • 网络疤痕;断肠花;身体伤痕

复数:scars 过去式:scarred 现在分词:scarring

leave scar,carry scar,bear scar


n. v.

1.伤疤;伤痕;瘢痕a mark that is left on the skin after a wound has healed

2.(精神上的)创伤;伤痕a permanent feeling of great sadness or mental pain that a person is left with after an unpleasant experience

3.有损外观(或公共形象)的地方;污点;煞风景之处something unpleasant or ugly that spoils the appearance or public image of sth


机动战士高达00_百度百科 ... 故国燃烧 Homeland Burning 伤痕 Scars 再会和离别 Reunion And Separation ...


轻音乐吧_百度贴吧 ... Scars 疤痕 Scars 疤痕 5-24 kiss 堇色安年 ...


舞台英文术语 ... Burns 烧伤 Scars 伤疤 Scratches 划痕 ...


4.瘢痕(scars) 腹部瘢痕多为外伤、手术或皮肤感染的遗迹,有时对诊断和鉴别很有帮助,特别是某些特定部位的手术瘢痕,常 …


詹森·艾萨克_百度百科 ... 【The West Wing/ 白宫风云】→ 【Scars/ 断肠花】→ 【The State Within/ 国家内部】→ ...


PSP WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2010... ... -SIZE: 身形大小 -SCARS: 身体伤痕 -TATTOOS: 身躯纹身 ...


BIO-OIL万能生物油_yaya_新浪博客 ... 6.Dehydrated skin 改善脱水、干燥肌肤 1.scars 淡化疤痕,痘痕 2.stretch marks 淡化伸 …

A computer compiles the data into a map which shows where to apply ablation to eliminate cardiac tissue in and near the scars. 电脑整合这些数据做成一张图谱,在图上,会显示出瘢痕内及疤痕附近需要消融的位置。
The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrows and trash in the yard. 风卷起雪花,覆盖了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹,抚平了山脊,覆盖了院内的车轮印和垃圾。
It had been suggested that I rub my leg with ice, to bring up the scars, before I hiked my skirt three years later for the court. 我曾被人建议拿冰块摩擦我的腿,好让伤疤显出来,在我撩起裙子之前,在三年后的法庭上。
The former ingenue has some grown-up scars now, singing the marital blues with a bite in her voice that she's never come close to before. 从前的天真已经被成熟打上了疤痕,她用有些辛辣的嗓音唱着婚姻生活中的悲伤---她的嗓音永远不可能像以前那样了。
"I'm glad I can walk without the machine, " she said, her turquoise princess top covering most of the scars on her chest. 她说:“我很高兴现在可以不用借助机器的帮助行走了。”她的绿色公主上装遮住了大部分胸部的疤痕。
Yet it seems clear to me that the scars he gained beneath the church run deeper than those upon his skin and may have changed him forever. 然而我很清楚,他在大教堂里留下的那些伤疤远远深于留在他皮肤上能够看到的那些,这些伤疤很可能会改变他的一生。
I imagined that how nice if my mom had not carried the long scars on her face, and had a same fine look as the aunty. 如果娘没有脸上那道长长的伤疤,和这个阿姨长得一样漂亮,那可有多好!
The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep- creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. 老人除了两颊布满斑点,双手则刻着深深的勒痕,那是操作粗鱼绳的结果。
Just want to know you're good, want to hear your voice, want to talk with you, to tell you the ShiChenDaHai scars. 只是想知道你很好,想听到你的声音,想和你说说话,想告诉你那些石沉大海的伤痕…
Kaltenbrunner was a physically imposing man with scars on his cheeks, which made him look like the tyrant he really was. 卡尔滕布伦纳是个带伤的人,在他的脸上有道伤疤,这使他看起来像暴君,而他真的也就是一个暴君。
The scars that mark Nigerian born singer Seal have long been rumored to be the result of a tribal scarification rite. This is not the case. 尼日利亚出生的歌手席尔脸上的疤痕,一直有传言说是部落仪式的结果,不过情况并非如此。
On her body are scars left by family members who tried to turn her straight in a ritual "cleansing" . 她的全身布满伤痕,那是她的家庭成员在力图转变其性向的宗教“净化”仪式中留下的。
It was the mating season and he had obviously been fighting and judging from his other healed scars it was not the first time in his life. 现在正是狮子交配的季节,它明显地经过了搏斗。根据已经痊愈的伤疤,可以推测,这种搏斗在它的生活中并非是第一次。
Jonathan pulled his sleeve up to show Marc three long scars stretching along the inside of his arm from his wrist to his elbow. 乔纳森卷起袖子,给马克展示了他手臂上三条长长的伤疤,伤疤一直从手腕延伸到手肘部。
Remembering her scars, he called it "To write love on her arms" and printed the unusual slogan on T-shirts to raise money for her treatment. 想到她身上的伤痕,他给文章起名为《在她手臂上写爱》,并将这条不同寻常的口号印在了T恤衫上,为她的治疗筹款。
The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrow and cog and trash in the yard. 朔风扫过,白雪覆盖了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹——它抚平了山脊,躲匿了院内的车辙和轮齿,让杂物都无影无踪。
I've used it for a week at night and I love the texture of my aloe goo and not the smell but do you think it can lighten my acne scars? 我一个星期晚上使用,我很喜欢芦荟黏黏的感觉但不喜欢它的味道,但是你相信这样可以帮助我减轻我的痘痕吗?
Except for the scars on their bodies, there was no indication that they had been slaves a short time ago. 除了他们身体上的疤痕已经没有任何迹象说明他们最近以来仍然沦为过奴隶了。
Like many of her generation, born just as the war was ending, Ms Horn carries the scars of belonging to a despised nation. 像她这一代人,正好出生在战争刚刚结束的时候,心里始终会带有民族耻辱感的创伤。
He said the arrest could offer "a chance for new thinking" in Bosnia, still grappling with the scars of war. 他说,卡拉季奇的被捕给正在与战争伤疤抗争的波斯尼亚提供“一个新思想的机会”。
She bears little outward sign of her medical history, unless she pulls up her hair to show scars on her neck and an open wound on her scalp. 表面上看不出她的症状有多严重,除非她撩开头发,露出脖子上的伤疤和头皮上尚未愈合的伤口。
She seemed so tough and self-assured, and made no attempt to cover up the scars on her arm. It was as if she wanted them to be noticed. 她看上去似乎既坚强又自信,丝毫没有要掩盖自己臂上的那些疤痕的意思,仿佛她是要故意秀给别人看。
Following up for half of a year, no scar relapse was observed in the treated scars effectively. 随访半年,治愈的病人未见瘢痕复发。
But after 8 days the Lord appeared to Thomas, showed him His scars, and told him to stop doubting and believe. 但是八天之后,耶稣向多马显现,显露伤痕,并要他停止怀疑,要相信。
It was like being run off the road by a truck, and I've got the scars to prove it. 就好像被卡车撞到路边,我又疤痕可以证明。
She tended to Josephine's surgical scars and cared for her ostomy with the expert hands of a nurse. 她非常关心约瑟芬的手术伤疤,和专业的护理人员一起护理约瑟芬的造口术。
I know that for myself, it is sometimes easy to feel that "Life has taught me some tough lessons, and the scars do not heal easily. " 我深知自己有时候很容易产生这样的感觉:“生活教给我的是严酷的教训,留下的是难以治愈的伤痕。”
Like the doubts over his innocence, or the consequence of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal, or the memory of his kiss. 像对清白的疑惑,错误的结果,背叛的创伤,亲吻的记忆。
Financial crises, in particular, tend to leave scars that make financial institutions, households and firms behave differently. 金融危机尤其容易留下疤痕,使非银行金融机构、家庭和公司表现异常。
Such raised emotions are likely to leave long-term scars, and may continue to destabilise countries like Egypt. 这种情绪经过酝酿,可能会留下难以磨灭的伤疤,乃至进一步瓦解埃及这样的国家。