a few

  • na.几个;〔反语〕很多;〈俚〉一点点
  • 网络一些;有些;少量

a fewa few

a few


初中英语短语大全 ... 49.by sea,by ship 乘船 50.a few 几个,—些 51.most of 绝大多数 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... feel up to 觉得能担当 a few 少许,一些 a good few 相当多,不少 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... as matter of fact 实际情况,真相 a few 有些,几个 quite a few 还不少,有相当数目的 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... borrow (向别人)借用,借 a few 一些,少量 project 专题研究;工程 ;项目 △ ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... feel up to 觉得能担当 a few 少许,一些 a good few 相当多,不少 ...


八年级上册英语单词表(人教版)_百度知道 ... few 很少的;几乎没有的 a few 有些;几个;少数 stay 继续;保持;维持 ...


地质词典_百度文库 ... on 对。。起作用 。 a few 有几个,有一些 after all 毕竟,终究 ...


few、a few、very few_百度知道 ... a few = 少数几个,虽少但有一些 (肯定含义) very few = 极少数,非常稀少,没有几个 ...

It was a priceless moment, and I later regretted not snapping a few photos of the cantankerous old man when I had the chance, fan and all. 这是非常宝贵的时刻。过后我就后悔,为什么在他扇扇子之类能给我机会的时候,我没有抢拍一些这位坏脾气老人的照片。
Her forgetting of me happened just a few months ago, after I had been traveling for more than a month and hadn't been to see her. 她,我忘了几个月前刚刚发生后,我已经一个多月行驶,并没有看到她。
Then he confronted a former customer, whom he could see smoking just a few hundred yards away. The man explained the math to him. 当他看到一位以前的顾客在远处吸烟,便上前当面询问,从而知晓了其中原委。
These issues have no place in a stopgap spending bill a few minutes from midnight. 这些问题在午夜前几分钟要达成的一项权宜之计的支出议案中没有什么位置。
Or your Fantasy will also be up in a few days back! 跌了你又幻想会过几天会涨回去!
So if there is recent, dangerous sexual activity and a few of the symptoms, be sure to call the doctor. 所以如果最近有过危险性活动和其中的几个症状,请一定找医生。
Had he lived just a few more years it would have changed my life in so many ways I can hardly begin to reckon the difference. 如果他可以多活几年的话,我的人生会从很多方面会生变化。我几乎无法想象这种差异。
My mother moved into a nearby city a few years ago because it was inconvenient for her to live in the village where I grew up. 几年前,母亲搬进了附近的城里来住,因为居住在我从小长大的那个村庄有生活很不方便。
After a few minutes, I said I had to go inside to meet my supporters and asked if the group wanted to come in. The man declined. 几分钟以后,我说我得进去和我的支持者们打招呼了,并问他,他们是否愿意进去。
A few weeks earlier he had sold me a ring and a gun; it turned out that the ring belonged to the victim and the gun was the murder weapon. 几个星期之前,他卖给我一枚戒指和一把枪,后来证明戒指是受害者的,而这把枪是作案工具。
"I found out just a few minutes before we came out, " he said. “在我们上场前,我才得知这个消息。”他说。
First they showed that when they cooled the oscillator to a few hundredths of a degree they could get no quanta out of it. 首先,他们展示了当振荡器被冷却到绝对温度的百分之几度时,他们无法从中获得任何量子。
According to art critics around the world, my guest is one of a few prodigies in decades to capture the art of realism. 根据全世界艺术鉴赏人士,她是数十年来少数写实主义的奇才之一。
The crunch has made banks less able to lend and companies less willing to borrow, at least for a few years. 危机使得银行借贷能力下降,公司也不太愿意借款,至少这种情况得维持几年的时间。
For a few moments he was unable to move, and it was easy for the two men to put him into the train. 过了好一会儿他都动弹不得,于是两个人轻而易举地把他送上了火车。
Women who have the # almost daily for more than a few weeks are advised to see a diny college or other doctor. 因此建议那些差不多每天都出现这些症状并超过几星期的妇女去找妇科医生或其他医生就诊。
and there have been a few unexpected issues that are currently being worked on. 还有就是一些预期外的问题此刻正在努力解决当中。
With the help of a microarray, researchers can query the whole genome at once, rather than just a few genes at a time. 在微数组技术的帮助下,科学家可以从基因组整体的角度而不只是从若干片断上来研究。
And tarry with him a few days, until thy brother's fury turn away. 同他住些日子,直等你哥哥的怒气消了。
Today researchers can sequence the DNA that constitutes a micro-organism's genome in a few days or even, with the latest equipment, a day. 今天,研究人员利用最新的设备可以在几天甚至一天的时间里测定构成一个微生物全部基因组的DNA序列。
Those payments are locked up in Citigroup interest-bearing accounts for a few years before employees can get their hands on the cash. 这部分薪酬被冻结在花旗的附息账户里,几年后员工才可以拿到手。
C. It will take her a few minutes to pick out the best painting of her collection. 从她的收藏中找出最好的画要花掉她几分钟的时间。
M. Morrel paid the expenses of his funeral, and a few small debts the poor old man had contracted. 莫雷尔先生不仅负担了他的全部丧葬费,还把那可怜的老人生前所借的几笔小债也还清了。
MTM gets the extra performance out of the Continental GT with upgraded exhaust, an engine retune and a few secret tweaks. 获得额外的母语教学表现出大陆GT与升级排气,引擎retune和一些秘密的调整。
This hotel is only a few steps away from the heart of downtown. It has comfortable rooms overlooking a garden and it is surprisingly quiet. 这家宾馆离市中心很近,舒适的客房非常安静,而且可以俯瞰花园。
If I decided to say a few words, it's only out of respect for the supporters. 如果非要我说些什么的话,那就是像我们的支持者表示敬意。
The day may not be far off, then, when a dicky heart can be serviced in mid-life and made good for a few more years. 这样一来,距离患病的心脏可以在中年接受维修、并在接下来的一些年里保持健康的那一天就不远了。
JACK: Just a few more minutes. It'll take them a while to get the boats organized. 杰克:只要一点时间,救生艇就会很快回来救我们的。
"We might focus on a few particular brands and products because we don't have to support local production in Shanghai, " he said. 他说:“我们可能把注意力放在某几种品牌和产品上,因为我们不用再支持上海的生产了。”
Condense all that time into a year and we don't arrive at the party until a few minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve. 假如把这些时间浓缩于一年,我们到达新年晚会不过是子夜前几分钟的事。