a host of

  • det.很多
  • 网络大量;许多;一大群

a host ofa host of

a host of


YueTong - yinlikaixiaokai - 网易博客 ... expect of/from... 从...当中期待 1 a host of 大量 2 a test for 检测目的 ...


托福常用词组 - 豆丁网 ... a gust of wind 一阵狂风 a host of 许多;一大群 a household word 家喻户晓 的(名)字 ...


托福常用词组 - 豆丁网 ... a gust of wind 一阵狂风 a host of 许多;一大群 a household word 家喻户晓 的(名)字 ...


写作:... ... 1、方便: convenient/convenience 许多问题a host of/a number of problems 获得成功: achieve/accomplish su…


历年考研英语短语 - 英语 考研论坛 ... 443 with…speed 以……的速度 1 a host of 大量的 2 a test for 检测目的 ...


3D Clash of the Titans 3D诸神之战 ... ... Greek mythology 希腊神话 a host of 许多,一群 fearsome creatures 令人害怕的怪物 ...


Vocabulary of BEC higher&nb... ... Mortician 殡葬业者 A host of 很多 Dispose of 用掉,用光 ...


专科,本科,用英语怎么说?-英语-外语-天涯问答 ... specialty 专科 a host of 一批 ... majolica glaze 锡釉彩陶釉 ...

Other states observe a host of traditions to help see them work through border disputes and express their displeasure with one another. 其他国家遵循大量传统去帮助他们彼此有效地应对边界争端和表达不满。
Needless to say, it is a tremendous experience for the soldier to be able to cry out his sorrows to a host of sympathetic listeners. 不消说,战士能向这么多充满同情的听众畅诉自己的苦楚,产生了非同小可的影响。
A host of top European clubs have been linked with him, while the player himself has stated a desire to prove himself at Old Trafford. 许多欧洲豪门都和他联系到了一起,而球员本人却渴望在老特拉福德证明他自己。
Its treatments have been used for wrinkles, leg veins, acne, cellulite and a host of other cosmetic solutions. 这种治疗方法可用于皱纹、腿部静脉、粉刺、脂肪团,以及其它各种美容解决方案。
United have had a host of one-club players over the years, of which the most famous is probably Sir Bobby Charlton. 曼联这些年有太多一生只侍一主的球员,他们中间最为出名的就是博比·查尔顿爵士。
A host of senior officials and thousands of PUK rank-and-file have followed Mr Mustafa; many have been expelled for sympathising with him. 许多高级官员及成千上万的库尔迪斯爱国联盟民众追随了Mustafa,还有许多人因为同情他而被驱逐。
Enron itself, along with a host of other firms, collapsed in 2004 because accounting standards had not been enforced adequately. 安然公司和其他许多公司因为没有充分执行会计标准在2004年倒闭。
He retraced the junks' routes around the globe and found shoreside marker stones, carved in a host of Asian languages, all over the world. 他重新寻访船队在世界各地走过的路并发现了港岸边的标记石,上面依然还有当时所刻的大量亚洲文字,这种情形遍布全世界。
The Republican party cannot be a tool of the evangelical movement, on evolution, stem cells and a host of other issues. 共和党不能仅仅成为福音运动、进化论、干细胞和其他一系列争议性问题的工具。
Perhaps more significantly, a host of other nations are also becoming more involved in trying to calm the two nuclear-armed rivals. 或许更为明显的是,大批其他国家也越来越牵涉其中,试图安抚这两个拥有核武的死对头。
Amy Sample Ward's passion for nonprofit technology has lead her to involvement with NTEN, NetSquared, and a host of other organizations. AmySampleWard对非营利技术的热情引领她参与到NTEN,NetSquared以及许多其他组织中。
But fund managers are optimistic for the future, with a host of new products expected to try to tap into a market recovery. 但基金经理对未来保持乐观,预计许多新产品将参与市场复苏。
I believe that this view is mistaken and that it leads to a host of entirely unnecessary difficulties. 我相信这种看法是错误的,而且它导致一大堆完全不必要的困难。
The two leaders used the moment to showcase their growing personal relationship and a mutual commitment to cooperation on a host of issues. 两位领导人利用这一时刻,展现了他们个人关系的回暖与在一系列问题上作出了相互的承诺。
In addition, shame is often seen in victims of child neglect, child abuse and a host of other crimes against children. 此外,羞耻往往出现在受忽视、虐待儿童以及一些系列其它儿童犯罪中的受害人身上产生。儿童心理学者称乱伦是最为严重的羞耻形式。
I saw a host of angels; they were standing everywhere. One handed me a basket and said, "My child, shop with care. " 我看到一群天使,店里随处都有他们的身影,一位交给我一个篮子,便说,“孩子,小心采购。”
But a host of examples stretching back over the centuries bear witness to the long-term link between monetary growth and inflation. 但过去数百年间的例子已经见证了货币增长和通货膨胀间的长期联系。
You think the plane is bad? Security checkpoints harbor a host of hazards as well, researchers say. 你觉得飞机上很糟糕?研究人员发现,其实安检处也好不到哪里去。
It shows him standing angrily at the door of his flying house as a host of other flying vehicles swarm around outside. 这表明他站在他的飞行作为其他飞行器在外面的主机群的家门口,生气地说。
Isabel Not at all, thanks to you. Pardon my surprise, but I did not expect help from a host of Dark Elves. 伊莎贝尔我没事,多亏了你。请不要介意我的惊讶,我并没有希望得到黑暗精灵的帮助。
Old age brings with it a host of physical woes, and among the most common is hearing loss. 年龄会带来很多健康困扰,而其中最普遍的就是听力衰退。
For some people, the onset of British Summer Time, with early dawns and longer twilight, brings with it a host of problems. 在英国,对某些人来说,随着夏日天亮早和日照长的到来,人们生活出现众多问题。
That, however, proved to be the dawn to a golden era, with a host of talented youngsters coming up through the ranks. 然而,这被证明是一个金色的黎明带着时代的到来,通过人才队伍注册青少年主机。
Competition in the telecoms industry is intensifying and there have been a host of similar disputes. 电信行业的竞争正愈演愈烈,涌现出大量类似的纠纷。
Kenyans are the most numerous foreigners in Juba, the would-be state's capital, with property agents and a host of consultants to the fore. 在朱巴,南苏丹未来的首都,肯尼亚人是为数最多的外国人,他们从事着房地产代理以及有着显著地位的咨询顾问。
All this technology, texting, chat rooms and social networking brings a host of dangers with it. 这类型的科技:发短信啦,聊天室啦,社交网站啦,带来了许多危险。
What appears to be a clear mountain stream could contain giardia and a host of other debilitating and hike-ending bacteria. 看似清澈的山间小溪,可能含有寄生虫,或是其它对身体有害甚至会终止你旅行的细菌。
The bat, along with an orange spider and a yellow-spotted frog are among a host of new species found in a region of Papua New Guinea. 蝙蝠、橙色的蜘蛛和黄色斑点的青蛙是巴布亚新几内亚地区发现的一大批新物种中的几种。
Trimble refused a host of makeovers from various magazines and TV shows after she shot to prominence, saying she was happy with her looks. Trimble在她出名之后拒绝在杂志和电视节目中化妆,说她对自己的长相很满意。
Despite this, Rossi is not scared, and he points to the prodigious talents of Sebastian Giovinco, and a host of other promising starlets . 尽管如此,G。罗西并没有感到担心,他指出意大利队中也拥有乔文科等众多的天才球员。