a kiss

  • 网络一个吻;一次热吻;亲吻

a kissa kiss

a kiss


Chinese DVD 5 Script ... They are laughing. 他们笑. A kiss 一个吻 He gives a kiss. 他给一个吻. ...


迈克尔杰克逊的earth song歌词_百度知道 ... A touch 一下轻抚 a kiss 一次热吻 a whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意的低语 ...


Lauren... ... vulgar:marked by a lack of good breeding;boorish( 粗俗的,庸俗的) smooch:A kiss亲吻) chide: 斥责,责骂 ...


触不到的恋人... ... A kiss. 只是吻了一下 It was just one kiss with some random guy that just... 只是随便跟一个人吻了一下 ...


情系肯尼亚... ... “Can we see the animals?”( 我们能看到野兽吗?)她疑惑地悄声问道。 “A kiss.”( 亲个嘴。) “No way.”( …


求迈克尔杰克逊《危险》的中英文歌词!!!_百度知道 ... A touch 一下轻抚 A kiss 一次亲吻 A whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意 …


网友评论_Michael.Jackson ... ... 一个抚摸 A touch 一个香吻 A kiss 一句爱的低吟 A whisper of love ...

You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 你没有与我亲嘴,但这女人从我进来的时候就不住地用嘴亲我的脚;
In pity for the desolate side spring leaves to it a kiss that fluttered in a lonely leaf. 为了怜惜那荒凉的树枝,春天留给它曾在一片孤叶里震动过的一吻。
Perhaps, after millions of years of evolution, a kiss is not just a kiss? 或许,人类在经历了千万年的进化之后亲吻已经超越了吻的界限?
There was a line that a week before he would not have favored with a second thought - "God's own mad lover dying on a kiss" . 有一句诗在一周前他是不屑再想的——“上帝的情人发了狂,但求一吻便死去。”
it was just a kiss . and it ' s part of - the audience was there waiting for it. 那不过是一个吻而已。而且是观众们都在期待着的。
But as the picture was being set up, a boy in the back row turned to girl sitting next to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. 不过在拍好的照片中我们可以看到,坐在最后排的小男孩转向他旁边的女同学,在她的脸颊上亲了一口。
A mouse told his mother, "I will sail where the wind blows . " "Blow me a kiss, " Said his mother. 一个小鼠对他的妈妈说,“我将在和风的带动下航行。”“那带给我一个吻。”小鼠妈妈说。
A guy who's had a good feed and tanked up on good wine, giving his wife a kiss after supper and his day is over. Finished. 一个男人吃了一顿丰盛的宴席,灌足了美酒,晚饭后给他老婆一个吻,他这一天就报销了,结束了。
Next, a photo of the president placing a kiss on his wife's cheek after his address on health care to Congress. 另一张里总统在结束对国会有关医疗的演讲后亲吻了他妻子的额头。
Just as I was about to smile and ask for a kiss, he said, "Maybe we should take a break" and left. 我正要笑笑去吻他,他说:我们该歇歇了。然后就走了。
as the train began to leave , she stuck her head out the window and blew us all a kiss. 当火车开动的时候,她从窗户探出头,向我们所有人抛了个飞吻。
victoria probably won't be jealous in front of khon cause yah know, not trying to make it obvious that she wants a kiss too. ; D. 维多利亚很有可能不会在尼坤面前嫉妒的,因为她不想把她的想法(她也想要一个吻)弄得太过明显。;D。
When you gaze at me Drinking in my every feature I tremble with longing As you move in for a kiss. . . 当你静静注视着我,领略我的每个姿态,当你靠近意欲吻我,我满怀渴望地颤抖…
But she was also intrigued by the rhino stamp, barely a kiss of a postmark, and her address in caps. 不过她也对大写的地址和犀牛邮票感到好奇,因为上面几乎没有加盖邮戳。
When they've finished reading, Olivia's mother gives her a kiss and says, "You know, you really wear me out. But I love you anyway. " 当故事都讲完的时候,奥利维亚的妈妈亲了亲她说“你知道吗,你真是让我累晕了,但我还是很爱你。”
Mom walked by with tears in her eyes. I just waved and blew her a kiss. 妈妈双眼含泪走,我只挥了挥手,给了她飞吻。
Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen. 你们要用爱心彼此亲嘴问安。愿平安归与你们凡在基督里的人。
A kiss exceeds thousands of words. A light kiss can represent your care and love for her, so your red lips shouldn't be stinted any more. 一吻胜过千言万语,轻轻的一吻已能代表你惜她、爱护她,所以请不要吝啬你的红唇。
You know, " I said. " Like a kiss feels. It felt nice. The kiss felt very, very nice. “你知道的,就跟所有的吻一样。感觉很好,非常,非常好。”我说。
The arc is often the same: a period of calm, a growing crisis, a satisfying triumph against overwhelming odds, a kiss. 套路都是差不多这样:一段时间的平静,逐渐发展的危机,面对巨大的困难取得令人满意的胜利,一个吻。
At night, the studio catches fire, the giant walks out of the fire with the comatose beauty in his arms. The film ends with a kiss. 夜晚,片场发生火灾,长腿巨人抱着昏迷的美人从黑烟中缓缓走出,赢得了美人深情的一吻。
"I'm sure it can wait" she said and gave him a kiss near his mouth and started to caress him behind his neck. “我确定这事可以过会再说。”她在他唇边印下一吻,伸手轻抚他的后颈。
You did not even let me give a kiss to my sons and my daughters. This was a foolish thing to do. 连我的儿女你都不让我与他们吻别,你作的实在糊涂!
She smiled at him ruefully and came into his arms for a kiss. 她向他苦笑了一下,扑到他的怀里,让他吻了一下。
As if things are not bad enough, Miss Lavish published a second-rate romantic novel, and inside, a kiss scene on the top of an Italian hill! 好像事情还不够糟糕,拉维希小姐出版了一本二流言情小说,书已竟有一场在意大利的山上的吻戏!
The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer. 亲吻的声音是作为一门大炮,不是那么响亮,但其回声持续大量的时间。
They come together into a kiss and sink down on the bed of moss, and ripples of light spread out around them. 他们搂在一起彼此亲吻,沉入苔藓的床榻里,光的涟漪围绕着他们,向四周蔓延。
"He gave me a hug and a kiss and asked me where my snowman was, " she said. 黛比说:“他给了我一个拥抱和亲吻。还问我的雪人在哪里。”
Moving forward I applied myself to the front of her evening dress like a damp sponge and gave her a kiss. 我走上前去吻了她一下,就像一块湿漉漉的海绵粘在她的晚装上一样。
and she seemed to think that was the end of the matter, as she gave me a kiss straight from her innocent little heart. 她似乎觉得事情就这么解决了,并发自她天真的内心给了我一个吻。