a new day

  • 网络新的一天;崭新的一天;全新的一天

a new daya new day

a new day


地下摇滚-音乐分类-酷我音乐 ... 播放传奇( Legend) 新的一天( A New Day) 播放新的一天( A New Day) ...


人生百味 | 快乐英语网 | 第 2 页 ... 突然的改变 A Change in Lifestyle 崭新的一天 A New Day 教师的态度 Teacher Attitude ...


全新的一天》(A New Day)—拉斯维加斯的常驻演出,由席琳‧翁迪(Céline Dion)与其醉人歌声演绎。这项表演于5年间,每天 …


地下摇滚-音乐分类-酷我音乐 ... 新的一天( A New Day) 播放新的一天( A New Day) 天下( The Subcelestial) ...


时间空洞攻略 - 比克尔 ... 终章 向着新的一天 A new day dawns 二周目 新的日子 A new day 第六章 终结之日 The final day ...


... Love And Life And You And Me( 走在大街的女子) A New Day破晓) Home Again Without You( 爱上一个不回家的人…


...的冒险游戏,预计发行五部曲,而这里介绍的是首部曲「崭新一日A New Day)」。


谁知道这段歌词的意思英文翻译成... ... I was looking for 我曾经迷失,但我找到了我所寻找的 A new day 醒来吧,醒来迎接新的一

Paloma Blanca When the sun shines on the mountains, And the night is on the run, It's a new day, It's a new way, And I fly up to the sun. 白兰鸽当太阳照耀在高山上,黑夜已经消亡,这是新的一天,新的生活!我将飞向太阳。
But that a new day was coming up in an ancient land, of that there could be little doubt. 但是一个古老的中国正在进入一个崭新的时代,这一点是没有什么可以怀疑的了。
HEY SEXY. . . What a wonderful beginning to a new day with your thoughts feel my heart! 好啊亲爱的,你好,用你的思维来触摸我的心灵深处,这对于新一天是多么好的一个开始啊!
Walking in the road side, it seems to pedestrian traffic, and a new day begins, as in the past. 走在马路边,看来往的车辆行人,新的一天,一如既往地开始。
Every time you get out of bed and start a new day you are giving yourself a new opportunity for experience and learning. 每一次清晨醒来,开始新的一天,你都在给自己新的学习和经历的机会。
As the light sequences of dreams come to balance so will the dreams that humanity creates and all shall Segway into a new day ahead. 当梦想的光序列平衡时,人类创造的梦想也会平衡,而一切就会进入到前方全新的一天。
Let us begin a new day with a smile, it will be a good start at least! 用笑容开始每一天吧,至少这会是个好的开始!
It was the sign of a new day in my life. One more day in my life and one more day closer to my death, thought the tennis player. 这个网球员心里想著,啊,生命又丰富了一天,也多接近死亡一天。
Supporters of the Kansas-Nebraska bill celebrated their victory. They fired cannons as the city of Washington was waking to a new day. 堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案的支持者们庆祝他们的胜利,他们燃炮以示华盛顿城迎接新的一天的到来。
You begin a new day across the earth this year for the cycles are shifting once more. 你们将跨越地球开始新的日子,这一年将迎来新一轮的转变。
Do you wake up in the morning ready to greet a new day? 每天早上醒来的时候你准备好迎接新的一天了吗?。
I know the play draws to a close, the night was gradually calmed down, a new day about to begin, the heart of worried about my heart again. 我知道演奏即将结束,夜已渐渐趋于平静,新的一天即将开始,心的牵挂又一次涌上心头。
Although we were exhausted at the end of each day, we would become fully recharged after meditation, all set to begin a new day! 我们每天虽然都很累,但打坐之后,又能够以最佳状况开始一个新的一天!
Not unlike Barack Obama, he was elected with a mandate for change, promising a "new day and a new way" . 和巴拉克.奥巴马相似,他当选之后也肩负改变的职责,他曾经承诺“新时代,新方式”。
We hope that the karma from the era of Atlantis is completed upon and forgiven in the year ahead leading to the birth of a new day. 我们希望,来自亚特兰蒂斯时代的业力在来年结束并得到原谅,从而诞生一个崭新的明天。
Go to bed a little earlier than usual. The sooner a bad day ends, the sooner a new day can begin. 比平时早点上床睡觉。糟糕的一天越早结束,新的一天越早开始。
The sun is still bright, tomorrow is a new day Everything will be ok . . . 阳光仍旧明媚,明天又是崭新的一天一切会好起来的---lam…阳光依旧…
'Let's go, Sergeant, 'he said, and put on his hat again. 'Tomorrow is a new day. ' “咱们走,警官,”他说,然后戴上帽子。“明天是新的一天了。”
This will bring about a new dawn of a new day in which mankind shall move into harmony once again with I, Earth Mother. 这将带来新的一天新的曙光,在其中人类将移入与我地球母亲的再次和谐中。
I'm grateful for the dark night coming, no matter how failed I am today; a new day remains to wait for my exertion. 感谢黑夜的来临,我知道今天不论有多失败,全新的明天仍然等待我来证明自己。
The advent of a new day, in the face of life's choices, you probably will not do himself. 一个崭新的一天来临,面对生活的抉择,你可能会对自己说不行。
Tomorrow is a new day. If you believe yourself , you could be the stroller of life! 明天是新的一天。如果你相信自己,你可以是生活的主人!
TODAY IS A NEW DAY --Donna Levine Your tomorrows are as bright as you want to make them. 今天是新的一天----唐那·莱文你的明天充溢阳光,如你心中所想。
The next morning, you'll be more relaxed, refreshed, and ready for a new day at the home office. 第二天早上,你会更轻松,精神焕发,迎接在家工作的新的一天。
And then I lay down hoping to fall asleep quickly so my new day will hurry up and arrive. A new day with a brand new sun. 然后我躺下,希望能快点入睡,新的一天就能快点到来——拥有新生太阳的崭新的一天。
A new day is dawning, the long dark night recedes, the fresh winds of empowered change are blowing. 新一天的黎明已经来到,长久的黑暗已经褪去,被授权的改变如清新的云彩一样吹动着。
a human chain connecting a great and ancient civilization to the promise of a new day. 这是一群相信明天、有着伟大与古老文明传统的民众。
Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. 黑暗终会消失,崭新的一天定会来临,太阳也会散发更明亮的光芒。
For labourers, sleep is the time when the body re-generates health, preparing for a new day of work. 对于劳动者,睡眠正是让身体恢复健康,准备迎接另一个新的工作日。
Booth: Because, Bones, the sun will come up and tomorrow's a new day. 因为,Bones,太阳总会升起,明天还是全新的一天。