
美 [veɪl]英 [veɪl]
  • n.面罩;掩饰;掩盖;(修女的)头巾
  • v.掩饰;戴面纱;戴面罩;遮掩
  • 网络遮蔽物;头纱;幕

复数:veils 现在分词:veiling 过去式:veiled

woman veil


n. v.

1.(尤指女用的)面纱,面罩a covering of very thin transparent material worn, especially by women, to protect or hide the face, or as part of a hat, etc.

3.[sing]掩饰;掩盖;借口;托辞something that stops you from learning the truth about a situation

4.[sing]薄薄的遮盖层a thin layer that stops you from seeing sth


take the veil

当修女to become a nun


面字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 面容〖 facialfeature;look〗 面纱veil〗 面善〖 lookfamiliar〗 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... vehicle 车辆 veil 面罩 vein 血管 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(V)|英语四级词汇 ... vehicle n. 车辆,机动车 veil n. 面纱,面罩;遮蔽物 velocity n. 速度,速率 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(V)|英语四级词汇 ... vehicle n. 车辆,机动车 veil n. 面纱,面罩;遮蔽物 velocity n. 速度,速率 ...


首页-Roro私家定制-- 淘宝网 ... Waistcoat 坎肩 Veil 头纱 Accesories 腰带 ...

考博英语词汇 ... vehicle n. 车辆;交通工具;媒介物;(药)赋形 veil n. 面纱;纱帐;;膜;胎膜 venenous a. 有毒的 ...


扬子江-GRE填空词汇分类汇总_百度文库 ... innuendo 含沙射影的说话 veil 掩饰 unknown 不被人所知 ...


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For that reason, when he entered that state, he would cover his eyes with a veil (burma'). 因此,当导师进入这种状态,他通常带上一副面罩。
Only those, who are of superstition and do not know the truth, are afraid that scientist would discover the veil of superstition. 只有盲目、不知真理者,才会拒绝让科学家动手来揭开其迷信的面纱。
You will become increasing aware that a slight twinge of annoyance is nothing but a veil drawn over intense fury. 你会愈来愈清楚,些许不悦只不过是掩饰震怒的一道障眼物罢了。
But there was, as it were, a veil before my eyes and a blindness over my mind. 但是我面前挂着一块遮眼布,遮住了我的头脑。
Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely. Your temples behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate. 你的唇好像一条朱红线,你的嘴也秀美。你的两太阳在帕子内,如同一块石榴。
On the company's website, Lynn is still the first radiant bride whose portrait appears in a gauzy veil, the brilliant blue sea behind her. 在该公司的网站上还保留着琳恩穿着婚纱的照片,在她的后面是一望无际的大海。
'Give me your veil, ' he said hastily to the princess. And when she had unwound it from her head he covered the mirror with it. “把你的面纱给我。”他急促地对公主说道。接过她的面纱,他把它罩在了镜子上。
At which his mother merely pursed her lips under the lace veil that hung down from her grey velvet bonnet trimmed with frosted grapes. 听了这话,他母亲只是隔着从饰有霜冻葡萄的灰丝绒帽上垂下的网状面纱撇了撇嘴。
A veil is caught up in her right arm and draped over her head and left shoulder. 一袭面纱挽在右臂,从头上顺左肩垂下。
He was a beautiful creature, with slender legs, bright, intelligent eyes, and a mane that hung down over his neck like a veil. 他长的非常的漂亮,大腿细长,眼睛明亮有神,鬃毛从脖子上垂下来就像是戴了一个头巾。
Her hands shook as she pinned on her hat and covered herself with her black veil. 她颤者着双手转了一下帽子,然后用黑纱裹住自己。
He drew the veil from her face, and when he saw her immeasurable ugliness, he sprang back terrified, and said, how do you come here. 他从她脸上的面纱,而当他看到她不可估量的丑陋,他后面窜出吓坏了,说,你怎么来了这里。
Several times Suleiman disappeared behind a veil of dust, only to emerge out of the cloud just a few feet ahead of me. 有几次苏里曼的车消失在灰沙中,等我再看见他时,他只在我前面几英尺。
He said that included references to a recently passed law in France banning the face-covering veil, which Muslim extremists have criticized. 他说这部录像片涉及法国最近颁布的禁止蒙面的法令,这项法令遭到穆斯林极端分子的批评。
She was wearing a print dress and a hat with a veil, like somebody out of a 1940s movie. 她穿着印花裙子,带着有面纱的帽子,就像是某个从20世纪40年代的电影中走出来的人物。
Dreaming about the future was not something on Mr. Holmes's mind as he gave a reporter a rare peek behind the Disney operations veil. 霍姆斯先生可不在梦想未来,他宣称在迪斯尼操作表面的背后,仍有一次少有的高峰期。
It was also mooted that he might repeal a ban on the niqab (the veil that covers a woman's face) in universities. 有争议称,他可能会废除在大学戴nigab(女人用来遮盖脸部的面纱)的禁令。
Let me hear what you think about Rawls's claim that these two principles would be chosen behind the veil of ignorance. Rawls声称:上面我们所说的第一和第二原则会被[无知的面纱]后的人们所选中。
He said in some cases it would not be appropriate to wear a veil for security reasons but in general they shouldn't be an issue. 他说,由于安全原因,有时候佩戴面纱并不合适,但是大多数情况下都没有问题。
One night the husband was overcome by curiosity and tried to lift his wife's veil as she slept to take a look at her face. 一天晚上,丈夫难忍好奇,试图趁着妻子睡觉时掀开面纱,看一下她的脸。
Someone alerted the police, but Ayesha's father ordered her to put on high heels to look taller and a veil to hide her face. 当时有人报警了,但是Ayesha的父亲命令她踩在轮子上这样可以看起来高一点,然后又叫她用面纱遮住脸。
Some nights I lay awake until the morning, trying to penetrate the veil that divides this world from the next. 多少个夜晚,我失眠到天明,试图看透隔离这个世界和另一个世界的那层薄纱。
Andrew C. , Stock Xchange Ready to trade your graduation cap for a wedding veil? Hang on. 安德鲁股份交易公司准备为一个婚礼的面纱换取你的毕业帽。
She came out Friday with her two young daughters, and spoke through the veil of her black abaya, decorated with an Egyptian-flag headband. 她出来周五与她的两个年幼的女儿,并透过面纱,她的黑色长袍,装饰着埃及国旗的头带,发言。
With a bit of luck, over the ten years of Dr Hazen's project, the veil of ignorance will be lifted a little. Hazen博士今后10年多的项目研究,加上一些运气,无知的面纱将会揭开一点点。
If you close your eyes and concentrate on them they can be felt through the veil as a strong loving presence. 如果你闭上双眼把焦点集中在他们身上,他们就可以透过帷幕被你感觉到,以一种非常强烈的爱表现出来。
Her eyes were laughing behind her veil, and her teeth sparkling, and the velvet of her habit was blue and spangled with raindrops. 她的眼睛在面纱后面露着笑容,牙齿闪着光,天鹅绒长袍是蓝色的,雨珠像闪光的饰片一样缀在上面。
I had always thought of myself as an intuitive person, but I didn't see this one coming. It was like I had a veil pulled over my eyes. 我一直认为自己是一个没有思想的人,但是我不知道这是怎么产生的。这就像在我的双眼蒙上了一层面纱。
You know not how lonely I am, and how frightened, to be alone behind my black veil. Do not leave me in this miserable obscurity forever. 啊,我一个人在黑纱后是多么孤独,多么害怕!不要让我永远留在这悲惨的黑暗中呢!
That's just what I said to myself when I woke up this morning, but when I looked on the floor, there was the veil, torn in two halves! 这也是早晨醒来时我对自己说的,可我看地上的时候,那儿真有面纱,而且撕成了两半!