
  • n.【女名】女子名
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广交会常用英语 - 英语学习乐园 ... YEE 绮 YEE YEE 颐 ...

卢绮琪 香港音译_百度知道 ... 卢: Lo : Yee 琪: Ki ...

转一下 名字的香港译音 - MJ的日志 - 网易博客 ... YAT 逸 YEE YEN 殷 ...

香港人名翻译常用字_文档下载_文档资料库 ... WU 护 YEE YING 邢 ...

福建人姓氏之英文翻译(南洋)_福建吧_百度贴吧 ... 朱: Choo Yee 徐: Chee ...

姓氏中英对换 绝对好东西啊... ... Yau 尤邱 Yee Yeung 杨羊 ...

1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10用粤语怎么说? -... ... 一 YEE YEE 三 SAM ...


香港人名常见字拼写 - 香港澳门台湾留学... ... yan 茵欣恩仁忍人印 yee 怡议异宜而仪 ying 影形认莹萤营英应 ...

It was initially registered in the name of his wife, Ho Yee-nee. 最初,该公司是以陈的太太何绮妮的名称登记。
Mr Ma Kam-yee, said: "When you see a plain red paper into a work of art in their own hands, hearts there is a sense of accomplishment. " 马锦仪说:“看着一张普通的红纸在自己手里变成一件艺术品,心中就有一种成就感。”
After the training, Suet-yee is transformed into a sex goddess. Now Lok-shui has some feelings for her. 经过训练后,雪儿由一平实女人变成性感女神,乐水亦因此对雪儿产生爱意。
Yee (Tony Leung), a senior Chinese official collaborating with the Japanese, the plan being that she will lure him to his death. 王受托引诱中国的汉奸头子易先生(梁朝伟),计划是引诱并杀死他。
She was the wife of Feng Yee, the God of Water, who had a reputation as a womanizer and for ignoring his wife. 她是冯仪,对水神,谁是好色之徒无视他的妻子和妻子的声誉。
"It's a problem we're trying fix. It is trying to mislead voters and somewhat trick voters, " says Yee. “我们正努力解决这个问题,因为这摆明了是打算误导甚至欺骗选民”,Yee说道。
Lan looked so perfect with the new moon that all the other planets were a little jealous, and Yee didn't mind giving up that moon at all. Lan和这个月亮在一起看上去是如此完美,以致所有别的行星都有一些忌妒了,但是Yee却毫不在意。
Dr. Wu was acclaimed as the "Sage of Penjing" . Proceeds from sales of the books were used to establish the Wu Yee Sun Education Fund. 他说,伍博士早在一九七六年,把出售一万册《文农盆景》所得成立「伍宜孙教育基金」,用以支持大学。
Director Derek Yee: "Actors need to turn at least 30 to become mature and masculine. " 导演尔冬升:“男演员要散发出男人味,起码要到30岁后。”
Lan was almost afraid to look at Yee, but Yee reached out a wisp of atmosphere in comfort. 兰几乎不敢再看叶,但是叶放出了一团气雾来安慰兰。
Susan Yee didn't find cosmetics for Asians in the U. S. , So she developed her own and made a fortune . 余素兰没有发现适合在美国的亚裔人的化妆品,所以她开发自己的产品,并发了大财。
It turns out that Wang is part of a group of former university students, led by Kuang (Wang Leehom), who plan to assassinate Yee. 王佳芝隶属于一个由流亡大学生的组成的特务组织,该组织由邝裕民(王力宏)领导,由他设计暗杀易先生。
Ming Yee: It's not worth it. Besides, I have to save up to pay for some bills. 明义︰不值得的。此外,我还得存钱去付一些账单。
Pei Yee takes some from box R and 20% of the marbles from box S. The total number of marbles he take is 244. 姵妤从盒子R中拿出一些玻璃弹珠及从盒子S中拿出20%的玻璃弹珠。他所拿出玻璃弹珠的总数是244颗。
The other planets were too awed by Yee and Lan's new beauty to feel even the slightest drop of jealousy. 其他的行星都惊异于全新的、美丽的叶和兰,竟然没有了一丝一毫的嫉妒。
Wang is noticed by Mr. Yee, who becomes smitten, then obsessed with her. 王佳芝受到易先生注意,受其折磨,被其迷住。
But the emperor that, like "Father son discussion, Chen Yee Jun" , too Xianghua, and have no significance. 但秦始皇认为,像这样“子议父,臣议君”,太不象话,更没意义。
We hope the merriest of Christmas to you or yee loved firsts, or we hope you happiness or prosperity in the season before. 咱们向你及你的亲大家致以最美好的圣诞热爱,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,开心美满!
Aunt Poon is a housekeeper in a rich family. The daughter of the family, Suet Yee, disappeared one year ago. 潘姨是大宅的老管家,大小姐雪儿于一年前失踪。
The prosecution was today represented by Senior Government Counsel Jonathan Man, assisted by ICAC officer Grace Yee. 控方今日由高级政府律师万德豪代表控方出庭,并由廉署人员余显丽协助。
In his composition, Yee employs a bird's eye view to broaden the horizon of the farmland. 在构图上,作品采取鸟瞰的视野将农田的辽阔和生机,尽显于人前。
Hope yee birthday begins a new season dawn special happiness or which le which says the outstanding to you. 愿你的生日迎来充满无限开心的新的一年,以及你最珍惜的一切。
Lan was so ashamed of what had happended to the moon, so generously given by Yee, that Lan began to dread their next meeting. 月亮是Yee慷慨送给的,而今如此遭遇,Lan感到非常愧疚,并且开始害怕再见到Yee了。
Kal Yee has spent over fifteen years as a premier physique and fashion photographer. 大韩航空绮已经花费了十五年作为总理的体魄和时装摄影师。
A video saluting Dr. Wu Yee Sun and his contributions to society was shown at the ceremony. 典礼上播放伍宜孙博士生前片段,回顾他对社会的贡献,藉以向伍博士致敬。
Yee's bill to force candidates to use only phonetic translations has been approved by the state Senate; then-Gov. 于是,Yee上交议案要求州参议院规定候选人的中文名只能使用音译。
Yee said he wasn't worried about the film's setting of Japan _ another sensitive topic in China. 尔冬升说,他并不担心影片的拍摄背景在日本―――中国大陆的另一个敏感话题。
Such awareness can prevent problems, alter care and help manage complications, Yee said. 这种明智的做法可以避免问题的发生、改善护理并有助于治疗并发症。
February 1996: For the convenience of more passengers, the direction to the Sai Wan Ho, via Hennessy Road and Yee Wo Street. 1996年2月:为方便更多乘客,往西湾河方向,改经轩尼诗道及怡和街。
Ming Yee: I watched buddha buyer go up to $315. 明义︰我看到佛像买家出到三百一十五元。