
美 [ˌeɪ bi ˈsi]英 [ˌeɪ biː ˈsiː]
  • n.字母表;入门;基础知识
  • abbr.(=American Broadcasting Company)美国广播公司
  • 网络美国广播公司(American Broadcasting Company);澳大利亚广播公司(Australian Broadcasting Corporation);作业成本法(Activity-Based Costing)




1.字母表(尤指儿童学习的全部字母)all the letters of the alphabet, especially as they are learnt by children

2.(某学科的)基础知识,入门the basic facts about a subject

美国广播公司(American Broadcasting Company)

美国广播公司(ABC)可以通过给客户终止本协议,十(10)个工作日内通知已用挂号信,如果客户违约在其支付给美国广播公司(ABC) …

澳大利亚广播公司(Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

澳大利亚广播公司ABC)有4个电台网,通过州和地区首府的制作传送设备向全国播放非商业性广播和电视节目,并为边远地 …

作业成本法(Activity-Based Costing)

作业成本法ABC):一种新的成本核算方式(王广宇 丁华明) (2012/3/30 0:00) 一次难忘的项目经历 从编码到架构 (2012/3/30 0…

中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)


有关“确定表元的数据来源于报表系统自身取数”叙述正确的ABC) 。报表审核公式是报表数据之间关系的检查公式,主要 …

"This was not a switchboard number of any kind, " she told ABC News, "it was a secret number at the highest security level. " 她对ABCnews说,那并不是什么总机号码,那是一个最高安全级别的秘密电话号码。
That turned out to be ABC's undoing, as the network eventually plummeted in ratings due to lack of new programming. 节目最终因缺乏创新导致收视率暴跌而被ABC撤销。
Aziz is survived by his wife, two daughters, and mother, and Yousuf by his fiancee, mother, and siblings, ABC said. 遇害的Aziz撇下了他的妻子,两个女儿和老母亲。Yousuf则永远离开了他的未婚妻,母亲,和他的兄弟姐妹们。
Finally we reached the glacier plateau, and a few minutes later we entered ABC. The circle had been closed. 最后我们到达冰河台阶,几分钟后我们进入ABC营地。不用再回转了,一切都结束了!
Yahoo is really more of an aggregator of news and their partnership with ABCNews makes them just a shill for that network and its coverage. 雅虎绝不仅仅对新闻进行简单的堆砌。他们和美国广播公司(ABC)的合作让他们更像这个网站和报道的托儿。
Over the last two years, the use of ABC to start a new diesel engine start method has been gradually began to apply the design of DEF. 近两年,采用ABC启动柴油机的新型启动方式已经逐步在DEF的设计中开始应用。
"They were hard to make, taking a year or more, but outperformed all other bows, " ABC Science quoted him as saying. 它们很难被制作出来,需要花费一年甚至更多。但是比其他类型的弓箭都要好。
It's as easy as ABC to know how much you spent for example on business meal or how much you paid in cash during some date range. 它的一样容易为ABC知道您花了多少钱,例如对业务的用膳或多少,您所支付的现金,在一些日期范围。
"But what we expect to see . . . is an economy that's gradually healing, " he said on ABC television. “但我们预计将会看到…经济在逐步康复。”他在美国广播公司(ABC)电视说。
First lessons in any subject are usually designed to make you think the whole course is going to be as easy as ABC. 任何学科的开头几课通常都写得让人人感到整个课程是很好学的。
She came out on her ABC sitcom "Ellen" and in Time magazine in 1997, and she became active in the Trevor Project. 她出名于ABC的连续剧“艾伦”并在1997年出现在《时代》杂志,她在“特雷弗”项目中表现活跃。
Musole said he thought he could solve the mystery if he could interview members of the ABC team and Mark and Delia Owens. 穆索莱说,如果他能够和美国广播公司摄制组的成员和欧文斯夫妇面谈的话,他想他可以解开谜团。
The earlier use of an assigned priority for the ABC production was a little bit of a hack, I confess. 我承认,前面ABC结果所使用的指定优先级有些不太正统。
My most likely internal successor at the moment is Bob Iger, Disney's president and chief operating officer, who used to run ABC. 目前,公司最有可能接替我位子的人是迪斯尼总裁兼首席营运官鲍勃•伊格尔(BobIger)。他曾负责美国广播公司(ABC)。
The children at ABC Preschool & Kindergarten in Woodside don't know it, but as of this week they're being trained by an Olympic medalist. 约ABC幼儿园(ABCPreschool&Kindergarten)的孩子不知道从本周起他们的老师成为了一名奥运会奖牌获得者。
I decided to try to design a simple scripting language that possessed some of ABC's better properties, but without its problems. 我决定,想办法设计一门简单的脚本语言,它将拥有ABC的优点,但却没有继承它的缺点。
Guido van Rossum : What made the lack of file support in the ABC language worse was that it wasn't easy to extend ABC. GuidovanRossum:让ABC里的缺位的文件支持雪上加霜的是,要扩展ABC语言并非易事。
Earlier, investigative sources told ABC News the bill might be coated with what appeared to be the residue of a recreational drug. 较早时,ABC的记者从调查人员那里得知,账单上可能会有兴奋剂的残留物。
Implementation of an ABC system needs to be justified on a cost-benefit basis, just as with any other investment. 与任何一项投资一样,实施“作业成本法”系统需要遵循成本-效益分析原则。
If it seems like a lot of fuss over a TV show, you've never tuned in to the ABC Family series, currently in its first season. 现在这部剧有很多支持者,你以前可能不会看ABC的家庭剧,现在还只是第一季。
David Plouffe, a White House adviser, told ABC yesterday it was not clear if there would be enough House Republicans to get a deal through. 白宫顾问DavidPlouffe昨天告诉ABC记者说还不确定众议院是否有足够的共和党议员支持这个协议。
ABC Company has always been a pleasant and reliable firm to do business with. 公司作为贸易伙伴,经常是愉快而可信的公司。
Thank ABC Inc. in New York, you know, I hope to establish business relations with you. 感谢纽约的ABC公司得知贵公司,希望与你建立业务关系。
ABC reporters across the city are beginning to hear the word "terrorism. " 该市的美国广播公司记者们开始听到“恐怖主义”这个词。
Ironically, had the employees been wearing orange as a form of protest, it would have been illegal to fire them, ABC News reports. 讽刺的是,根据美国广播公司新闻网报道,即使这些员工穿橙色衣服是一种抗议形式,解雇他们也是违法的。
In fact, ABC News tried a version of this at least once before in the run up to an election year, partnering with Facebook in 2007. 事实上,美国广播公司新闻网也尝试过往这个方向发展,至少我们可以回想起它此前曾在美国大选之年2007年和Facebook合作过。
On ABC's This Week, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said the president's initial response was timid and passive. 共和党参议员格雷厄姆在美国广播公司“本周”节目上说,总统起初的回应是胆怯和被动的。
I had an appointment with the Vice President of ABC company, but it turned out to be a no show. 我和ABC公司的副总裁有约,但他让我空等了。
An American-born-Chinese mother of three living in the U. S. who got on Twitter for her marketing job. 三个小孩的ABC(在美出生成长的华人)母亲,上推做她的营销工作。
R is the set of all points within the triangle ABC which are nearer to B than to A and whose distance from C is less than CB. R是所有点的集合,在三角进攻里都更接近到B美国广播公司(ABC)的距离比一个,从C小于CB。